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2009 2010

Research Proposal presented To the Faculty of the High School Department of ACMCL College

In partial fulfillment of The requirements in Research

By: Cyrus Gil S. Geneta Glen Albert L. Ortega Ross Kenneth A. Pontemayor


Introduction Pornography or porn is the explicit depiction of sexual subject matter with the sole intention of sexually exciting the viewer. It is to a certain extent similar to erotica, which is the use of sexually arousing imagery. Over the past few decades, an immense industry for the production and consumption of pornography has grown, due to emergence of the VCR, the DVD, and Internet, as well as the emergence of social attitudes more tolerant of sexual portrayals. The content of pornography is a function of many things, including culture, history, biology, and technology. Over time, pornography has grown more and more sexually explicit as producers have taken advantage of the freedoms that accompanied the spread of democracy. Pornography and its appeal are nothing new to mankind. What makes pornography a forbidden practice, is its promiscuous and uninhibited nature. Source:

Millions of people access pornographic sites around the globe everyday. The battle of defending and fighting pornography is one that will never end since the two opposing views are equally strong. Pro-pornography or anti-pornography, the Western world remains obsessed with sex and its means of expression; that is why the pornography issue will not easily disappear. The reasons for opposing pornography are as diverse as it gets. Religious groups and lots of academic educators believe that pornography demoralizes society's values and ethics.

Pornography first developed in Western Europe during the late eighteenth century in tandem with the rise of utilitarianism. Revenues of the adult industry in the United States have been difficult to determine. In 1970, a Federal study estimated that the total retail value of all the hard-core porn in the United States was no more than $10 million. On the national scenario, the study found extensive evidence that child pornography is occurring in the Philippines as a result of both foreign and domestic perpetrators seeking to exploit poor and vulnerable families and children. The study details the way Internet technology makes it difficult for officials to monitor and investigate the criminal practice. From the provincial setting, many videos of sexual subject are being posted on different network sites, e.g. is the youtube. Oriental Mindoro province has reported a small number of But the approach regarding

records of sexually related crimes, not as big as in Manila.

pornography among Mindoreos, since pirated VCD selling, with pornographic theme, is very rampant. The production and distribution of pornography are economic activities of some importance. The exact size of the economy of pornography and the influence that it has in political circles are matters of controversy. Source:

The question of how pornography affects human behaviors and attitudes has been a considerable source of controversy and public concern. Opponents of pornography believe it encourages immorality, sexual violence, and negative attitudes toward women, while defenders see pornography as a harmless diversion that may serve to relieve sexual tensions. Some religious

groups discourage members from viewing pornography, and support legislation restricting its publication. Attitudes toward pornography generally can be classified into one of four major perspectives: conservative, feminist, postmodern, and liberal. Tensions among these viewpoints have only increased with the quantum leap in availability of pornography on the Internet. Source: This research study is necessary to be conducted because viewing of pornographic items has already been affecting the lives of people especially those who belong to the so-called youth sector. The study is important since the youth should be informed about what feasible effects can be brought by committing to pornography. Moreover, the researchers also need to find out in this study the changes in behavior in a student just because he/she is used to viewing obscene items. Research Locale The researchers would be conducting the study at ACMCL College, located at Poblacion 1, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. It first operates on June 13, 1993. It offers pre-elementary,

elementary, high school, and college education. For the past years of existence, the population of students at ACMCL College grows from original 61 pupils to more than seven hundred students at present. In particular, the high school department has 198 numbers of enrolled students and 12 teachers at present. This is the actual number of students for each section-year/level: IEmerald 30; I-Topaz 29; II-Sapphire 27; II-Aquamarine 24; III-Ruby 25; III-Pearl 24; and IV-Diamond 39.

Theoretical Framework Lee Ellis (2005) suggests a theory of rape that adds concepts of how sex hormones affect brain functioning to portions of evolutionary, feminist, and social learning theories of rape to form the Synthesized Theory. This theory has been designed to incorporate the strengths of the other theories, while avoiding the weaknesses, to create a Synthesized Theory of why rape occurs. According to Ellis, a major strength of feminist theory is its recognition of the relationship between rape and the power/dominance structure between the sexes. Further, feminist and social learning theories introduced the concept that exposure to violent pornography would enhance tendencies of some men to behave aggressively towards women, which is empirically supported. The conservative Perspective (2003) is based on the traditional foundation of obscenity law, which focuses on how pornography corrupts moral virtue and social order. It takes the position that sexual desire should be restrained by rationality, interpersonal commitment, and responsibility, qualities that are preserved by marriage and commitment to the family. In this view, pornography also contributes to sexual violence. The conservative view may be based on religion or on secular moral theory. In the United States, several major religious activists have worked in the antipornography movement, but evangelicals of the New Right have been the most influential, especially since the 1970s. Feminist Perspective (2002). The mainstream feminist perspective rejects the moral and

