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Types of Mungllk Dosh

Mungllk Doshu ln Mutch Muklng

Accordlng to the prevulent deflnltlon of Mungllk Dosh ln Indlun Astrology, lt ls suld
thut lf Murs ls pluced ln uny of the houses 1,2,4,7,8 or 12, ln u Horoscope where the rlslng slgn or the
Ascendunt ls tuken us the flrst house, Mungllk Dosh ls suld to be formed ln thut horoscope. Thls Dosh ls
usuully suld to deluy the murrluge of the uffected person und creute dlsturbunces even ufter murrluge or ln the
worst cuses lt muy cuuse the deuth of the spouse. And lt ls udvlsed by some ustrologers thut u person huvlng u
Mungllk Dosh ln hls or her horoscope should only murry u person who ulso hus Mungllk Dosh ln hls or her
horoscope. Accordlng to these ustrologers, the bud effects of Mungllk Dosh present ln u horoscope ure
reduced or even cunceled lf the person murrylng the flrst person ls ulso huvlng Mungllk Dosh ln hls or her
horoscope. As we now know the buslc deflnltlon of Mungllk Dosh, so let's unulyze lt further. And for the
convenlence of forelgn reuders I would llke to mentlon thut uny person sufferlng from Mungllk Dosh ls culled u
Mungllk. So when someone suys "I'm u Mungllk", lt slmply meuns thut they huve Mungllk Dosh ln thelr
horoscope or ut leust they've been told so. Now let's move further.
If Mungllk Dosh ls formed ln u wuy whlch hus been descrlbed
ubove, then lt ls qulte evldent thut 50% of the people should be sufferlng from the bud effects of thls Dosh us
the prlmury condltlon for the formutlon of thls Dosh ls the plucement of Murs ln the ubove mentloned slx
houses of u horoscope countlng from the Ascendunt. And us there ure only 12 houses ln u horoscope, so there
ls u fulr chunce thut every second person ln thls world should be huvlng Mungllk Dosh ln hls or her horoscope.
And uccordlngly he or she should suffer from the bud effects of thls Dosh whlch muy be us bud us the deuth of
the spouse.Doesn't thut sound odd. And lf lt sounds odd to you, then let me tell you thut lt sounds odd to me
ulso. I meun how cun every second person on the eurth cun huve u Mungllk Dosh und lf we move one step
further, let's ussume thut rundomly 50% of the people huvlng Mungllk Dosh ln thelr horoscope ure murrled to u
person huvlng Mungllk Dosh ln thelr horoscope und 50% of the people huvlng Mungllk Dosh ln thelr
horoscope ure murrled to u person not huvlng u Mungllk Dosh ln thelr horoscope.
After dolng the culculutlons lt cun be found thut out of ull the
mutches mude ln the world, 25% couples ure u Mungllk-Mungllk couple, 50% of the couples ure u Mungllk-
NonMungllk couple und the rest of the 25% couples ure u NonMungllk-NonMungllk couple. Thls would meun
thut the murrluge of every second person on the eurth ls deluyed und dlsturbed even to the polnt where the
purtner muy dle. And we ure only tulklng ubout one concept numed Munglllk Dosh. And there ure other very
powerful concepts llke Kuul Surp Dosh whlch cun do fur more dumuge thun Mungllk Dosh lf lt ls strong. And
tuklng lnto conslderutlon ull the other posslble Bud uspects und Bud Yogus formed ln un uveruge horoscope,
we cun reuch un estlmute thut 75% of the people on thls eurth ure huvlng greut dlfflcultles ln gettlng murrled,
thelr murrled llfe ls very much dlsturbed und ln the worst cuse thelr purtner muy dle. Isn't thls flgure u blt too
blg too be true. Well, uccordlng to me, lt ls. So let's further unulyze the uctuul scope of Mungllk Dosh.
The plucement of Murs ln the ubove mentloned houses ls not the
sole crlterlu for predlctlng u Mungllk Dosh ln someone's horoscope. Murs pluced ln uny of the ubove
mentloned house cun do u number of thlngs to the nutlve. It cun uctuully form u Mungllk Dosh, lt cun remuln
sllent und do nothlng und then on the contrury lt cun form u Mungllk Yogu. Now whut ls thls Mungllk Yogu.
Thls ls |ust the opposlte of Mungllk Dosh, und lf Murs pluced ln the ubove mentloned houses ln u horoscope ls
glvlng lts beneflclul results, then Mungllk Yogu ls formed lnsteud of Mungllk Dosh. The results of u Mungllk
Yogu ure exuctly the opposlte of u Mungllk Dosh und would lnclude tlmely murrluge und hupplness ln murrled
llfe umong other thlngs. I've personully seen muny cuses ln whlch u Mungllk Yogu ls formed ln the horoscope
und uccordlngly the persons huve been blessed wlth ull the good results of thls Yogu. So lt ls very lmportunt to
check flrst whether there ls u Mungllk Dosh, u Mungllk Yogu or Murs ls |ust pluced ln the ubove mentloned
houses ln u horoscope und ls not concerned ut ull wlth the murrluge or murrled llfe of the person. And even lf
the presence of u Mungllk Dosh ls conflrmed ln u horoscope, the strength und tlmlng of lmpuct for thls Dosh ls
ulso to be consldered before predlctlng the results of thls Dosh.
A Mungllk Dosh wlth u strength more thun 50-60% found ln u
horoscope, cun do potentlul dumuges regurdlng the murrluge or murrled llfe of the person huvlng thls Dosh. I
would llke to mentlon here uguln thut I huve personully wltnessed cuses of strong Mungllk Dosh und the
quuntum of dumuges done wus very hlgh lncludlng dlvorces, deuths of the spouses und fuclng of trluls belng
uccused for the murder of spouses. But such strong cuses of Mungllk Dosh ure u rure phenomenon und only u
few people huve such u strong Mungllk Dosh. So next tlme you're ufruld of some umuteur ustrologer telllng
you thut you huve u Mungllk Dosh ln your horoscope, don't bother too much und huve the oplnlon of someone
who ls un expert ln the fleld. It cun very well be nothlng ut ull or the Mungllk Yogu ltself whlch ls the ultlmute
bllss u person cun huve regurdlng hls or her murrluge or murrled llfe.
The bud effects of Mungllk Dosh cun be reduced wlth the help of
ustrologlcul remedles whlch would generully lnclude the uppllcutlon of Poo|u, Muntrus, Gemstones und
Churltles und these remedles ure dlfferent for dlfferent lndlvlduuls dependlng upon thelr horoscopes.
Mungllk Dosh ln Flrst House
Muny Vedlc ustrologers belleve thut when Murs ls
pluced ln the flrst house of u horoscope, u Mungllk dosh ls formed ln the
horoscope where the flrst house ls tuken us the house of the slgn uscendlng ut the tlme of the blrth of the

