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Course Guide

Presentation Skills
Course Outline: Why do some people present better than others? What are the criteria for ensuring a successful presentation? How do you keep your audience interested and receptive to your presentation? How do you overcome sweaty palms and nervous laughter? This program will cover these and other questions asked by inexperienced speakers. It will provide information and techniques which will assist in overcoming the anxiety of delivering presentations. Designed for: People whose role calls for them to make speeches, present reports or proposals, briefing sessions or conference papers. Course Content: understanding principles of communication; researching and planning a presentation; managing nerves; identifying the audience; using aids in presentation; and developing physical control voice, breathing and presence. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, participants will acquire skills in planning and preparing presentations. They will be able to target their audience, and organise their presentation appropriately. Each participant will have an understanding of how physical controls (breathing, vocal levels, dress etc.) will enable them to optimise their presentation skills.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 1 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Course Outline: This two day course will provide participants with the opportunity to update and enhance their skills for leadership roles.

Designed for: People holding or moving into leadership roles. Course Content: defining leadership; personal preferences and styles; leadership models and capabilities; leading and managing organisations; high performance leadership; and managing change and people issues in managing change. Course Outcomes: As a result of this course, participants will return to the workplace with a clearer perspective of the components and steps necessary for improved staff performance through effective leadership Award: Participants will be awarded an RMIT Certificate of Participation.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 2 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Relationship Building
Objectives: This course will help you master the basic rules of developing long-lasting relationships that can be tapped for business as well as provide the skills how to set up work plan and to develop a relationship with customers. This course will leverage your own skills while introducing ideas and strategies that can improve the quality and quantity of your relationships Course Content: Introduction about relationship building Basic rules of building relationships Where and who to connect with The importance of being prepared before you connect with others Relationship marketing Long-term selling

Who will benefit Staffs who work for Sales, Customer Service department and those who interested in developing relationship building skills. Award: Participants will be awarded an RMIT Certificate of Participation.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 3 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Business Planning Skills

Course Outline: Nowadays, in order to manage well in a fiercely competitive business environment, entrepreneur needs to learn the skills of having a strong will as well as the ability to risk money and security in a safe way with a never, never quit attitude. This course will equip the participants the skills in writing an efficient business plan which will ensure the achievement of business objectives. Designed for: Individuals who involve in the entire strategic and tactical planning process - from mission statements to project plans; Managers and supervisors who are responsible for the planning and operation of their organisation; Staff members who develop and implement the objectives and project plans that flow from the strategic planning process. Course Content: Know the strategic planning cycle and process Establish realistic strategic and tactical planning windows Know the vision and corporate mission statements Conduct a strategic analysis Create long-term objectives and priorities Set short-term goals consistent with higher level plans Develop viable project plans, schedules and budgets Obtain commitment from key personnel Adopt effective review and follow-up procedures

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 4 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Value Selling
Objectives: Communicating value represented by your product(s) goods and/or services to your clients. Selling on price is an approach which usually leaves the seller with a low margin and the buyer with inadequate value for money. Even if your product does truly represent value for money, buyers will often not appreciate the extent of the value unless it is demonstrated to them. Clients who understand the real value will respect and pay a premium for the value. In addition, you are building a relationship and establishing a long-term, loyal, client base.

Course Content: Overview of professional selling techniques Suitable markets and strategies for value selling Value verses Price Sources of value Dollarisation of value Financial tools to demonstrate value, now and through the product lifetime Communication of value

Who will benefit Salespeople with some experience/training in professional selling techniques. Most suitable for salespeople selling differentiated, niche, high volume or high value goods/services. Also useful for management or from any type of selling background. Also management or non-sales personnel requiring a greater sales awareness

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 5 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Delegation & Motivation Skills