religious views of the conservative approach, focusing instead on how pornography contributes to the inequality and subordination of women in society. In this view, pornography is not about sex

but about power; pornography reflects and reinforces male power and sexuality by depicting women as sex objects who exist to fulfill the pleasure of men. Liberal Perspective (2002). The liberal and civil libertarian approach tolerates any consensual or voluntary form of adult sexual activity, as long as it does not directly harm others. Liberal commentators tend to be critical of claims concerning the harmful effects of pornography, whether moral or scientific, whereas postmodernists hold that pornography has harmful as well as beneficial effects. This theory, Synthesized Theory, is related to the study that we are conducting, since it is stated in this theory that there are harmful as well as beneficial effects of pornography to our life, particularly to students behavior. We have to base our study to those theories for us to have a supporting structure of our study.

Conceptual Framework This paradigm explains the relationship between the three tables. It tackles the relationship between the table Profile of the High School Students, as the independent variable, and the table Effects of Watching Pornography as dependent variable. It also explains the relationship between the table Effects of Watching Pornography, as independent variable, and the table Students Behavior, as dependent variable. All those contribute to the required information to conduct the study.

IV Profile of High School Students a. Age b. Gender c. Year/Level d. Economic Status e. Parent Marital Status

DV Effects of Watching Pornography -result to pornography addiction -more sexually stimulated -become a common topic for peers -buying obscene items IV

Students Behavior DV negative attitude

Schematic Presentation of the Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem The study seeks to determine the effects of watching pornography among the high school students of ACMCL College in relation to students behavior. It specifically answers the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the high school students in terms of age, gender, year/level,

economic status, and parent marital status? 2. What are the effects of watching pornography? 3. What is the students behavior? 4. Is there a relationship between the profile and the effects of watching pornography?

5. Is there a relationship between the effects of watching pornography and the students behavior?

Statement of the Hypothesis 1. There is no relationship between the profile of the students and the effects of watching pornography. 2. There is no relationship between the effects of watching pornography and the students behavior.

Significance of the Study The findings of this research will be of great help to the following persons: To the students, this would let them know the different effects of watching obscenity. They would be guided and aided in the formation of emotional and social behavior and thereby produce and develop harmonious relationship towards others, in home, school and other public places. To the teachers, it will enable the teachers to motivate the children to take steps for their betterment in schools, especially in values. To the parents, this would serve as their guide and be aware and watchful of movies are being viewed by their children. To the future researchers, the information gathered from this study will serve as guide to those who will conduct future study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is centered only to high school students of ACMCL College, during the school year 2009 to 2010. Respondents would come from different sections in the High School Department, each having fair number of respondents. They would be selected through Random Sampling.

Definition of Terms: The following terms are used for clever understanding on their use and application in the research study.

Pornography Addiction. It is a form of sexual addiction described by it proponents as a condition characterized by the overuse or abuse of pornography High School Students. They are learners of secondary schools Pornography. It refers to sexually explicit material: films, magazines, writings,

photographs, or other material that are sexually explicit and intended to cause sexual arousal. Sexually Stimulated. This refers to sexual arousal Peers. This refers to person of equal standing with another: somebody who is equal of somebody else, e.g. in age or social class Porntoon. This refers to animated pornography: an animated movie with a pornographic subject or theme.

Pornographic Explicit. It means portraying sex explicitly: sexually explicit and intended to cause sexual arousal Obscene item. This refers to item (primarily publications and films) deemed contrary to public standards of sexual mortality Students Behavior. This refers to a psychological response: the way in which students respond to specific set of conditions Deviant Behavior. It means diverging sharply from a customary, traditional, or generally accepted standard, or displaying such divergent behavior Positive Attitude. It is a philosophy of approaching life with optimism and confidence. Negative Attitude. It is a challenging manner: an arrogant or assertive manner or stance assumed as a challenge or for effect