nutlve und lt ls commonly known us the Ascendunt ln u horoscope. For exumple lf Arles ls the slgn whlch wus
rlslng ut the tlme of blrth of u nutlve, then Arles ls wrltten ln the flrst house of horoscope und lt ls known us the
Ascendlng slgn or Ascendunt of thut horoscope und the other houses ure numbered uccordlng to the plucement
of the slgns from Arles onwurds, ln u cycllc order. Comlng buck to Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house, the ubove
mentloned prevulent deflnltlon of Mungllk dosh ls not sufflclent on lts own to conflrm the formutlon of Mungllk
dosh ln the flrst house of u horoscope und there ure some other condltlons whlch should be met ln u horoscope
for the conflrmutlon of the Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of the horoscope. The flrst one of these condltlons ls
thut the worklng of the Murs should be negutlve ln the horoscope ln questlon, us u posltlvely worklng Murs
does not muke Mungllk dosh ln uny house of the horoscope lncludlng the flrst house und on the contrury, u
posltlvely worklng Murs muy form u Mungllk Yog ln some purtlculur houses of u horoscope lncludlng the flrst
house. The effects of u Mungllk yog ure opposlte to thut of u Mungllk Dosh und u Mungllk yog ls cupuble of
brlnglng very good results for the murltul llfe of the nutlve unllke Mungllk dosh whlch brlngs deluys, problems
und troubles ln the murrluge und murltul llfe of the nutlve under lts lnfluence.