Summary This course aims to equip management staff with an understanding of how best to implement the process of delegation to ensure the effective functioning of your department and participants will be equipped with an understanding of how to elicit the co-operation of staff and direct their performance to achieving the goals and objectives of the organisation. Course Outline: Dimensions of, approaches to, and process of delegation Contingency theories and appropriate delegation Benefits of delegation Dangers of delegation The need for control Systematic approach to delegation Delegation, stress and time management The meaning of motivation Needs & expectations at work Changing concepts of motivation at work Varying influences on motivation at work Content theories (what motivates people) v. process theories (actual process of motivation) Implications for managers of expectancy theories Equity, goal and attribution theories of motivation Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course participants will have gained insights, skills and competencies that will enable them to: explain dimensions of, and approaches to, delegation examine the process of delegation and the nature of the manager-subordinate relationship identify the benefits and dangers of delegation to the manager and subordinate staff assess why managers fail to delegate and other factors influencing opportunities for delegation explain the need for a balance between delegation and management control detail a planned and systematic approach to delegation appreciate the importance of successful delegation to the effective performance of the organisation explain the meaning & underlying concept of motivation identify main types of needs and expectations of people at work outline different approaches to work motivation explain the nature of different theories of motivation explain the main theories of motivation and evaluate their relevance to particular work situations appreciate the complex nature of work motivation Award: RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 6 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide
Participants will be awarded an RMIT Certificate of Participation.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 7 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Handling Complaints and Conflicts

Summary We all experience conflict in our lives. This course explores ways of managing situations of conflict to achieve desirable outcomes for all. Learn how to analyse different styles of conflict management used both in the workplace and in the home and how to expand your own repertoire of styles. The workshop will have a practical emphasis using workplace scenarios to enhance participants conflict management skills. This course is suitable for people at all levels who want to increase their confidence and improve their ability in managing conflict. Course Outline: Effective conflict management framework Managing emotions with emotional intelligence (EI) Understanding conflict. Individual conflict management propensities Strategies for managing conflict Identifying situations for particular strategies Active listening and questioning techniques Negotiating through compromise and collaboration Assertiveness skills Reaching resolution Deliver a quality service solution. Course Outcomes: At the completion of this course, participants should be able to: Understand how personal and cultural beliefs, attitudes, values and views influence behaviour Identify conflict management styles of the individual and others Accurate determination of the needs of self and others Develop skills to positively resolve conflict Develop ethical and effective influencing techniques Develop negotiating skills to achieve win-win solutions.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 8 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Performance Management
Overall Aim: Participants will gain both an overview and techniques to examine and instigate permanent performance management systems in the workplace. Training Strategy: Again participants will be engaged in case studies. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Demonstrate that effective management of individual performance rests on managing the performance cycle (ongoing performance, planning, support and review); Appreciate that performance appraisal is best carried out under the direction of the immediate manager but is enhanced by information from other parties; Appreciate there is conflict in many appraisal systems with the manager acting as both judge and helper; Understand that performance management systems are linked to organisational objectives and a more holistic view of performance rather than just cover appraisal activity; Realise effective performance management requires careful planning and implementation; Appreciate the power of informal performance management.

Course Content: Performance Cycle Performance Appraisal Establishing Appraisal Criteria Performance Management Systems Relationship Between Performance Management & Other HRM Processes

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 9 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

