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(2nd Long Quiz - Deadline September 24, 2018)

1. Which of the following characterizes the mood-state known as anxiety?

a. Positive mood state b. Reduced heart rate
c. Apprehension about the future d. Muscle relaxation

2. Anxiety is closely related to which of the following psychological disorders?

a. Schizophrenia b. Depression
c. Dementia d. Psychosis

3. People tend to have their best performance on tasks when they are ___________.
a. very anxious b. not anxious at all
c. a little anxious d. fearful

4. When people experience severe anxiety, they

a. often know it is irrational, but can’t help it.
b. usually are able to just "turn off" those feelings.
c. often experience a break with reality.
d. don't recognize that the feelings are, in fact, anxiety.

5. Which of the following is an accurate statement about anxiety?

a. An inherited tendency can make us tense or uptight.
b. A single gene makes us vulnerable to anxiety.
c. Panic disorder does not "run in families."
d. Stress is a direct cause of panic disorder.

6. According to Jeffrey Gray, a British neuropsychologist, the behavioral inhibition

system (BIS) is activated by danger signals ___________, resulting in the experience of
a. ascending from the brain stem
b. descending from the cortex
c. arising from the brain stem or descending from the cortex
d. within the amygdala only

7. Members of the Falcons High School senior class will have an increased risk of
developing anxiety disorders if they
a. smoke marijuana more than once per week.
b. smoke 20 or more cigarettes daily.
c. drink alcohol every day.
d. use anabolic steroids for 6 months or more.

10. According to Gray and Mcaughton (1996), the fight-or-flight system is partially
activated by deficiencies in the neurotransmitter _______ in the brain.
a. serotonin b. dopamine
c. acetylcholine d. norepinephrine

11. "I've got to get out of here right now, or I may not make it!" This statement is most
likely to be said by someone experiencing a(n)
a. episode of depression. b. future-oriented mood state.
c. fear reaction. d. parasympathetic

12. Which of the following is NOT a basic type of panic attack?

a. Expected b. Unexpected
c. Cued d. Situation inevitable

13. Mrs. Pan has an anxiety disorder in which she has occasional panic attacks when
shopping at the mall. This type of panic attack is referred to as _______________.
a. uncued b. diathesis-originated
c. cued d. situationally premeditated
14. Which type of panic attack is most closely related to phobias?
a. Situationally predisposed b. Expected
c. Unexpected d. Uncued

15. Hideki was attending his fifth baseball game at Condor Stadium, where he had
previously had a panic attack. He did not know if he would have a panic attack today,
but shortly after entering the stadium, he did. This type of panic attack is
a. environmentally predisposed b. situationally bound
c. cued d. uncued

16. The behavioral inhibition system is activated by signals from the _____________.
a. brain stem b. hypothalamus
c. hippocampus d. cerebellum

18. Stressful life events - such as marriage, divorce, familial death, or academic
pressures - trigger our vulnerabilities to anxiety. These are examples of a
______________ contribution.
a. psychological b. biological
c. social d. cultural

19. Having an anxiety disorder increases the risk of ______________.

a. depression b. migraines
c. suicidal ideation d. all of the above

20. Which of the following terms is most associated with generalized anxiety disorder
a. Fear b. Panic
c. Worry d. Emotion

21. Evidence now suggests that agoraphobic avoidance behavior is one component of
a. exaggerated obsessive-compulsive disorder.
b. major phobias.
c. severe, unexpected panic attacks.
d. mild generalized anxiety disorder.

22. Panic attack studies suggest that men

a. simply endure panic attacks better than women.
b. don’t experience panic attacks.
c. mask panic attacks with depression.
d. consume alcohol to deal with panic attacks.

23. In treating panic disorder, all of the following types of medications are used
EXCEPT ________.
a. SNRIs b. SSRIs
c. opiates d. benzodiazepines

24. In the type of specific phobia called "blood-injury-injection," there is an inherited

vasovagal response and a tendency to faint due to
a. an increase in blood pressure. b. a decrease in blood pressure.
c. an increase in body temperature. d. a decrease in body temperature.

25. The setting for posttraumatic stress disorder to occur follows an experience
accompanied by a triad of feelings, including all of the following EXCEPT _______.
a. horror b. paranoia
c. helplessness d. fear

26. All of the following are classified as somatic symptom and related disorders
a. dissociative identity disorder. b. factitious disorder
c. conversion disorder. d. illness anxiety disorder.
27. The common aspect of all somatic symptom disorders is a maladaptive or excessive
a. belief that a serious medical condition will cause death.
b. belief that one's appearance is ugly.
c. response to physical or associated health symptoms.
d. concern with the meaning of a physical pain.