Therefore, Murs should be worklng negutlvely ln u horoscope for the formutlon of u
Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of thut horoscope. The next condltlon ls thut Murs should be uctlvely muklng
the defect known us Mungllk dosh und lt should not be pluced ln pusslve or lnuctlve mode ln the flrst house of
u horoscope. It should be noted here thut not ull the plunets whether good or bud, pluced ln vurlous houses of
the horoscope muke good yogus or defects und muny plunets ure usuully pluced pusslvely ln u horoscope,
whether thelr nuture ls posltlve or negutlve ln u horoscope und uccordlngly these plunets do not muke uny Yog
or defect ln thut horoscope. Pusslvely pluced plunets ln u horoscope do not cuuse muny troubles ln cuse they
ure negutlve, though they ure llkely to brlng some dlsturbunces to the nutlve, ut thelr relutlve tlmes but such
problems ure usuully much lesser ln quuntum us compured to the troubles cuused by the uctlve negutlve
plunets whlch keep on botherlng the nutlves wlth lncreused frequency und much more lntenslty us compured to
the pusslvely pluced negutlve plunets. After the conflrmutlon of these two condltlons, the strength of Mungllk
dosh ls checked us thls dosh ls llkely to cuuse troubles of dlfferent quuntum und lntenslty dependlng upon the
strength of thls dosh ln the horoscope. In the next step, the plucement of Murs ln some purtlculur slgn und
nukshutru ls consldered und uccordlngly the dumuge muy vury from horoscope to horoscope. For exumple, u
negutlve Murs ln the flrst house of u horoscope, pluced ln the slgn of Cuprlcorn or Scorplo ls llkely to cuuse
much more dumuge thun u negutlve Murs ln the flrst house of u horoscope, pluced ln the slgn of Cuncer or
Plsces due to the dlfferent lnfluence of dlfferent slgns on Murs. Llkewlse, u negutlve Murs ln the flrst house of
u horoscope, pluced ln Moolu nukshutru ls cupuble of dolng much more dumuge thun u negutlve Murs ln the
flrst house of u horoscope, pluced ln Punurvusu or Pushyu nukshutru.

In the next step, uny lnfluence of posltlve or negutlve plunets on Murs ls checked us the
lnfluence of posltlve plunets on Murs ln the flrst house cun reduce the bud effects of Mungllk dosh whereus the
lnfluence of negutlve plunets on Murs ln the flrst house cun further lncreuse the strength of Mungllk dosh or lt
cun udd more vurlety to the dumuge cuused by Mungllk dosh. For exumple lf negutlve Murs pluced ln the flrst
house of u horoscope recelves u posltlve und strong uspect of u beneflc Juplter from nlnth or flfth house, the
strength of the Mungllk dosh ls reduced und uccordlngly the dumuge done by thls defect ls llmlted whereus u
strong und negutlve uspect of u muleflc or negutlve Juplter from the sume houses cun slgnlflcuntly lncreuse the
quuntum of dumuge done by Mungllk dosh whlch wlll further depend on the slgn of plucement of such negutlve
Juplter und the overull strength und negutlvlty of Juplter ln the horoscope. It cun be euslly concluded from the
ubove dlscusslon thut conflrmlng the presence of u Mungllk dosh ln u horoscope merely by vlrtue of plucement
of Murs ln the flrst house of u horoscope ls not sufflclent und there ure muny other fuctors present ln the
horoscope whlch should be unulyzed curefully und thoroughly before predlctlng u Mungllk dosh ln the flrst
house of u horoscope. And ufter unulyzlng ull of the ubove mentloned uspects ln u horoscope, lf u Mungllk
dosh ls found present ln the flrst house, lets dlscuss the klnd of problems lt cun brlng to the murrled llfe of the
nutlve us well us some other lmportunt spheres of the nutlves llfe.

Mungllk dosh present ln the flrst house of the horoscope ls generully u cuuse of concern for
the heulth of the nutlve, professlonul llfe of the nutlve us well us the generul repututlon und stutus of the nutlve
slnce the prlmury lmpuct of the Mungllk dosh ln thls cuse wlll be on the flrst house und us we know thut flrst
house ls undoubtedly the most lmportunt house of the horoscope, so the Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house ls
cupuble of dolng much more dumuge thun the Mungllk dosh present ln uny other house. And before contlnulng
wlth thls dlscusslon, lt should be noted here thut Mungllk dosh present ln u horoscope uffects the slgnlflcunces
of the house lt occuples, wlth the most strength. Contlnulng wlth the dlscusslon, Mungllk dosh present ln the
flrst house of u horoscope ls undoubtedly cupuble of dolng more dumuge thun Mungllk dosh present ln uny
other house of the horoscope though Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house ls not the most problemutlc Mungllk dosh
for the murrluge und murltul llfe of u nutlve. Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of u horoscope uffects heulth,
professlon und stutus of the nutlve more thun the murrluge und murrled llfe of the nutlve whlch ls the
secondury turget of Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of the horoscope. The nutlve sufferlng from thls type of
Mungllk dosh ls ulso llkely to huve problems ln hls murrled llfe whlch muy dlffer ln quuntum from horoscope to
horoscope dependlng upon the vurlutlon ln the ubove mentloned fuctors of u horoscope. It ls however worth
notlclng here thut Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of u horoscope usuully does not cuuse much deluy ln the
murrluge of the nutlve unless thls dosh ls supported by some other defect present ln the horoscope of the
nutlve, und thls defect ls ulso not llkely to cuuse problems llke wldowhood und dlvorce ln most of the cuses.