How to Plan and Execute a Media Campaign

Course Outline: This is a very practical program, where participants will actually plan a media campaign on behalf of their employing organisation in the skills acquisition process, and participants will also be able to monitor and maintain functional constant liaison with appropriate media people. Course Content: Critical evaluation of your own organisation with a view to constructing a media campaign Preparing material for publicity Nature of the local and regional media Relationships with the media Designing media and publicity campaigns Measuring the intangible review and revise Course Outcomes: At the end of this program participants will be able to; Demonstrate an ability to clearly and critically articulate media and public relation strategies to enhance the profile of your organisation. Demonstrate an in-depth awareness of your organisations goals and ambitions and how far it goes in fulfilling both of those objectives Confidently identify success stories within your organisation. Effectively research the background to such success stories and produce relevant data to emphasise that success, and to effectively use that information at a public or media forum. Succinctly summarise a debate/discussion, revealing sensitivity to social, cultural and political issues. Write and deliver effective speeches, overviews, background briefings etc. tailored for public consumption that further enhances the image of your organisation Research and write effective press releases, and effectively distribute them to the media. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the differing roles and operations of the domestic and international media based in Vietnam. Understand the on going tension between notions of public relations & public interest Demonstrate an ability to effectively target a select audience by selecting the appropriate media to work through. Demonstrate the ability to confidently initiate contact, and effectively react to contact with the mass media. Understand the principals involved in cultivating media contacts in the interests of your organisation Display an ability to effectively handle media questions, whether by telephone, face-to-face or written contact, either directly or by seeking an appropriate authority from within your organisation to assist with such queries. Demonstrate the ability to understand the basics of designing broad media campaigns on specific issues. How to plan and organise successful events like press conferences, public seminars, background briefings for the media. RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 10 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide
Demonstrate the ability to review the effectiveness of media contacts and media campaigns.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 11 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Influencing, Persuasion & Negotiation Skills

Overall course aims Participants will develop a wide range of techniques to be able to effectively influence, persuade, negotiate and meet with other people within and without their organisation, including senior management, peer groups and subordinates, and clients, allies and prospective partners. Skills imparted will also cover the effective chairing of meetings and general presentation skills. Training strategy Participants will have to research a position, or case study, to continually use as they pass through each skills acquisition phase in this subject. They will therefore continually be asked to demonstrate the newly acquired skills, using as much as possible real work situations they can identify where such skills are needed. Lectures, role play, discussion groups, video and demonstration will be employed throughout the course. Overall learning outcomes At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the effect of influencing & persuasion strategies in the workplace Influence senior management; Influence peer groups and subordinates; Influence clients and potential allies Understand the advantages of effective networking within and beyond a police organisational culture both at a national and international level Calmly deal with resistance and conflict within the workplace Create rapport and shared visions within work teams Display improved meeting and communicative skills Be people-centred and not goal focused Chair and lead a meeting Open and summarise the main point in a meeting Present ideas in a convincing manner Negotiate and obtain a consensus in a meeting Display enhanced negotiation skills including strategic planning and delivery Course Content Introduction to persuasion skills Introduction to influencing Successful influencing Results with people Negotiating Skills

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 12 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Train the Trainers

Course Outline: This course examines the contribution that training can make to the development of work practices in organisations. It aims to give participants an understanding of the training process and training techniques as well as developing skills in evaluating training and conducting training needs analyses. Designed for: Managers, Team Leaders, Trainers and those interested in developing training knowledge and skills. Course Content: Definition and importance of training; Approaches to learning and the implications for training; Stages of the training cycle; Instructional techniques for group and one-to-one training; Training plans; Practical implementation of training; and Evaluating training.

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the importance of training to meet business objectives; Describe the approaches to learning and the implications for training; State the stages of the training cycle and the key issues at each stage; and Select and utilise suitable training techniques for group and one-to-one training.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 13 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Team Leadership
Overall Aim: This program is designed for people who are or have just been appointed to team leader, middle-management or supervisory roles. Through exploring the varied aspects of the managerial role, this program is designed to help participants develop the skills to move easily and efficiently into their new position Course Content: Demonstrate an understanding of a supervisors roles and functions Identify different functions of leadership within organisational management Implement different supervisory leadership styles according to employee motivations and workplace needs for a customer-focused environment Know how and when to use effective instructional techniques for group and oneto-one training with employees to maximise performance Identify and build an inventory of tools and techniques to become an effective situational supervisor Recognize problem areas and develop techniques to proactively resolve problems Identify and assess employee strengths and use appropriate delegation tactics Use reinforcement and motivational techniques to optimise employee productivity Demonstrate an understanding of conflict management and negotiation skills and integrate these into managerial roles Course Outcomes: Participants will gain a better working understanding of what their role and responsibilities are as a supervisor through effective leadership skills, problem solving abilities, and delegation and employee motivation techniques. Award: Participants will be awarded an RMIT Certificate of Participation.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 14 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Creative Problem Solving

