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Republic to Empire. Background to the time of Virgil (Augustus). The Aeneid Books 1,2,4 and 6. Know them very well. List of characters in the Aeneid. Character of Aeneas (pietas especially). Role of the gods, especially Juno and Venus. Jupiters speech to Venus in Book 1 about the Romans. The account of the fall of Troy (very anti-Greek). The character of Dido and the doomed relationship between Dido and Aeneas. How responsible is she for her own downfall? Does he treat her fairly? Her reactions to his departure. Virgils description of the trip to the Underworld, including the various creatures there; the souls waiting to cross the Styx; the punishments of the guilty in Tartarus; meeting with Dido; the Elysian Fields and the meeting with Anchises. Anchises pageant of future Romans i.e. the descendants of Aeneas. Anchises speech to Aeneas about the greatness of Romes destiny. Examples of Virgils similes. Examples of pathos in Virgil.

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