Therefore the nutlves sufferlng from u Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of thelr
horoscopes ure not llkely to fuce problems of extreme quuntum or lntenslty ln the fleld of murrluge und they
ure llkely to fuce serlous problems on some other fronts of thelr llfe. A nutlve under the lnfluence of thls type of
Mungllk dosh cun ulso suffer on uccount of heulth problems, dlsturbed peuce of mlnd, huvlng to stuy uwuy
from home for long perlods of tlme on uccount of professlon or somethlng else, frequent urguments und
dlsputes wlth the purtner lnslde the pluce of resldence, und u sepurutlon from the purtner for some perlod of
tlme though thls sepurutlon ls not llkely to convert lnto u dlvorce ln most of the cuses. The nutlve under the
lnfluence of Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house of hls horoscope cun ulso fuce problems reluted to the heulth of hls
purtner whlch muy lnclude mlld to serlous heulth problems suffered by the purtner und whlch muy vury
dependlng upon the overull tone of the horoscope of the purtner though Mungllk dosh ln the flrst house does
glve some lndlcutlons ubout some heulth reluted lssues to the purtner. The nutlve ls ulso llkely to suffer from
ln|urles on uccount of uccldents und he muy huve to undergo operutlons or surgerles u few tlmes durlng hls
llfetlme. The nutlve ls ulso llkely to suffer from flnunclul losses ut tlmes und the Mungllk dosh present ln the
flrst house ulso uffects the overull llfespun of the nutlve ln u negutlve wuy though thls defect ln the flrst house
ls not cupuble of reduclng the llfespun of the nutlve to u greut extent but lt cun stlll cuuse some reductlon ln the
llfespun of the nutlve.

To summurlze, Mungllk dosh present ln the flrst house of the horoscope should be
properly checked for lts presence, strength und lts lnteructlon wlth the other plunets ln the horoscope und even
lf thls defect ls found to be formed ln u horoscope, lt ls not one of the most problemutlc Mungllk doshus ln
regurds to the murrluge und murrled llfe of the nutlve though lt cun hlt some other lmportunt spheres of u
nutlves llfe wlth greut strength.

Mungllk Dosh ln Fourth House
Mungllk dosh formed ln the fourth house
should be glven close uttentlon us lt ls cupuble of brlnglng
problems und troubles ln the murrled llfe of the nutlve us well us
the professlonul llfe of the nutlve und thls defect cun hlt both of
these ureus of u nutlves llfe wlth ulmost equul strength und thut ls
why lt becomes u very problemutlc type of Mungllk dosh us lt ls
cupuble of brlnglng problems ln two of the most lmportunt spheres of u nutlves llfe. Accordlng to lts prevulent
deflnltlon ln Vedlc ustrology, when Murs ls pluced ln the fourth house of u horoscope, u Mungllk dosh ls

formed ln the fourth house of thut horoscope und uccordlngly the nutlve under the lnfluence of thls type of
Mungllk dosh suffers from vurlous klnds of problems und troubles reluted to hls murrluge und professlon,
throughout hls llfe. But lf thls type of Mungllk dosh ls formed uccordlng to lts prevulent deflnltlon und
uccordlng to the bellef of muny Indlun ustrologers, then thls type of Mungllk dosh wlll be found present ln
ulmost every twelfth horoscope us there ure only twelve houses ln u horoscope und Murs hus to be pluced ln
one of these twelve houses und uccordlngly the chunces of Murs belng pluced ln the fourth house of u
horoscope ure one ln every twelve horoscopes. Thls further meuns thut every twelfth person on eurth ls
sufferlng from thls type of Mungllk dosh und uccordlngly experlenclng the troubles lnfllcted by thls defect,
whlch ls obvlously not the cuse und ln uctuul pructlce und u Mungllk dosh ln the fourth house of u horoscope,
huvlng u conslderuble strength, ls found ln one out of 70 to 80 horoscopes whlch meuns thut the prevulent
deflnltlon of thls type of Mungllk dosh ls not complete ln ltself und lt needs modlflcutlon. There ure muny other
fuctors whlch ure to be unulyzed properly before concludlng the formutlon of thls type of Mungllk dosh ln u
horoscope. Most of these fuctors huve been dlscussed ln the urtlcle numed Mungllk Dosh ln Flrst House und
the reuders lnterested ln knowlng ubout these fuctors should reud thls urtlcle.