Course Outline: This two day program will provide participants with the knowledge and enhanced skills to become effective problem solvers capable of applying analytical and creative problem solving techniques. Designed for: Both employers and employees from all areas and levels of business will benefit from learning creative problem solving techniques. Course Content: Recognising and defining problems; Analysing problems; Developing possible solutions; Evaluating solutions; Implementing chosen solutions; and Evaluating results for future improvement. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: List steps in the problem solving process; Identify reasons why problem solving can fail; Define problems accurately; Identify various models that can be used in the analysis stage; Use the steps in creative and lateral thinking solution development; Use various techniques for generating ideas for solutions; Use steps in the evaluation process of chosen solutions; Develop an action plan to implement the chosen solution

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 15 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Strategic Marketing
Course Outline: Participants will acquire skills to systematically develop a marketing strategy around price & product and promotion & place. Course Content: Environmental analysis: o o o Internal Micro Macro

SWOT analysis Porter, BCG & GE analysis Price & Product Promotion & Place

Course Outcomes: At the end of this program participants will be able to; Base a marketing strategy on features of a product or service Price for profit but also be able to accommodate discounts Differentiate a product or service from those of competitors Design and plan promotional tactics Appreciate the important link between sales and distribution Initiate internet marketing ideas Use the website for both marketing and customer sales

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 16 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Effective Meeting Skills

Overall course aims Participants will develop a wide range of meeting techniques to be able to effectively influence & persuade other people, from both within and without your organisation, and either as chairpersons or participants. Training strategy Participants will continually be asked to demonstrate the newly acquired skills, using as much as possible real work situations they can identify where such skills are needed. Role play and discussion groups will be concentrated on during the training. Overall learning outcomes At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the effect of influencing & persuasion strategies in the workplace Influence senior management, peer groups & subordinates Influence clients and customers Display improved meeting and communicative skills Be people-centred and not goal focused Chair and lead a meeting Open and summarise the main points in a meeting Present ideas in a convincing manner Negotiate and obtain a consensus in a meeting Display a knowledge of lobbying techniques for gaining influence as a meeting participant Demonstrate an ability to be assertive but not dominating as a meeting participant Know when to intervene if a chair person is proving not effective Be a pro-active participant in meetings Stick to the point in making a point

Course Content Introduction to Persuasion & Influencing skills Chairing Meetings Participating in Meetings

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 17 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Selling Through Distributors

Course Outline: Participants will acquire the skills to make strategic decisions on behalf of their company regarding how that company should distribute its goods and services to customers or clients. Course Content: What is a channel of distribution? The role of wholesalers, merchant wholesalers and retailers Advantages of distributors compared to selling directly to consumers Inventory control The 21st century future of wholesaling and retailing Course Outcomes: At the end of this program participants will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding that channel planning requires decisions regarding the degree of market exposure sought by a company Understand that a channel of distribution is to make possible the transfer of ownership and/or possession of a product Determine how quickly and under what conditions goods get to the customer Understand the difference between wholesalers, merchant wholesalers and agent intermediaries Select suitable wholesalers and retailers, or e-commerce, for your product

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 18 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Practical HR Management
Aim: This training has been designed for people currently working in Human Resources. The intent of the training is to provide a complete understanding of the linkages between the multiple functions of HR, the contribution to organisational performance, and (most importantly), how to undertake each function. Learning Outcomes: Each participant will understand the purpose, the importance and be able to perform/prepare all of the following: HR Policy and Procedures Job Analysis Job Design Job Descriptions Person Specifications Selection Criteria Recruitment Strategy Selection Techniques o Testing Options o Behavioural Interviewing (SAO & STAR) o Referee Verification Inductions Induction Performance Plans Induction Performance Reviews Career Planning and Talent Management Annual Performance Planning and Reviews Remuneration o Rationale o Principles Training Needs Analysis