28. Although it's name has changed from DSM-IV to DSM-5, hypochondriasis is
essentially an emotional disturbance triggered by
a. physical pathology.
b. misinterpretation of normal physical sensations.
c. social concerns.
d. severe or unusual physical sensations.

29. Paradoxically, an effective treatment for somatic symptom disorder and illness
anxiety disorder involves helping the patient to focus on
a. creating their own symptoms.
b. ignoring their own symptoms.
c. getting reassurance about their symptoms.
d. understanding other life stressors.

30. With regard to the treatment of illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom
disorder, some research supports the use of __________.
a. conditioning b. psychoanalysis
c. cognitive-behavioral treatment and stress reduction d. humanistic

31. One method that is used to reduce the financial burden associated with somatic
symptom disorder is ____________.
a. psychoanalysis
b. encouraging patients to speak to family and friends about their
c. exposure therapy
d. assignment of a gatekeeper physician

32. Joe injured his back at work several years ago. Although he was treated and
considered healed by his physicians, he still complains of severe and debilitating back
pain. Other than some minor scar tissue, his doctors can't find anything that could be
causing more than some minor stiffness. It appears that Joe might be diagnosed with
a. conversion disorder
b. depersonalization/derealization disorder
c. somatic symptom disorder with predominant pain
d. illness anxiety disorder

33. George has completely lost his sight during the past year, but medical experts can
find no physical reason for his blindness. This could be an example of
a. somatization disorder b. hypochondriasis
c. conversion disorder d. dissociative disorder

34. Which of the following statements is TRUE about factitious disorders?

a. Fortunately, the disorder does not seem to extend to other members of
the family.
b. The symptoms are under involuntary control.
c. There is no obvious reason for voluntarily producing symptoms.
d. The symptoms lead to a splintering off of one's identity into several
35. A person who fakes symptoms for a goal is called a _________, while a person who
fakes a disease for no clear goal has a ________disorder:
a. malingerer; factitious b. conversion disorder patient;
c. fictitious disorder patient; conversion d. hypochondriac; factitious
36. A mother who repeatedly seeks medical treatment for her child’s unusual illness and
is overly involved in the child’s treatment might need to be assessed for
a. factitious disorder imposed on another b. malingering
c. conversion disorder d. illness phobia
37. Depersonalization is defined as
a. altered perception including loss of the sense of one's own reality.
b. altered perception involving loss of the sense of reality of the external world.
c. vivid hallucinations.
d. the feeling that one is no longer a person.
38. Jason suddenly notices that the world looks weird to him. Some objects look bigger
than normal and others look smaller. Cars passing by seem oddly shaped and people
appear dead or mechanical. Joe is experiencing ________.
a. derealization b. depersonalization
c. classic early psychosis symptoms d. mania
39. Losing your own sense of reality is called ______________.
a. depersonalization b. a fugue state
c. a trance state d. a dissociative disorder
40. In dissociative fugue, the term fugue relates to ________________.
a. confusion b. flight or travel
c. loss of consciousness d. hallucination
41. An alter is
a. a separate identity experienced by someone with dissociative
identity disorder.
b. a new identity created by someone with dissociative fugue.
c. a new identity created by someone with generalized amnesia.
d. a physical symptom with no physical cause experienced by someone
somatic symptom disorder.

42. In studies conducted by Elizabeth Loftus and her colleagues (Loftus, 2003; Loftus,
Coan, and Pickrell, 1996), individuals were told about false events that had supposedly
occurred when they were children. The results of this study indicated that
a. people cannot be convinced of events that did not happen.
b. people can become quite convinced of events that never
c. only individuals with diagnosable disorders can be convinced of events
that never happened.
d. people can become convinced of events that did not happen only
during hypnosis or other dissociative states.

43. According to the autohypnotic model, people who are suggestible may be
a. able to create false memories to ease their trauma.
b. able to use dissociation as a defense against extreme trauma.
c. able to remember the trauma that created the false memories.
d. unable to switch at will.

