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Fill in the banks with the right tense: present perfect, past perfect, present continuous, present perfect

continuous, past simple, past continuous.

1. I (go ) to the market a few days ago to buy some bread.

2. The little deer (sleep) for the last 4 hours. 3. I just (arrive) home when the rain started. 4. You ( ask) me that question for a few days, now! 5. I (look) at that photo for hours. 6. The sun ( rise) when I woke up. 7. That woman (pick up) wild flowers now. 8. Yesterday I (go) to school, and then to the library. 9. Have you (get) oranges? 10. When Tina got to the grocer s they already (close).

Testul se adreseaza elevilor de clasa a VIII-a. Am ales acest test pentru ca mi se pare un exercitiu relevant atat pentru exprimarea orala cat si pentru cea scrisa. Raspunsurile corecte sunt: 1. went 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. has been sleeping have arrived have asked have looked was rising is picking up went got had closed

Notarea se face in urmatorul fel: fiecare punct valoreaza 0,90 sutimi. Se ofera 1 punct din oficiu. Nota finala in cazul in care toate raspunsurile sunt corecte este 10.

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