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 19 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Professional Telephone Skills

Course Outline Participants in this one day course will learn essential communication skills for the telephone, call management techniques, skills to manage difficult callers, time management and the telephone and stress reducing techniques. Designed for People who need to develop the necessary skills and techniques required to create a professional telephone approach and would benefit from the confidence to deal with a wide range of clients. Course Content Clear and direct speech Varied voice tone Relax and smile Listen and take notes Qualify information Use examples Sit straight and comfortable Think like the customer Ask questions Listen for ideas in words Be sincere Course Outcomes After attending this seminar, participants will: begin telephone service interactions in a way that demonstrates their professionalism and eagerness to serve obtain complete, accurate information supply clear, relevant information exceed customer and client expectations manage distressed telephone callers enhance the quality of service interactions by highlighting the positive aspects conclude service interactions on a positive note with mutual understanding identify ways to distinguish them through the service they provide

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 20 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Customer Service Skills

Summary This course is aimed at providing participants with the knowledge and skills to understand the concept of service, and equip them with strategies to provide consistent quality service and exceed customer expectations. Course Outline: What is service? (part 1) Communication o Working in a multi-cultural environment What is service? (part 2) o The Seven Segments of Customer Service Identify how service relates to customer satisfaction Understand the importance of providing quality service o Survival or Service? o Long term relationships o Customers are not statistics o Customer friendly systems The principles of exceptional customer service The impact of customer service on organisational reputation Devise personal action plans to improve current levels of customer service Designed for: Staffs who work for Sales, Customer Service department and those who interested in developing customer service skills. Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course participants will have gained insights, skills and competencies that will enable them to: Identify characteristics perspectives of exceptional customer service from multiple

Successfully manage customer relationships Improve communication and interaction with internal and external customers Exceed customers' expectations Enhance the reputation of the organisation through daily work practices

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 21 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Multicultural Skills
Overall aim: Participants will acquire more fully developed multicultural skills to allow them to operate more effectively as interviewers, interpreters and translators for organisation. Training methodology & overview of course structure: Participants will engage in continual discussion, exploration and role play situations based on their own working environments. Key points will be emphasised on film or by demonstration. Documents exploring multicultural issues will be deconstructed, and at all times each participant will be asked to dwell on their own culture as it relates to similar points in other cultures. Course outcomes: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: display an awareness of the cultural differences in an East Asian, Asian and East-West context that affects interpersonal and communication skills display more confidence in their dealings with work colleagues and clients based on those multicultural factors display greater empathy with clients communicate more effectively with colleagues and clients from other clients Course content: Cultural Forces Cultural Forces at Work Cultural Forces in Conflict Resolving Conflicting Cultural Forces in the Workplace Body Language and Verbal Skills

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 22 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Project Management
Course Outline: This three day course provides participants with the theory and practical tools and techniques required to deliver project outcomes safely, on time, within budget and defined quality parameters. Participants are encouraged to bring details of current projects to assist with design and planning activities. Designed for: The course is designed for any individual responsible for managing or participating in project activities. Course Content: The role of the project manager The project management life-cycle The role of project stakeholders Controlling the collection and dissemination of project information Managing project communications Establishing project goals and objectives Constructing a project brief Planning and scheduling the project objectives (within parameters of safety, time, cost and quality) Reporting on interim and final project results Monitoring control and evaluation and Leading project teams Course Outcomes: Participants will develop the skills and knowledge required to undertake the role of project manager.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 23 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Frontline Management
Course Outline: Managing the transition to team supervisor or manager from being one of the team is a challenge at the best of times. Through exploring the varied aspects of the managerial role, this program is designed to help participants develop the skills to move easily and efficiently into their new position. Designed for: The program is designed for people who are or have just been appointed to team leader, middle-management or supervisory roles and who would benefit from training to assist them in this role. Course Content: Communication skills Leadership and motivation Team building Interpersonal relationships Performance management skills Dealing with conflict in the workplace Course Outcomes: Participants will be able to identify themselves within the supervisory role. They will understand basic areas on which they need to focus and will develop practical skills to assist them in this role.

