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Midterm Examination

Total points43/50

Subject: PSY 11- Psychological Assessment

Semester: 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022

Multiple Choices: Read and understand the following questions. Choose the letter that
corresponds to the BEST answer. There is only one best answer for each item.

It is denoted by the symbol rs (or the Greek letter ρ, pronounced rho). *

Linear Relationship
Spearman Rank Order

Pearson r
Phi coefficient

Mean, Median and Mode are part of___________? *

Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Both Descriptive and Inferential
None of the Above

He is credited with originating the concept of test reliability as well as building the
mathematical framework for the statistical technique of factor analysis. *
Emil Kraepelin
Lightner Witmer
Victor Henri
Charles Spearman

It is better to use this measure when the data is in nominal scales and discrete
variables? *


He has been cited as the “little-known founder of clinical psychology” (McReynolds,

1987), owing at least in part to his being challenged to treat a “chronic bad speller” in
March of 1896 (Brotemarkle, 1947). *
Emil Kraepelin
Lightner Witmer

Victor Henri
Charles Spearman

He focused on questions relating to how people were similar, not different. *

Francis Galton
Karl Pearson
Wilhelm Max Wundt

James McKeen Cattell

Which of the following is not an example scenario that describes ethics? *

For safety and the common good, most people are willing to relinquish their freedom to drive all
over the road.
“A captain goes down with his ship.”
Reporters present all sides of a controversial issues

Researcher should never fudge data; all data must be reported accurately

It refers to the degree to which the tool actually measures what it claims to measure. *

Standard Error of Measurement
He was a French psychologist best-remembered for developing the first widely used
intelligence test. *
George Kelly
Alfred Binet

Theodor Simon
Charles Spearman

Which of the following statements does not describe the importance of controlling the
use of psychological test? *
To ensure that scores are test is given by a qualified examiner and that the scores are properly
It is because the test taker should know his/her right of confidentiality

To prevent general familiarity with the test content

It is because such tests can cause serious harm in the hands of either the unscrupulous or the
well-meaning but uninformed user

Which of the examples describes the concurrent validity? *

Scores (or classifications) made on the basis of a psychodiagnostic test were to be validated
against a criterion of already diagnosed psychiatric patients

Measures of the relationship between college admissions tests and freshman grade point
Pilot performance in flying a Boeing 767, grade on examination in Advanced Hairweaving,
number of days spent in psychiatric hospitalization
In a cumulative final exam in introductory statistics the proportion and type of introductory
statistics problems on the test approximates the proportion and type of introductory statistics
problems presented in the course.

He coined the term mental test in an 1890 publication. *

Francis Galton

Karl Pearson
Wilhelm Max Wundt
James McKeen Cattell
The measuring of psychology-related variables by means of devices or procedures
designed to obtain samples of behavior. *
Psychological Assessment
Psychological Testing

Psychological Assessing
Psychological Measurement

It may consist of various documents such as lesson plans, published writings, and
visual aids developed expressly for teaching certain subjects. *
Case history data

Work samples

It is a tests designed for use with people from one culture but not from another, soon
began to appear on the scene. *
Culture-related Tests
Culture-specific test

Computer-assisted psychological assessment (CAPA)

Automatic test feeder

It is an ever-growing number of psychological tests can be purchased on disc or even

administered and scored online. *
Online Tests
Pencil-paper test
Computer-assisted psychological assessment (CAPA)

Automatic test feeder

It referred to as “judge-made law” because it typically comes in the form of a ruling by
a court. *
Truth-in-testing Legislation

They create tests or other methods of assessment for a specific research study, some
that were created in the hope that they would be published, and some that represent
refinements or modifications of existing tests. *
Test developer

Test publisher
Test user
Test taker

We all have had firsthand experience in this role to be the subject of an assessment or
an evaluation. *
Test developer
Test publisher
Test user
Test taker

It is typically designed to be equivalent with respect to variables such as content and

level of difficulty. *
Test-retest reliability
Coefficient of stability
Parallel forms
Alternate forms
Tests or aids that require some technical knowledge of test construction and use and
of supporting psychological and educational fields such as statistics, individual
differences, psychology of adjustment, personnel psychology, and guidance (e.g.,
aptitude tests and adjustment inventories applicable to normal populations). *
Level A
Level B

Level C
Level D

It was also passed at the state level beginning in the 1980s where the primary
objective of these laws was to provide test takers with a means of learning the criteria
by which they are being judged? *
Truth-in-testing Legislation


It is kind of assessment where the individual who has difficulty reading the small print
of a particular test may be accommodated with a large-print version of the same test
or with a specially lit test environment. *
Assessment of people with disability

Assessment with special needs

Assessment with psychopathology
Alternate Assessment

He pioneered the use of a statistical concept central to psychological experimentation

and testing: the coefficient of correlation. *
Francis Galton

Karl Pearson
Wilhelm Max Wundt
James McKeen Cattell

Townsend (2007) explored the question of whether suicide terrorists were indeed
suicidal from a classical psychological perspective; she concluded that they were not.
Other researchers have provided fascinating post-mortem psychological evaluations of
people from various walks of life in many different cultures (Bhatia et al., 2006; Chan
et al., 2007; Dattilio, 2006; Fortune et al., 2007; Giner et al., 2007; Goldstein et al.,
2008; Heller et al., 2007; McGirr et al., 2007; Owens et al., 2008; Palacio et al., 2007;
Phillips et al., 2007; Pouliot & De Leo, 2006; Sanchez, 2006; Thoresen et al., 2006;
Zonda, 2006). This article statement is an example of____________. *
Forensic Psychology
Forensic testing
Psychological autopsy

