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THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This framework was developed by using the theory of Sister Callista Roy for changing individual

behavior and knowledge translation. As the framework shows, the adaptation theory of Roy used adaptive responses that promote integrity in terms of the goals of the human system, that is, survival, growth, reproduction, mastery, and personal and environmental transformation. It involves physiologic mode that maintain physical integrity, self concept-group identity that maintain psychic integrity, and social integrity emphasized the role function and interdependence. Using this theory involving the coping responses, will led to promote the respective adaptation to stimuli that influence an individuals ability to cope with the environment that lessen the possibilities of physical, psychological and social behavior. Roy's models see the person as "a biopsychosocial being in constant interaction with a changing environment". In her initial explication of the model, Roy defined the environment as all conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development and behavior of persons and groups. It was noted that the environment has both internal and external components, and is constantly changing. She also sees that the person is an open, adaptive system who uses coping skills to deal with stressor. As one of the health care providers, Roy believed that nursing is needed when unusual stressors or weakened coping mechanisms make the persons usual attempts to cope ineffectively

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