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 24 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Change Management Skills

Overall aim: Participants will acquire the necessary practical skills and key understanding of the issues involved to effectively lead a production process change client company. Training methodology & overview of course structure: Participants will engage in continual discussion, exploration and role play situations based on their own working environments. Key points will be emphasised on film or by demonstration. Participants will continually be asked to relate and examine each section to the company system and how it will apply to their own company, and to the old or existing production system in their company. Course outcomes: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Sell the vision of the change to all personnel Display an awareness and empathy to the effects the proposed change will have on all sections of personnel Plan and initiate a change process that takes into account this awareness and empathy Plan and effect a change process that allows employees to have a participating role and become a part of the evolving process of change Plan and effect a change process that allows employees at all levels to contribute to finding gaps in the new system and suggesting solutions Effectively address anticipated communication problems Course Outline: Why is identifying the change important? Identifying the need for change What is the vision? What are the components of the vision? An organisational design process Plotting the course Defining the blueprint Organisational design models Making the transition

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 25 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

English Courses
For all levels from beginner to advanced Overall course aim: General English courses are designed for adult learners through six levels from Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate to Advanced. Participants learn to communicate effectively and more fluently in everyday English, pronunciation and grammar, together with reading and writing skills for work, and social situations. Overall course strategy: Based on the English level of students, each course can be completed within 14 to 24 units through a multi-syllabus, communicative approach highlighting verb forms through the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing as well as grammar and pronunciation. Topics are selected from many different sources. Students are actively involved in understanding the rules governing use of the language, both spoken and written. Course structure: Over the courses, students cover areas Vocabulary building- leads learners into the day's topic Reading- newspapers, textbooks, advertisements, internet Writing- graph analysis, diaries, reports, team writing, instructions, essays Listening- Including tapes, CDs, television Speaking- focus on pronunciation/intonation/gesture & body language Grammar- ties in with writing exercises Focus on conversation, including: role-plays, group discussions, interviews, surveys, board games and text based activities Course outcome: At the end of the above courses, students will be able to Build on the language and skills learned at certain level, handle everyday exchanges with more confidence and effectiveness Communicate effectively with native speakers on personal and factual topics Write effective in different expository styles, with a high degree of accuracy and appropriacy. They should be able to take up positions with companies where knowledge of English is a prerequisite Course length: 120 hours per level

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 26 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide

Overall course aim:
Participants will have their English and general communication skills enhanced to the point where they can more effectively serve the interests of their clients/guests while at the same time better serve the companys interests. They particularly will be able to cope more professionally with complaints and problems by having their communicative, negotiation, cross-cultural awareness and report writing skills enhanced.

Overall course strategy:

There will be a unique combination of hospitality English skills and general basic communication skills being taught at the same time. The focus will always be on case studies applicable to employees at the company to underline the skills acquisition process, while each module of the course will be continually reinforced with role play, simulation exercises and report writing exercises. A special vocabulary will be built into each module. There will be continual assessment. There will also be a final assessment test at the end of each unit.

