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Applied Psychology

Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following Schools of Psychology focusses on the unconscious mind?

a. Gestalt Psychology
b. Functionalism
c. Structuralism
d. Psychoanalytical Psychology

2. Rogers is associated with which School of Psychology?

a. Humanistic Psychology
b. Functionalism
c. Structuralism
d. Behaviourism

3. George Engel is associated with which of the following models?

a. Biopsychosocial
b. Biomedical
c. Psychosocial
d. Psychosexual

4. What does Cognition mean in psychology?

a. Intelligence
b. Mental processes
c. Emotions
d. Development

5. Which of the following is not a method in psychology?

a. Case study
b. Observation research
c. Survey
d. Clinical method

6. Who used the ‘Tranquilizing chair’ as a method of treatment for mental illness?
a. Philippe Pinel
b. Kurt Koffka
c. Albert Bandura
d. Benjamin Rush

7. Who among the following is known as the Father of Psychology?

a. Sigmund Freud.
b. Kurt Koffka
c. Albert Bandura
d. Wilhelm Wundt

8. Which of the following is not a goal of psychology?

a. Control
b. Explain
c. Predict
d. Classify

9. The Autonomic Nervous System can be divided into which of the following?
a. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
b. Brain and Spinal cord
c. Motor and Sensory Neurons
d. CNS and PNS

10. Which of the following is NOT a criterion to judge mental illness or abnormality?
a. Grief after loss
b. Distress in others.
c. Impairment of adaptive functioning
d. Subjective distress in individuals

11. Which of the following is not a type of Neuron?

a. Sensory
b. Interneuron
c. Glial
d. Motor

12. Which of the following studies the relationship between stimuli and sensations?
a. Differential threshold
b. Perception
c. Psychophysics
d. Hallucination

13. The point at which a sensory information is strong enough to be noticed is called as?
a. Psychophysics
b. Threshold
c. Just noticeable difference
d. Differential Threshold

14. According to Freud’s ‘Structure of Personality’ which of the following follows the pleasure –
a. Super Ego
b. Ego
c. Id
d. Psych

15. A student wants to go to the beach but he also wants to see a movie. He can only do one of the
two. What type of conflict is this?
a. Approach – Avoid
b. Approach – Approach
c. Avoid – Avoid
d. Multiple approach – avoid.

16. When you assign your own unacceptable feelings to others, which defense mechanism is it?
a. Denial
b. Projection
c. Regression
d. Repression

17. Which of the following is the first stage of Cognitive Development?

a. Formal operational
b. Preoperational
c. Sensorimotor
d. Concrete operational

18. According to theory of stages of Cognitive Development, which stage will a three year old child
be in?
a. Formal operational
b. Preoperational
c. Sensorimotor
d. Concrete operational

19. Who proposed the theory of psychosocial stages of development?

a. Erickson
b. Freud
c. Piaget
d. Wundt

20. According to Psychosocial stages theory, what ‘crisis’ is faced during early adulthood?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust
b. Industry vs. Inferiority
c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
d. Autonomy vs. Doubt.

21. Adolescence is during which age?

a. 20 to 40 years
b. 6 to 12 years
c. 12 to 19 years
d. 2 to 6 years

22. Which of the followings statements is false?

a. Growth is part of development process.
b. Growth refers to physical changes
c. Growth can be measured.
d. Growth is only an internal process

23. How many developmental stages are there in the theory of Psychosocial stages of Development?
a. 8.
b. 6.
c. 4
d. 5

24. According to Kubler- Ross grief cycle, which stage immediately follows Depression?
a. Denial
b. Acceptance
c. Bargaining
d. Anger

25. Who defined Mental Disorder as a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in
an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behaviour?
a. American Psychological Association
b. American Psychiatric Association
c. World Health Organisation
d. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems

26. Which ideology says that the mind and body are distinct and separate entities?
a. Monism
b. Materialism
c. Dualism
d. Idealism

27. Eysenk’s theory of personality is an example of what type of theory?

a. Humanistic theory
b. Type and Trait theory
c. Dynamic theory
d. Learning theory

28. The Big 5 theory of personality is also called as what?

a. OCEAN theory
b. 16PF
c. Dynamic theory
d. Learning theory

29. According to Allport, which of the following is not a type of personality trait?
a. Central
b. Secondary
c. Cardinal
d. Tertiary

30. Who proposed the 16PF theory of personality?

a. Allport
b. Cattell
c. Eysenck
d. Jung

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