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Abnormal Psychology (Drill 1)

1. You are a preschool teacher handling kindergarten students. You happen to have a student who
is more hyperactive than anyone in the classroom in which in your words you describe the
student to be going out of the norm. What description of abnormality fits the situation?
a) Distress
b) Dysfunction
c) Deviance
d) Disability
2. Which among the following key figures in Moral Therapy started the mental hygiene
a) Dorothea Dix
b) Philippe Pinel
c) William Tuke
d) Benjamin Rush
3. The belief that the moon and the astrology or the alignment of stars controls the behavior of
human beings is more evident in which of the following perspectives?
a) Biological
b) Sociocultural
c) Supernatural
d) Psychological
4. From January 2019 to December 2019, 15% of college students in University of The
Philippines Diliman were diagnosed with clinical depression. Which of the following
epidemiological parameters describes the situation?
a) Lifetime Prevalence
b) Period Prevalence
c) Point Prevalence
d) Incidence
5. Which of the followings is the most likely the etiology of eating disorders such as anorexia
nervosa and bulimia nervosa?
a) Sociocultural
b) Biological
c) Cognitive
d) Genetic
6. How long does the symptoms should last for a clinician to infer that a client could be diagnosed
with substance use disorder?
a) 1 month
b) 3 months
c) 6 months
d) 12 months
7. Acute distress disorder has a ___________ course, while post traumatic stress disorder has a
___________ course.
a) Time-limited, chronic
b) Acute, insidious
c) Chronic, time-limited
d) Insidious, acute
8. All of the following warrant a diagnosis in the Axis II of DSM-IV-TR, point the exception.
a) Personality Disorders
b) Schizophrenia
c) Intellectual Disability
d) All warrant a diagnosis of Axis II.
9. You happen to be an English teacher for Grade 1 students. Mara, your student, does not perform
well in class. Every time she is called to recite in class, she fails to speak. You contacted her
mother and found out that at home, she is able to converse with her parents and is able to read.
What could be the diagnosis of Mara?
a) Social Anxiety Disorder
b) Specific Learning Disorder
c) Selective Mutism
d) Avoidant Personality Disorder
10. If you are diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder, which of the following defense
mechanisms are you most likely using?
a) Reaction Formation
b) Regression
c) Displacement
d) Projection
11. Which of the following mental disorders has the highest percentage of heretability?
a) Substance Use Disorder
b) Major Depressive Disorder
c) Schizophrenia
d) Bipolar I Disorder
12. Which of the following is true about Mood disorders?
a) A diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorders requires that a client has experienced
depressive symptoms for at least 6 months.
b) For a diagnosis to become Bipolar II Disorder, a client must have had experienced
hypomanic symptoms for at least 1 week.
c) Once a person with major depressive disorder becomes diagnose with manic symptoms,
the diagnosis becomes bipolar disorder.
d) Presence of psychotic symptoms is required when a person is to be diagnosed Bipolar II
13. The other term for trisomy-21 is also called ______________.
a) Phenylketonuria
b) Fragile-X Syndrome
c) Down Syndrome
d) Turner’s Syndrome
14. Among the following subtypes of Specific Phobia, which of the following makes a person
experience vasovagal syncope or fainting.
a) Natural Phobia
b) Blood/Injection/Injury Phobia
c) Situation Phobia
d) Animal Phobia
15. Which of the following disorders is a precursor to having Antisocial Personality Disorder?
a) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
b) Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
c) Conduct Disorder
d) Factitious Disorder
16. Which of the following is true among statements regarding substance use disorders?
a) The most common drug is caffeine.
b) Alcohol is considered a stimulant.
c) Hallucinogens can cause intoxication.
d) Nicotine is classified as a depressant.
17. Which of the following is not classified under Obsessive Compulsive and Other Related
a) Excoriation Disorder
b) Trichotillomania
c) Body Dysmorphic Disorder
d) Kleptomania
18. Which of the following personality theorists is said to have best explained the basis for the
classification of personality disorders?
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Melanie Klein
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Karen Horney
19. Cluster C in the personality disorders are prone to have what kind of mental disorders?
a) Mood Disorders
b) Anxiety Disorders
c) Eating Disorders
d) Psychotic Disorders
20. Which of the following neurotransmitters contribute to psychosis when it is too high and
Parkinson’s disease when it is to low?
a) Serotonin
b) Acetylcholine
c) Dopamine
21. “I have cough. Will this mean that I already have COVID-19?’, is the a good example of what a
person with what disorder would say?
a) Somatic Symptom Disorder
b) Conversion Disorder
c) Factitious Disorder
d) Illness Anxiety Disorder
22. “I should be the center of attention” is the main belief of the following personality disorder?
a) Narcissistic Personality Disorder
b) Histrionic Personality Disorder
c) Schizotypal Personality Disorder
d) Borderline Personality Disorder
23. Which of the following disorders was used to be labeled as Bipolar Disorder for children?
a) Oppositional Defiant Disorders
b) Conduct Disorder
c) Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
d) Intermittent Explosive Disorder
24. Which of the following diseases is the leading cause of Intellectual disability?
a) Down Syndrome
b) Fragile X Syndrome