Course structure:
This course has been designed with both the special skill needs, and the busy work schedules, of company employees in mind. Therefore it is so structured that employees can undertake to participate in all, one, or any number of the five units the course has been divided into. They are General Communication Skills; Knowing & Selling Your Company, City, Country and Region; Servicing Your Clients; Report & Note Taking Skills and Difficult Situations. The modules have been sequenced to begin with a general awareness of broad communication skills. Then the modules begin concentrating on specific issues for the company, and finish on communicative techniques in English to handle difficult clients and guests. The number of hours allocated to each module is influenced by both the complexity and importance of that topic. However, participants will be encouraged at any stage to bring into the course relevant particular issues or problems in their work that can be immediately workshopped by the group, even if it means occasionally changing the sequence of the modules for a lesson or two.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Demonstrate an awareness of improved basic customer service skills as affected by enhanced communication skills and cultural sensitivities Create a professional and competent impression of the company Calmly and professionally handle guests complaints Effectively apologise for any company shortfalls in service Negotiate effective refusals to various guest requests without causing loss of face Deploy effective active listening skills to avoid potential misunderstandings Write simple and effective reports in English for guests to understand Take messages for guests and write them down effectively in English Demonstrate an awareness of cultural differences that exist among guests Participate in effective decision-making in customer-focused problem solving Sensitively approach guests with bad news Delicately delegate tasks to appropriate colleagues in front of clients to solve service difficulties

Course length: 120 hours RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 27 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide


Overall course aim: The course will concentrate on developing the skills of business writing using authentic models of business English from a wide variety of authentic sources such as 'The Financial Times' and other business magazines and books, real company documents and websites. Overall course strategy: The students practice the most common and essential structures and functions in business English as the basis of introducing the skills necessary to create understandable accurate writing. Students use up to date business topics and issues to introduce them to the current usage of business English. This includes language and vocabulary revision in all areas with particular emphasis on the tense system. Also covered will be the areas on: linking words and phrases, idiomatic expressions and common slang expressions. Also included will be proof reading activities to improve English language writing ability. Proof reading will concentrate on identifying common errors in writing with the aim of having students develop skills in proof reading all written forms in English. This leads to a greater accuracy in writing ability. Course structure: Over the course students will cover areas of business writing: writing a memo - rules and format writing e-mails writing a fax creating written documents from notes planning a written document structuring the document - selecting and organising concluding and recommending using correct punctuation using relative clauses - complex sentences using cohesive devices using graphs and statistics Students will complete several written documents during the course and may create a document based on in-house material in the final week of the course. Course outcome: At the end of the course, students will be able to: create, design and complete a written document select and organise material accurately use appropriate English language style use accurate English structures and vocabulary Course length: 60 hours Level requirement: Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 28 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide


Overall course aim:
The course will concentrate on developing the skills of report writing using authentic models of reports as the basis of introducing the skills necessary to create efficient and readable reports.

Overall course strategy:

Students will be taken through the report layout and introduced to the types of report format using, where possible, in-house authentic material. The approach to learning is task based meaning that students will engage in activities leading to the development of the skills of report reading and writing. Also included will be language revision and proof reading activities to improve English language writing ability. This will concentrate on the accurate use of the verb forms in English - verbs being the central point of sentences. Common expressions used in report writing will also be identified. Proof reading will concentrate on identifying common errors in writing with the aim of having students develop skills in proof reading all written forms in English.

Course structure:
Over the course students will cover areas of report writing: purpose of the report - terms of reference content of the report collecting and selecting information structure and organisation - clear signposting and layout use of graphical information transferring graphical information to written form organisation of relevant information into a logical order language and style presenting the findings in a appropriate style concluding the report and making recommendations Running parallel with the above will be revision of written and spoken English with activities such as proof reading, rewriting of sentences, paragraph development and summarising. Students will complete several written reports during the course and may create a report based on in-house material in the final week of the course.

Course outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to: create, design and complete a written report select and organise material use appropriate English language style use accurate English structures and vocabulary

The teacher will work closely with the students to ensure that the material presented is relevant to the needs of the students.

