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The Student Youth Today the most important for the youth of our country is the study, either

from the youngest that are in preschool as well as seniors who are at the top level.

The study is very important in the formation of a person, because through one as a person moves forward in society. The academic training starts from a person who is a child, starting with the teachings of their parents when one is growing just like the peoples fundamental values. That is the beginning, after a certain age, children are the first step which is the preschool, at this early stage a large way of preparation that will help them be someone in their lives.

The way a student is very long and it is not easy, many young people often do not complete their studies for lack of resource or other difficulties either personal or academic. On the other hand the benefits of studying are that when you end the rewards are great and you realize that the penis was worth all the sacrifices that were made throughout that time.

Finishing his studies does not mean you have the world at your feet; it's just a stage and a new term to begin to venture into the world of industry. You'll have guns with which you can defend this great world full of opportunities for young people ready and eager to excel.

My name is Jesus Antonio Sanchez Gonzalez, during the fourth quarter today at the Universidad Technologic de Altamira, TSU's career in Industrial Maintenance.

My goal is to finish my academic preparation; this is one of many steps I have to go to achieve my goals. It is difficult to climb every one of them but because fewer people are missing and I know that the reward is great when you meet the target.

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