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature Cary Tennis (July 2008) said, And naturally whether you approve of porn in theory or not, its effect will be to displace you. Like crack, it tends to take over, to push out other hungers that tend to nurture the human community by making us dependent on one another. Since we are dependent on each other we must be civil and loving. If we are not dependent on each other then we needn't be civil and loving. We needn't have community and family. (Salon magazine) There is debate whether it is truly moral to be 'civil and loving' purely because it is necessary, as Cary Tennis seems to say here. Other Christians argue that to be 'civil and loving' purely because we are dependent on others is actually immoral and manipulative. These Christians argue that to be self-contained, independent and yet still warm and loving is a greater virtue. Debbie Nathan (November 2008) in her book, Pornography: A Groundwork Guide, she stated this Porn is everywhere today, everyone is looking, and the media responds with little more than gloom-and-doom talk about evils like Internet sex addiction, or rah-rah promotion of Brazilian waxing and Jenna Jamesons fame and fortune. Meanwhile, few know the real history of this explosive media, or the truth about its business practices, working conditions, politics and actual effects on people. According to Dr. Jerry Bergman (2005), Pornography distorts the natural development of personality. If the early stimulus is pornographic photographs, the adolescent can be conditioned to

become aroused through photographs. Once this pairing is rewarded a number of times, it is likely to become permanent. The result to the individual is that it becomes difficult for the person to seek out relations with appropriate persons. Although with the human population growing, it can be doubted whether this lack of desire for a human partner is a bad thing. The articles authored by Debbie Nathan and Dr. Jerry Bergman related to our study since it tackles about the actual effects of pornography in what mediums/media it would be explosive. It discusses the destructive effects of pornography, once an individual is in the habit of watching it. Difficulties could be observed. R. Langevin (2005) discusses how innovation in technology provides new opportunities for the pursuit of sexual deviance. New technology in computers may have applicability for carnal behavior. Through on-line bulletin boards dedicated to particular modes of sexual behavior, computer users with special sexual predilections can communicate with persons who share similar interests around the world. Erotic computer communication may involve mild flirtations, exchanging information about sexual services availability, and specific varieties of deviant behavior. Computers have been used for child pornography and to arrange meetings for sexual purposes. The appearance of computer erotica can be interpreted at various functional levels and holds considerable import for social behavior and may revolutionize crime and the parameters of deviant sexual behavior. On the other hand, the work of R. Lavengin is almost the same with Debbie Nathans

article. Computer plays a great part on the immediate and fast spreading of sexual themed films or images, which changes the behavior of a certain person. Since computer-using is very accessible,

nowadays, pornographic addiction through internet would be an effect that would destroy ones perception or outlook about sex. According to Gordon B. (2004), Pornography or sexually explicit image is more intense than a dirty or spoiled food. Our body has immune system to prevent spreading of diseases from those foods. On the other hand, some one who is used to viewing pornography records it in a retrieval system called brain. The brain doesnt filtrate and drain out that dirt entering our brain. Once it has been recorded, youre suppose to retrieve and to recall it. You will be away from significant things in the world.

Pornography has destructive effect to our personal relation. It destroys the ability of an individual to enjoy the normal pleasure and spiritual relation in opposite sex. Because of numb conscience, pornographers and porn patrons would be encourage to to emulate what they see without thinking the possible effects on his/her life or to others lives. The means of measuring the evilness is not knowing how bad it is but the effects it can bring to others. Once, they use internet and other source and sort of pornography, they become sinful.

The articles authored by Gordon B. conveys almost the same idea with what Dr. Jerry Bergman had discussed in his article. According to him, it would be difficult for an individual to seek out relations with appropriate persons because of usual viewing of sexual subject matter. Changes in behavior can be observed from a person who watches obscene items. And that is what our study is all about.

Review of Related Studies

Research concerning the effects of pornography is inconclusive. Some studies support the contention that the viewing of pornographic material may increase rates of sexual crimes, while others have shown no effects, or a decrease in the rates of such crimes. According to the article in the journal Pediatrics, research found that pornography and listening to music with "degrading" sexual lyrics is related to advances in a range of sexual activities among adolescent. "The effects of Pornography: An International Perspective was an epidemiological study which found that the massive growth of the pornography industry in the United States between 2000 and 1995 was accompanied by a substantial decrease in the number of sexual assaults per capita; and reported similar results for Japan. Findings of this nature have been critiqued by Robert Peters, president of Morality in Media, on the grounds that the results are better explained by factors other than the increased prevalence of pornography: a more plausible explanation is that if there is a decline in forcible rape, it is the result of a tremendous effort to curb rape through community and school-based programs, media coverage, "Effects of Prolonged Consumption of Pornography was review of controlled studies which found that extensive viewing of the type of pornographic material commonly sold at adult bookstores was positively correlated with decreased satisfaction of participants with their sex lives and partners and an increased self-reported willingness to commit rape or other forced sexual acts. This line of research has been critiqued in "The effects of Pornography: An International Perspective" on external validity grounds: Lab experiments typically do not take into account context and other crucial social and situational factors in considering the audience or the material... In real life, individuals are free to satisfy different sexual urges in ways unavailable to students in classroom or subjects in laboratory situation.

