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Personality - pattern of behavior & thought across time & situation.

 word from “Persona”

 Latin for “mask”

Personality type - discrete category which person can be sorted.

Personality trait - personal characteristic a person reaction to variety situations.
1. Traits
o Consistency over time
o Individual differences in behavior
o Stability across situations

2. Characteristics
o Unique qualities (ex. Temperament, physique & intelligence)

Theory - related assumptions allow scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to testable

Theories and Its Relatives

1. Philosophy - broader than theory
2. Speculation - tied to empirical data & science
3. Hypotheses - tested using scientific method

Different Theories
1. Different Personal Backgrounds
2. Childhood experiences
3. Interpersonal relationships
4. Different Philosophical Orientations
5. Unique Ways of Looking at World
6. Data Chosen to Observe is Different
7. Theorist’s Personalities & Their Theories of Personality

Psychology of Science - empirical study of scientific thought & behavior inc. theory construction
of scientist.
 Personalities & Psychology of different theorists influence kinds of theories they

Criteria for Evaluating Theory

1. Generate Research
2. Is Falsifiable (Verifiable)
3. Organizes Known Data
4. Guides Action (Practical)
5. Is Internally Consistent
6. Is Parsimonious

Dimensions for Concept of Humanity

1. Determinism vs. Free Choice
 Consciously direct our own actions or governed by other forces?
 Personality theorists take extreme positions. Other expresses moderate

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