Course length: 40 hours Level requirement: Intermediate and Upper Intermediate

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 29 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide


Overall course aim: RMIT International University Vietnam's Technical English Course is for adult learners working in technical jobs in an international context: In-work learners who are technicians, engineers, supervisors, or team leaders; people who need to communicate with co-workers (frequently also non-native users of English) about very practical technical subjects installations, working practices, processes, problems, etc; people who need to communicate by e-mail, make telephone calls, and read and understand manuals written in English. In summary, people whose main aim is to communicate effectively in English to get the job done. Overall course strategy: All four skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - as well as pronunciation and intonation are integrated into every lesson to provide interesting and learnerenhanced activities. Overall course structure New language and vocabulary (technical and general English) is introduced clearly and logically to help learners to start communicating immediately. Short practical speaking tasks enable new learners to use new language in situations such as: Explaining purpose Giving instructions Describing what things do Role play exercises also involve students using the language learnt in practical every day activities. Attention is paid to grammatical accuracy in written and spoken English together with appropriate tone and body language. Areas covered include*: Revision of the numbering and measuring system in English Technical / Engineering Vocabulary with associated exercises Language of instruction and procedures Actual syllabi are tailored to the specific needs of the client once a TNA (Training Needs Analysis) has been completed together with an English Language Placement Test (ELPT).

Course length: 150 hours Level requirement: Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 30 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide


Course Aim: Participants will have their English and general communication skills enhanced to the point where they can more effectively serve the interests of their clients/guests while at the same time better serve the interests of the organisation. Their communication skills will not only be enhanced by improved conversational English but also by improving cross-cultural awareness and body language and effective listening skills. Training Strategy: There will be a unique combination of banking & finance English and general basic communication skills being taught at the same time. The focus will always be on speaking and listening skills, and case studies applicable to employees of the organisation. Each module of the course will be continually reinforced with role play and simulation exercises. A special vocabulary will be built into each module. It is necessary for the participants to bring in case studies from their work, and to assist in the building of relevant vocabulary exercises for each unit. Participants will undertake assessment exercises during and in the final stages of the training program. However they will continually be assessed, and self-assessed, throughout the course. Course Structure: The modules are to be taught over a period of 150 hours. The course will begin with creating an awareness of required broad communication skills in general then the modules will begin concentrating on specific banking & investment issues. However participants will be encouraged at any stage to bring into the course relevant particular issues or problems in their work that can be immediately work shopped by the group, even if it means occasionally changing the sequence of the modules for a lesson or two. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Demonstrate improved basic customer service skills as affected by enhanced communication skills in spoken English and oral comprehension, and improved cross-cultural sensitivities Create a professional and competent impression of the organisation Calmly and professionally handle client queries and complaints Negotiate effective refusals to various clients without causing loss of face Deploy effective active listening and questioning skills to avoid potential misunderstandings Demonstrate an awareness of cultural differences that exist among clients

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 31 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

Course Guide


Overall Course Aim: To rapidly improve the self-confidence and therefore general English conversational, listening and basic writing skills for companys staff so they can more effectively and confidently communicate with overseas colleagues and clients on a daily basis. Training Methodology & Course Structure: This course will be spread over three months (or 70 hours), including three separate classes for a total of six hours per week. The accent will be on continual role play and speaking & listening exercises to develop both the confidence and skills of participants, and sharp and short writing exercises. The final three modules dealing with basic writing skills can be delivered earlier in the training program interspersed with the other units with the mutual consent of participants and trainer. Course Outcomes: At the end of this course participants will be able to: Demonstrate new-found confidence in their English & general communicative skills Be able to confidently employ polite but firm interruption techniques if they do not clearly understand a speaker Answer a telephone in English with much more sophistication and confidence Demonstrate more articulate speaking skills Display effective listening techniques Quickly and efficiently write work-related e-mails, memos, letters and basic reports Communicate more easily and efficiently with overseas colleagues in regular link-ups Correct their own errors Independently employ tools to effectively continue increasing their vocabulary Course Length: 70 hours (six hours a week) Level Requirement: At least Intermediate English

RMIT International University Vietnam is an English speaking campus 32 Information in this brochure was correct at the time of printing. RMIT Vietnam reserves the right to vary such details. Please contact the Corporate Training Department for any updated information.

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