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PATFOORTS CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF NONVIOLENCE 2 Principles of Nonviolence 1. The Principle of No Violence- refers to the need to refrain from violence against others 2. The principle of Personal Power the notion that nonviolence is not passive but a position of strength and power. Nonviolence involves no violence against oneself. Nonviolence includes POWER WITH NO VIOLENCE. There should be a balance between the two principles. In working for the balance one can approach being nonviolent and can become more nonviolent but one can never achieve a perfect nonviolence. How to achieve balance between the two principles? 1. BE CRITICAL. - one must be critical to consider multiple sides of a conflict situation. - nonviolent thinking requires one to consider the sides of ones opponent as well. - nonviolent thinking considers the varying viewpoints in a conflict in calm and peaceful Manner. 2. UNDERSTAND OTHERS. - everyone must understand how others interpret their actions. Ex. Yelling may be nonviolent to you but may be violent to someone else. 3. HAVE A SENSE OF SELF-AWARENESS. - one needs to become aware of our capabilities, learn to develop them and realize how best to use our talents. 4. ACKNOWLEDGE INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES. - know how to live differences in a manner that is not defensive. - the less we allow violence directed towards us to occur, the more possible for us to behave nonviolently towards others. - in this way be can break the cycle of Violence. 5. HAVE THE SKILLS. Additional skills needed to become more nonviolent. - patience, creativity, quick self mastery - the ability to focus our anger in a positive way. - develop strategies to promote cooperation and solidarity. - good communication skills.

SOCIOLOGICAL VIEWS OF NONVIOLENCE A. OPPENHEIMER 7 TENETS ON NONVIOLENT IDEOLOGY ( HEAVILY INFLUENCED BY THE WRITINGS AND TEACHING OF GANDHI). 1. Action based on truth-force or love 2. A need to communicate with an opponent to bring a change of heart. 3. Never attempt to overcome evil with evil, only with good. 4. Enduring unmerited suffering. 5. The search for truth in which it is not for man to judge man irrevocably by killing him using physical violence. 6. Respect for the individual. 7. Religious feeling, because the resister needs this kind of security when his life is at stake.

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