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Endangered Animal Report Task: You are a biologist working for Environment Canada.

It has come to your attention that a number of animals in the Canadian wild are considered at risk. You have been asked to submit a report on the situation. Your report will focus on a Canadian animal species that is endangered. The report will be used to educate the public about the threats to this animal and what needs to be done to protect it from possible extinction. Before you write the report, you must first acquire a basic understanding of what an endangered species is and how that compares and contrasts with threatened ones. You should discover what factors are causing the animal to become endangered and what is being done to prevent them from occurring. Your research should also reveal how the possible loss of this animal will impact the other living organisms (including people) in its ecosystem. Start by reading the listed articles and reviewing the reference books available. You will want to conduct Internet searches and visit the school and public libraries. Report Givens: Your report must be written in your own words, word-processed and double-spaced. Note taking will be required. Each section below should constitute a separate paragraph.

Report Content: Your report will contain: A) An explanation of the similarities and differences between endangered and threatened species (in your own words). B) A general introduction of the endangered animal you chose to research. C) A physical description of the animal (Include a picture). D) Description of your animal's habitat and where in Canada it can be found. Include a map of Canada showing the animals range or territory. E) Provide a description of the things it need to survive. F) Explain how the animal fits into the food web/life cycle. G) Describe the factors that have led to the species becoming endangered. H) Provide information about organizations that are helping the species. How are they helping? What can be done to help the species survive? I) Explain why we need to work to save this species from possible extinction. Describe what needs to be done and whether you think it is possible in today's world. J. A title page (Title e.g. The Endangered Whiskered Trout, reporter's name, date, and an image of the animal) K. A bibliography - Make sure you list all websites and books used. See Resource page for assistance with writing a bibliography.

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