44. Some theorists suggest that dissociative identity disorder is an extreme subtype of

a. dissociative amnesia b. obsessive-compulsive disorder

c. posttraumatic stress disorder d. antisocial personality disorder

45. The causes of dissociative identity disorder appear to be _____________.

a. physical abuse b. sexual abuse
c. witness to a traumatic event d. all of these

46. Without treatment, it is expected that DID will last ___________.

a. 10 years b. a lifetime
c. several months d. 20 years
47. The average length of time between an individual's first symptoms of DID and the
identification and diagnosis of the disorder by a professional is _____________.
a. one year b. 20 years
c. less than a month d. seven years

48. Dissociative identity disorder is most commonly found in ______________.

a. females b. males
c. children d. the elderly

49. Dissociative identity disorder tends to be associated with _________________.

a. child abuse b. multiple psychological disorders
c. dissociation d. all of these

50. In dissociative identity disorder, the transition from one personality to another is
called a ___________.
a. transformation b. substitution
c. switch d. alteration
51. The physical symptoms of a major depressive disorder include
a. changes in appetite or weight. b. decreased ability to concentrate.
c. increased energy. d. decreased self-esteem
52. The first episode of major depression is usually time-limited - often lasting up to
________ - if left untreated.
a. 3 months b. 6 months
c. 9 months d. 1 year
53. When used in connection with mood disorders, "flight of ideas" means
a. anxiety about airplane travel.
b. rapid speech expressing many exciting ideas at once.
c. limited imagination reflected in a slow way of speaking.
d. repression of all creative ideas.
54. Unipolar mania
a. does not exist. b. is rare.
c. is fairly common. d. is a part of bipolar disorder.
55. The most usual pattern of a temporal specifier in major depressive disorder occurs
in the late fall and ends with the beginning of spring. This type of depression is known
as __________.
a. melancholic b. recurrent
c. postpartum d. seasonal affective disorder
56. Which of the following statements applies to the condition known as seasonal
affective disorder (SAD)?
a. Women with SAD reported more autonomous negative thoughts
throughout the year than women without SAD.
a. SAD can be treated with phototherapy, i.e., 2 hours of exposure to bright light
just before going to sleep.
b. People with SAD have symptoms of decreased sleep and decreased
c. Depression in vulnerable people might be triggered by decreased production
of the hormone called melatonin.
57. Andy is currently completing a chemical formula that he knows will cure cancer.
Shortly before, he had submitted a book to a publisher and was sure that it would
become a bestseller. For several weeks prior to this, he was bedridden, morose, had no
energy, and lacked any spontaneity. He never left his bed and had to be cared for by his
family. Andy's diagnosis is ________________.
a. major depressive disorder b. persistent depressive disorder
c. bipolar I disorder d. bipolar II disorder
58. Recent evidence indicates a higher level of ___________ in patients with bipolar
disorder that was marked by a rapid cycling pattern compared to those with a non-rapid
cycling pattern.
a. treatment response b. resistance to treatment
c. medication side effects d. suicide

59. At various times, Cynthia, a 20-year-old college student, has been considered by
her family and/or friends to be moody, high-strung, explosive, or hyperactive. She never
fails to take care of her responsibilities, but the fact that she seems to experience mood
swings that are outside the norm has been noticed by those around her. Knowing the
criteria for mood disorders, you would diagnose Cynthia with ___________.
a. major depressive disorder b. panic disorder
c. persistent depressive disorder d. cyclothymic disorder

60. Recent research suggests that

a. social and psychological explanations seem to account for factors that
contribute to both anxiety and depression.
b. for mania, the biological vulnerability may not be specific to that disorder.
a. the same genetic factors contribute to both anxiety and depression.
c. All of the above

61. In regard to most disorders, serotonin is thought to

a. function independently of other neurotransmitters.
b. regulate other neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine and dopamine.
c. be unrelated to symptoms.
d. none of the above

62. Stressful events are strongly related to the onset of ____________.

a. depression b. bipolar disorder
c. both d. neither

63. Impulsive suicidal behavior is often a symptom of _____________ personality

a. schizoid b. borderline
c. obsessive-compulsive d. paranoid

64. Statistics on suicide indicate that approximately one-quarter to one-half of all

suicides are associated with _____________.
a. alcohol use b. guns
c. aggression d. work stress

65. Research has found that low serotonin levels may be implicated in suicidal behavior
because they affect all of the following EXCEPT _______.
a. impulsivity b. instability
c. agnosia d. overreactivity

66. A relative of yours has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Your family is
impressed when you mention that the preferred drug for this condition is ________.
a. Prozac b. St. John's Wort
c. an anticonvulsant d. lithium

67. All of the following are side effects of lithium therapy EXCEPT ____________.
a. lowered thyroid functioning b. weight loss
c. toxicity d. lack of energy

68. Side effects of the tricyclic antidepressants include _______________.

a. weight loss b. excessive urination
c. sexual dysfunction d. diarrhea

69. Which of the following is perhaps the best-known and widely used SSRI
a. Prozac b. Valium
c. Hypericum d. Thorazine
70. Which of the following factors contribute to the integrative theory of depression?
a. Stressful life events b. Stress hormones
c. Neurotransmitter systems d. All of these

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