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General psychology -Test one

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General psychology chapter -1
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1. Dr.Bekalu, Anatomy instructor at Arsi university noticed a recurring pattern of

behavior where Pc1 students(1st year medical students ) consistently arrive late
for classes, miss assignment deadlines, absent from laboratory class and find it
challenging to maintain a consistent study schedule. Which psychological
perspective could provide insights into the underlying reasons for this pattern of

a) Psychodynamic perspective
b) Cognitive perspective
c) Sociocultural perspective
d) Behavioral perspective

2.Who emphasized the study of unconscious motives and conflicts in shaping

human behavior?
A) B.F. Skinner
B) Sigmund Freud
C) Abraham Maslow
D) Carl Rogers

3. In a positive correlational response , as one variable increases, the other:

A) Increases
B) Decreases
C) Fluctuates
D) Remains unchanged

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4. Which branch of psychology focuses on understanding, diagnosing, and treating
psychological disorders?
A) Clinical psychology
B) Social psychology
C) Psychobiology
D) Evolutionary psychology

5. Who founded the first psychology laboratory and is considered the father of
experimental psychology?
A) Wilhelm Wundt
B) John B. Watson
C) Ivan Pavlov
D) Edward Titchener

6. A correlation coefficient (r) of -0.85 indicates:

A) A strong positive relationship
B) A strong negative relationship
C) No relationship
D) A weak positive relationship

7. Abebawu struggles with anxiety and seeks counseling. he is likely to see a

professional in which field of psychology?
A) Counseling psychology
B) Developmental psychology
C) Cultural psychology
D) Educational psychology

8.Which branch of psychology examines the ways social influences shape behavior
and mental processes?
A) Social psychology
B) Forensic psychology
C) Environmental psychology
D) Clinical psychology

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9. Humanistic psychology emphasizes:
A) Unconscious motives and conflicts
B) Reward and punishment
C) Personal growth and fulfillment
D) Adaptive behaviors for survival

10. A correlation coefficient (r) of 0.10 indicates:

A) A strong positive relationship
B) No relationship
C) A moderate negative relationship
D) A weak positive relationship

11.Dr.Amanuel focuses on understanding the psychological factors that contribute

to physical health and illness. He is likely a:
A) Health psychologist
B) Clinical psychologist
C) Neuropsychologist
D)Industrial psychologist

12. A researcher finds that as the number of hours spent studying increases, exam
scores tend to increase. This is an example of a:
A) Positive correlation
B) Negative correlation
C) Zero correlation
D) Causal relationship

13. Mr. Melkamu is a vocational counselor at Ediget Behibiret helping individuals

find suitable careers. He most likely practices in which branch of psychology?
A) Counseling psychology
B) Forensic psychology
C) Developmental Psychology
D) Educational psychology

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14.Carl Rogers is associated with which approach to psychology?
A) Psychoanalytic
B) Behaviorist
C) Humanistic
D) Cognitive
15. the goal of psychology that speculate what will happen in the Future is

A. description
B. explanation
C prediction
D. Explanation

16 As a freshman student at AAU, you've been struggling to adapt to the new

environment, feeling overwhelmed by the academic workload and social
adjustments. You find yourself frequently engaging in negative self-talk, perceiving
academic challenges as insurmountable obstacles. Which psychological
perspective is most relevant to understanding your experience?

a) Cognitive perspective
b) Biological perspective
c) Behavioral perspective
d) Humanistic perspective

17. Which one of the following is not grouped under descriptive research methods
in psychology?

A, Survey method
B. Naturalistic observation
C.Case study
D. Experimental Research

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18. Gestalt psychology emphasizes:
A) The division of consciousness into id, ego, and superego
B) Understanding the role of unconscious desires in behavior
C) The perception of organized wholes
D) The influence of childhood experiences on personality development

19 If you are interested to study the effects of stress on academic achievement in

students in with great diversity
then what will be :-

i. Dependent variable
ii.Independent variable

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