Suicidal autopsy

It is an organized tabulation of the number of individuals located in different categories

in different level of measurements. *
frequency category
graphs and illustration
central tendency
frequency distribution

It is a _________ that mandates driving on the right side of the road has not been a
subject of debate, a source of emotional soul-searching, or a stimulus to civil
disobedience. *


Which among the following validity measures would you least likely rely on? *
Face Validity

Content Validity
Construct Validity
Criterion-Related Validity

It is an estimate of reliability obtained by correlating pairs of scores from the same

people on two different administrations of the same test. *
Test-retest reliability

Coefficient of stability
Parallel forms
Alternate forms

It is the term that is not confined to tests; it is also used to denote the form or structure
of other evaluative tools and processes, such as the specific procedures used in
obtaining a particular type of work sample. *


Tests or aids that can adequately be administered, scored, and interpreted with the
aid of the manual and a general orientation to the kind of institution or organization in
which one is working). *
Level A

Level B
Level C
Level D

If you will do a Split-Half Reliability analysis on a test with progressive difficulty after
each item, what method of division is ideal? *
First 50%-Last 50%

Divide items into ten groups, Even Groups Together – Odd Groups Together
Random Division

It may include the interviewee’s “body language,” movements and facial expressions
in response to the interviewer, the extent of eye contact, and apparent willingness to
cooperate, *
Method of interview
interview cues
verbal behavior
non-verbal behavior

It is the use of correlation coefficients to plot a line illustrating the linear relationship of
two variables X and Y. It is based on the slope of the line which is represented by the
formula: Y = a + Bx *
Linear Regression

Linear Relationship
Multiple regression
Slope relationship

For example, you scored 67 out of 90 on a test. But that figure has no real meaning
unless you know what percentile you fall into. This means, *
You scored lesser than 67% of people who took the test.
You scored below than 90% of people who took the test.
You scored better than 90% of people who took the test.

You scored better than 10% of people who took the test.

Measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data
by identifying the central position within that set of data. It is sometime called? *
Measures of central location
Measures of central tendency

Measures of inferential
Measures of arithmetic mean

It refers to the reliability and validity coefficients of a test are acceptably high. *
Psychometric Soundness

Utility Analysis
Index of reliability and validity

It is most typically employed in educational settings, although it may be employed in

correctional, corporate, neuropsychological, clinical, and most any other setting as
well. *
Dynamic Assessment

Therapeutic Psychological assessment

Collaborative Psychological Assessment
Interactive approach Assessment

What tool of psychological assessment used in this example “Astronauts in training

may be required to conduct an “as if” scenario in outer space. The “as if” scenario for
training purposes in this case will result in cost savings of many millions of dollars; the
cost of actually putting such trainees in the real situation would be . . . well,
astronomical. Individuals being evaluated in a corporate, industrial, organizational, or
military context for managerial or leadership ability. *
Routine play
As-if Scenario
Role-play test

Therapeutic play
It is where the assessor and assessee may work as “partners” from initial contact
through final feedback (Fischer, 1978, 2004, 2006). *
Dynamic Assessment
Therapeutic Psychological assessment
Collaborative Psychological Assessment

Interactive approach Assessment

Which of the following defines normative sample? *

A raw score on any Psychological test alone is meaningless unless we have additional
interpretive data
It indicates the individual’s relative standing in the normative sample and facilitate evaluation of
It provides comparable measures that permit a direct comparison of the individual’s performance
on different tests.
It is a group of scores from other people who’ve completed an assessment, against which a
respondent’s score(s) on that particular assessment are considered.

It includes only respondents who’ve applied for some particular job (e.g., Case
Managers) or applicants for positions at a particular level within a given organization
(e.g., Company X’s Managerial Staff). *
Narrow or specific norm groups
Customised norm groups

Broad, generic or general norm groups

Criterion-Related Validity

This is a special form of average deviation from the mean and it is an important
measure of heterogeneity or homogeneity in a set of observations. *
Mean Absolute Deviation
Semi-quartile range
Standard Deviation
It is a method of obtaining the variation of all the values or scores from the mean. *

It is a measure of where the “middle fifty” is in a data set. *

Quartile range
Interquartile range

Semi-quartile range

What type of test cannot use Kuder-Richardson 20 for Reliability Analysis? *

True-False Test
Right-Wrong Test


It exists when, for each form of the test, the means and the variances of observed test
scores are equal. *
Test-retest reliability
Coefficient of stability
Parallel forms

Alternate forms

Which probably would have a higher reliability coefficient? *

a Short Test
a Long Test
a Personality Test
an Aptitude Test

The gathering and integrating of psychological data for psychological evaluation,

through the use of tests, interviews, case studies, behavioral observation, and
specially designed apparatuses and measurement procedures. *
Psychological Assessment

Psychological Testing
Psychological Assessing
Psychological Measurement

It is a specialized interview where more than one interviewer participates in the

personnel assessment? *
Panel interview

Group interview
Collaborative interview
Consensus interview
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