The study, Use of Pornography in the Criminal and Developmental Histories of Sexual Offenders examined the exposure to and the usage of pornography in the histories of 38 rapists and 26 child molesters. The study found that both groups reported exposure to pornography and were "significantly more likely" to use pornographic materials prior to and during their offenses. According to the study pornography was employed to relieve an impulse to act out. According to the study, child molesters indicated "significantly more" exposure to pornography than rapists in adulthood. According to the study, "Pornography Use as a Risk Marker for an Aggressive Pattern of Behavior Among Sexually Reactive Children and Adolescents", Sexually reactive children and adolescents (SRCAs), also referred to as juvenile sexual offenders, "may be more vulnerable and likely to experience damaging effects from pornography use." According to the study, the SRCAs who used pornography were "more likely" to display aggressive behaviors than their nonjuring counterparts. Researcher John Court conducted a comparative study of the relationship between the availability of pornography and the reported rape. Although Court focuses on the relationship between pornography and rape, this is by no means the only negative effect of pornography. Nevertheless, it is a very serious one. Court concluded that countries adopting a liberal approach to pornography have, contrary to expectations, experienced major increases in rape reports in the years following the inception of that approach. Those studies from different researchers tell that pornography has a great effect to our behavior. Watching pornography can encourage us to do negative behaviors such as sexual assaults and crimes.


Research Design The researchers will use the descriptive-correlational method in conducting the study. This is designed to gather information and data necessary to answer questions concerning the perceptions on the effects of watching pornography to high school students. Descriptive-Correlational method of research is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. It describes with emphasis, what actually exist, such as current conditions, practices, situation, or any phenomena. It is a method that is often conducted to test the reliability and predictive validity of instruments used for division making concerning selection of individuals for the likely success in a course of study or a specific job.

Research Respondents The respondents in the study will be the selected high school students, having respondents from each section in the high school department, of ACMCL College, school year 2009-2010. They will be chosen using the random sampling or the Table of Random Digits.

Research Instrument The needed data will be gathered from the respondents by means of a set of questionnaire.

Data Gathering Instrument: The researchers will use a self-made questionnaire in gathering the data on the effects of watching pornography to high school students in relation to students behavior. First, the target respondents will be determined. Afterwards, the sampling units will be identified using the table of random units. After identifying the respondents, the researcher will prepare a letter addressed to the high school principal requesting approval to gather information through the use of self-made questionnaire. After setting the requirements, the researchers themselves with the help of the classroom teachers will distribute the questionnaire to the students. The questions and directions in the questionnaire will be explained by the researcher clearly, for better understanding.

Statistical Treatment of Data The data collected by the researcher will be tabulated, summarized, and analyzed. Analysis of data will be guided by numerical computations, such as mean, frequency and percentage. To test the relationship between variables, pearsons (r) and chi-square will be used.


Profile of student Age: Year/Level: Gender: _____ Male _____ Female

Estimated Allowance Per Week: ________ Php 50 Php 250 ________ Php 251 Php 600 ________ Php601 Php 1000 ________ Php 1001 above_______(kindly indicate) Parents Marital Status: ___ Married ___ Separated ___ Single Parent

___ Widow/Widower

Pornography Addiction How often do I view/watch Pornography? ___ Daily ___ Once a Week ___ Once a month ___ 2-4 times a week ____ only once

How long do I watch pornography per viewing? ___ about an hour ___ about 2-3 hours ___ about 3-4 hours

___ about 4-5 hours ___ 5 hours above______(kindly indicate) What form/kind of Pornography I used to view? (May choose more than one) ___ Pictures/Images ___ Films/Videos (of persons involved) ___ Porntoon (animated porn)

Other forms/kinds of Pornography I used to view? ______________ (please specify)

Among those mediums/media, kindly rank it according to your frequency of viewing or watching. Put the numbers inside the parentheses to arrange those media from 5 being the most often down to 1 being the rarest one. Pictures/Images ( ) Films/Videos ( ( ) ) Porntoon ( ( ) )

