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What is karma?

As in the physical level there are laws, tribunals and judges whose responsibility is to
ensure the compliance with those laws; in the 5 th dimension of nature, in the Libra
constellation, the tribunal of the Divine Justice is in charge of administering the
Karma and Dharma of human kind, and of showing us by intermediation of the divine
messengers the line of conduct we should comply to put in equilibrium our internal
scale and the requisites to reach perfection. Reaching perfection is the fundamental
reason why we are still in the earth planet. All of us, in our present existence, are
reaping what we sow in our previous lives, and at the same time sowing what we will
reap in our next lives. We don't understand this, and that is why human kind is
unable to escape the chain of consequences, because we almost never know the
reason of our sufferings. When a person sows disgraces, harm others, that person
will be reaping the same when he or she is back in a new existence. That is the law
of karma.

I am very nervous...

Hello! Your page is very useful, I had the following dream: “I was in a plaza, it was about 11
in the morning and everything was very clear. In the middle, there was a line of very young
people, they were all good-looking. At the beginning of the line there was a table and candy
was being delivered, I decided to join on to the queue. Standing over there, a skeletal figure
got close to me, in that moment I understood it was the death. She, the death, told me: “Get
out of file; it is not your time yet”.

3 weeks after this dream, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was already operated. I am
very nervous. What does this dream mean?
Martha from Venezuela.
Answer from the Director:
Candy means illness as a consequence of karma, that is, this is a punishment of evil deeds
you did in previous lives. This is like a message that you were going to suffer from a sickness,
and even though it is cancer, the angel of death is announcing you that it is not your time yet.

That is, avoid being nervous or worried and beg to God for help to your cure. HE is going to
listen to you, and will help



The law of karma is the law that links in a wise and intelligent manner the effect with
its cause. Everything good or bad that we have done in any of our lives will bring
good or bad consequences for this or coming existences.

We should not forget the Christian proverbs: "the one who sows rays will reap
storms"; "with the stick that you measure others, you will be measured", "eye for
one eye" and "the one who kills using an iron sword, will die by an iron sword".

The karma law governs all the creation, and is an unmodifyable law. This law is
known in the religions as "Divine Justice". The one who violates a law generates pain
for him or herself.
In the Gnosis, the karma law is symbolized with a scale. The right side of the scale
contains the good deeds and is called DARMA. The left side of the scale contains the
bad deeds and is called KARMA. This law is also known as "law of action and
consequence" or "cause and effect".

The law of Karma vigils and controls us every moment; that is why any act, either
good or bad has its consequences. We will be paying for any bad deed and will be
compensated for any good deed. God gave us free will and we can do whatever we
want, but we will have to account for our actions before the divine justice.

When we come into this world, we bring our destiny. That is why some are born
within many luxuries and others in disgrace. If in one of our previous lives we hurt
someone, now we are hurt; if we killed, now we will be killed; if we robbed, we will
be robbed; that is how "with the stick we measured others, we will be measured".

Every person is registered in the book of the karma located in the Palace of the
Divine Justice. In this Palace is located the 5th dimension of nature and it is directed
for the Master Anubis and the 42 judges of the law. It is possible to probe this by
learning to leave in the astral body in a conscious way.

To be able to orientate our life in a constructive and positive way, it is indispensable

to comprehend integrally the Law of Karma.

The karma is a law of compensation and not of revenge. The karma is a medicine
that is given to us for our own benefit; unfortunately, instead of bowing in reverence
in front of the eternal living God, we protest, justify ourselves, look for excuses and
wash our hands as Pilate (Christian Bible).

When we protest, our karma is not modified; but it becomes more and more severe.
We claim fidelity to our spouse when we have been adulterous in this or previous
lives. We ask for love when we have been merciless and cruel; we ask to be
comprehended when we have never comprehended anyone. We long for happiness
when we have been the origin of many disgraces. We would like to be born in a
beautiful place with many comforts, when in previous lives we didn't provide a home
for our children. We want our children to obey us, when we never obeyed our
parents. We don't like to be slandered when we were slanderers and gave sorrow to
the world. In other words, we claim for us what we didn't give to others.

It is possible that in previous lives we were evil and cruel. Because of that we
deserve the worst, but we suppose that we should be given the best.

When the Cosmic Law is going to send karma to a person, first the person is judged
internally. If the person has Dharma, that is, the person has done good deed; she or
she won't be subjected to suffering. But if he or she doesn't have Cosmic Capital, he
or she will pay with pain and suffering.

Usually people have dreams announcing when the karma is coming; for example; if
we dream that police put us into jail, that we are naked, that we get wet under the
rain, etc. For more information, visit our section on The Meaning of Dreams.

Usually when the Cosmic Law gives us the karma, we think that we are innocent,
that we owe nothing. There are people who even do blasphemy against the Divine
Justice calling it "injustice". But we should always remember that the Cosmic Law
gives to people only what they deserve. Each one will receive according to his or her

Now the reader will understand why the jails are full of "innocents", people who in
this life has done not wrong, but that in previous lives committed serious crimes. We
will repeat: The Law of God gives only to those who deserve, to each one according
to his or her deeds.
There is people born with all the comforts and the ability to prepare themselves
intellectually; they can afford lifestyles that are the envy of others. Other people are
less fortunate, still, they don't suffer financially. However, there are others that
suffer horribly and must beg to subsist.
There are millionaires that suffer incurable illnesses, and can't eat what they want
because of an ulcer or any other condition. There are many poor people who enjoy a
wonderful health. The Law charges to everyone according to his or her faults.
We can compare the Cosmic Law with a big bank. Here, in the physical level, if we
have a banking account and constantly make deposits (this is the equivalent to make
good deeds), our balance will increase. If we draw a cheque (this is the equivalent to
create or pay Karma) the cheque will be honored by the bank. If we withdraw more
money every day (violating the laws of God), our account will decrease until it is in
overdraft; in that moment we will start to suffer, to pay with sorrow the pain we
have caused.
If we have bad deeds or Karmas, that means we have spent our Cosmic Capital, if
we make deposits, in other words, we make good deeds with our neighbors; we gain
DHARMA and we will be successful in our deals with the Cosmic Tribunal. The result
is happiness, health and success in our lives.
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