c) Phenylketonuria
d) Turner’s Syndrome
25. Which of the following is not an example of negative symptoms?
a) Ambivalence
b) Asociality
c) Alogia
d) Affective Flattening
26. Which of the following disorders is described as having like a “free-floating anxiety”?
a) Specific Phobia
b) Agoraphobia
c) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
d) Panic Disorder
27. Which lobe of the brain is responsible for regulating spatial abilities?
a) Frontal
b) Parietal
c) Temporal
d) Occipital
28. A person with one or more symptoms of schizophrenia but is aware of the unusual experiences
could be diagnosed with what disorder?
a) Attenuated Psychotic Syndrome
b) Schizoaffective Disorder
c) Brief Psychotic Disorder
d) Delusional Disorder
29. A sad trend currently during the lockdown is that there is a sudden change in the daily routine of
people which could lead them to commit suicide. This kind of suicide is called.
a) Fatalistic Suicide
b) Altruistic Suicide
c) Egoistic Suicide
d) Anomic Suicide
30. A person with Alzheimer’s disease is most likely to forget this kind of memory first.
a) Procedural Memory
b) Declarative Memory
c) Episodic Memory
d) Semantic Memory
31. Gambling disorder is classified in which classification of mental disorder?
a) Substance Use and Related Disorder
b) Impulse Control and Related Disorders
c) Personality Disorders
d) Obssesive Compulsive Disorders
32. Which of the following perspectives best describes why a person develops Anxiety Disorders?
a) Cognitive
b) Biological
c) Cultural
d) Behavioral
33. Kenneth was dumped by his girlfriend during their anniversary. This caused Kenneth so much
shock that he wasn’t able to focus on his studies for 1 month. What possible diagnosis would
you give him?
a) Acute Stress Disorder
b) Separation Anxiety Disorder
c) Adjustment Disorder
d) Post traumatic stress disorder
34. Because of a certain incident of sexual harassment in the MRT, Janine avoids riding trains.
What would be her probable diagnosis?
a) Specific Phobia
b) Agoraphobia
c) Panic Disorders
d) Post-traumatic stress disorder
35. Which of the following personality theories could best explain the cause of Reactive
Detachment Disorder?
a) Psychodynamic Theory
b) Psychoanalytic Social Theory
c) Object Relations Theory
d) Psychosocial Theory
36. Which of the following psychological tests is recommended for assessment of diagnosis of
personality disorder?
c) HTP
37. What disorder involves the sudden shifts in consciousness and orientation that could be due to a
medical condition or medication?
a) Dementia
b) Delirium
c) Retrograde Amnesia
d) Anterograde Amnesia
38. Which of the following is most likely to seek a therapist first?
a) A person with probable diagnosis of encopresis
b) A person with probable diagnosis of conversion disorder
c) A person with probable diagnosis of borderline personality disorder
d) A person with probable diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder
39. Which of the following subtypes of specific phobia is most likely to be combined?
a) Animal Phobia
b) Situation Phobia
c) Natural Phobia
d) Blood/Injection/Injury Phobia
40. A person who witnessed a car accident and turned blind has what probable diagnosis?
a) Post traumatic stress disorder
b) Acute stress disorder
c) Somatic Symptom Disorder
d) Conversion disorder
41. Which of the following disorders is highly related to dissociative identity disorder?
a) Posttraumatic stress disorder
b) Schizophrenia
c) Borderline personality disorder
d) Cyclothymia
42. Which of the following is a coping strategy of people with post traumatic stress disorder which
traces its roots from Existential theories?
a) Avoidant Coping
b) Dissociation
c) Making Sense
d) Identification
43. Which of the following is not an example of parasomnia?
a) Sleepwalking
b) Nightmare disorder
c) Hypersomnolence
d) Restless Leg Syndrome
44. What is the neurotransmitter responsible for initiating sleep?
a) Melanin
b) Melatonin
c) Endorphin
d) Serotonin
45. Patients with this eating disorder has less than normal body mass index.
a) Rumination Disorder
b) Bulimia Nervosa
c) Anorexia Nervosa
d) Binge Eating Disorder
46. A person with schizophrenia believes that other are aware of their thoughts. What kind of
delusion is this?
a) Thought Broadcasting
b) Though Insetion
c) Self-Deceptions
d) Delusions of Grandeur
47. “I hate you, I love you. Go away. Please don’t leave me.” is a mindset of a person with what
personality disorder?
a) Antisocial Personality Disorder
b) Histrionic Personality Disorder
c) Narcissistic Personality Disorder
d) Borderline Personality Disorder
48. What is hormone is responsible for the fight or flight response during emergencies?
a) Cortisol
b) Endorphin
c) Oxytocin
d) Adrenalin
49. Which of the following neurodevelopmental disorders has a hallmark symptom of impulsivity?
a) Intellectual Disability
b) Autism Spectrum Disorder
c) Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
d) Specific Learning Disorder
50. Janica is a 25 year old who works at an office in Makati. She used to be a very hardworking
employee to the fact that her boss likes her work ethic. One day, she found her self very
lethargic and not being able to do the tasks she used to do before. What description of
abnormality fits the situation?
a) Deviance
b) Distress
c) Disability
d) Dysfunction

Answer Key
1) C.
2) A.
3) C.
4) B.
5) A.
6) D.
7) A.
8) B.
9) C.
10) D.
11) C.
12) C.
13) C.
14) B.
15) C.
16) A.
17) D.
18) D.
19) B.
20) C.
21) D.
22) B.
23) C.
24) A.
25) A.
26) C.
27) B.
28) A.
29) D.
30) C.
31) A.
32) D.
33) C.
34) A.
35) C.
36) D.
37) B.
38) D.
39) C.
40) D.
41) A.
42) C.
43) C.
44) B.
45) C.
46) A.
47) D.
48) D.
49) C.
50) D.

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