Other form _________

Other form _________

Sexual Stimulation Encircle the number of your answer. 5 Always 4 Often 1. I always prefer to feel orgasm 2. My day is not complete when I didnt view porn stuffs. 3. I wonder for other/different sex position 5 4. I used to react when I heard the word sex and other some related words 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 5 5 3 Sometimes 2 Seldom 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 Never

Topic for Peers How do you gain access to pornography? ___ online ___ Offline ___ both

Where do you usually talk about obscenity or pornography? (You may choose more than one) ___ classroom/school ___ in home ___ friends/neighborhoods house ___ computer shops ___ on your way ___ while riding in a car ___ Others ______________ (Kindly specify where)

When do you usually talk about obscenity or pornography? ___ during class discussions related to sexual education ___ during class not related to sexual education as you are chatting with your classmate ___ during vacant/ leisure time ___ Others ______________(Kindly specify when) Who are those peers that are with you on your conversation? ___ classmates ___ brother/s / sister/s ___ cousin/relatives ___ other friends ___ Others ______________ (Kindly specify who) How do you communicate or approach others about obscenity? __ face-to-face __ online network (chats, etc.) __ mobile networks

Buying Obscene Items / Porn Explicit 5 Always 4 Often 1. I draw porn images in my paper, notebooks, desks, books, etc. 2. I used to offer to other people an obscene or pornographic item. 3. I encourage other people to watch X-Rated films. 4. I enjoy watching and viewing pornographic images. 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 3 Sometimes 2 Seldom 1 Never

5. I was caught by my parent/s watching X-Rated images or films. 6. prioritized to watch/view pornography rather than educational TV shows. 7. I buy pornographic items/magazines 8. I once write a porn vandal on my classmates notes (e.g. I want to fuck you, lets have sex) 9. I love to read pocketbooks of pornographic theme. 5 4 3 2 1 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 1

Student Behavior True or False. _______ 1. Do I actively participate in class discussion when the lesson is about sex education? _______ 2. I consider myself as sex maniac. _______ 3. I know to myself that I am pornography addict. _______ 4. I tend to interpret some words in class in relation to pornography. _______ 5. I once touch someone in malicious way on purpose. _______ 6. I prefer to hangout with persons who has high sex-drive.

Check your choice of answer.

Always 1. As I do my home works/projects, etc, I simultaneously view pornographic images/films (online network) As we do a role play, I want to have a pornographic scene.





3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

As we do a group discussion, I simultaneously discuss about pornography. As I open my bluetooth/infrared, I used to pass pornographic videos in cellphones. As time goes by, I can't control myself to watch pornographic videos. I associate things/foods to some porn images. (ex. 2 balls-bosom, hotdogs, etc.) I reiterate/recap in my mind what I had viewed or watched.

Parental Involvement (Rules/Prevention/Intervention) True or False _____ 1. My parents set me a time or schedule of using computer or television. _____ 2. My parents are usually choosing the channel I am going to watch. _____ 3. My parents scan the pages of my books/notebooks. _____ 4. They inspect my cell phone, and other data storing devices. _____ 5. They dont allow me to play songs with dual and malicious meanings. _____ 6. My parents once told me that I should not marry first, indeed study very well. _____ 7. My parents asked me directly if I am watching X-Rated Movies. _____ 8 . My parents allow me to go to a movie theater to watch independent films of sexual theme. _____ 9. My parents allow me to go to my friends/neighbors house even it is already late at night. _____ 10. My parents ask me to change the channel of our TV if the characters are attempting to have sexual intercourse like kiss etc.

Bibliography: Beck, Marianna (May 2003). "The Roots of Western Pornography: Victorian Obsessions and Fin-de-Sicle Predilections". Libido, The Journal of Sex and Sensibility. Retrieved 2006-08-22. ^ Ackman, Dan (2001-05-25). "How Big Is Porn?". Archived from the original on 2001-06-09. Retrieved 2007-11-08. "$2.6 billion to $3.9 billion. Sources: Adams Media Research, Forrester Research, Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Report, IVD" Lang=A&tname=07searchmsn&Year=2009&q=Pornography Downs, Donald A. "Pornography." Microsoft Encarta 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA Konvitz, Milton R. "Censorship." Microsoft Encarta 2009 [DVD]. by Mac Partlow, MA, LMHCCounseling /Therapy Seattle WA Individual and Couples Therapy Ardrey, Robert. (1970). The Social Contract: A Personal Inquiry into the Evolutionary Sources of Order and Disorder[1]. Published by Atheneum. ISBN 0689103476

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