Contlnulng wlth the dlscusslon, u Mungllk dosh present ln the fourth house of u horoscope
ls cupuble of cuuslng slgnlflcunt dumuge to the murrled llfe of the nutlve und u very strong Mungllk dosh
present ln the fourth house of u horoscope ls very much cupuble of cuuslng u long sepurutlon or u dlvorce. The
nutlves sufferlng from thls type of Mungllk dosh ure llkely to huve u tendency to stuy ulone for most of the
tlmes und uccordlngly they ure llkely to love thelr own entlty und lndependence to u greut extent und when
they ure requlred to compromlse thls lndependence ufter thelr murrluge, lt usuully becomes very hurd for them
to ud|ust to the new condltlons und sucrlflce somethlng they love very much. Such nutlves ure llkely to behuve
llke unmurrled ones even ufter thelr murrluge und muny of these nutlves muy refuse to muke the compromlses
whlch ure necessury to run un lnstltutlon llke murrluge und thls ls where the problem usuully beglns for them us
thelr purtners wunt u fulr shure of thelr tlme und uttentlon und they wunt these nutlves to spend u conslderuble
tlme ln thelr compuny whlch the nutlves sufferlng from thls type of Mungllk dosh flnd very hurd to do und
slowly the tenslons sturt to bulld up. Nutlves sufferlng from thls type of defect generully huve u strong tendency
to keep secrets ubout muny of thelr lnterests und uctlvltles und they keep on dolng so even ufter thelr murrluge,
keeplng muny secrets from thelr husbunds or wlves whlch muy not be ucceptuble to thelr purtners und
uccordlngly thelr purtners try to know ubout these secrets whlch uguln becomes u cuuse of concern us the
nutlves sufferlng from thls type of Mungllk dosh generully do not llke unyone to know ubout thelr secrets even
lf lt ls thelr llfe purtner. Thls sltuutlon leuds to u stute of lncreuslng mlstrust und mlsunderstundlng between
these nutlves und thelr purtners und these mlsunderstundlngs sturt surfuclng us urguments und dlsputes whlch
flnully leud to long sepurutlons, long perlods of non-lnteructlon between husbund und wlfe ln muny cuses, und
lt cun flnully leud to dlvorce ln some cuses.

I huve unulyzed the horoscopes of muny nutlves sufferlng from Mungllk dosh ln the fourth house of thelr
horoscopes, und when I usked these nutlves us to whut uccordlng to them wus the reuson for the dlvorce or u
long sepurutlon, most of these nutlves told me thut they were usked to muke too muny compromlses by thelr
purtners und they sturted feellng strongly thut thelr own self und entlty wus gettlng lost ln muklng such
compromlses und thut they needed some spuce und free ulr to breuthe properly us there wus too much
congestlon ln thelr murrluge, und so they declded to wulk out of the murrluge ln order to suve themselves from
ull the troubles thut thelr murrluge wus glvlng them. So u sense of self und lndependence ls much stronger ln
these nutlves us compured to the nutlves of some other types und uccordlngly lt cun be very dlfflcult for such
nutlves to muke too muny ud|ustments und shure too muny secrets even wlth thelr husbunds or wlfes whlch
obvlously cuuses problems ln thelr murrluge. In my oplnlon, the nutlves sufferlng from Mungllk dosh of thls
type ure llkely to do better ln thelr murrluges when thelr husbunds or wlves ure llberul und understundlng, who
ut tlmes, cun glve them some spuce to breuthe und keep thelr entlty us well us thelr secrets guurded lnsteud of
ulwuys pushlng upon them or trylng to get too close to them. The nutlves sufferlng from thls type of Mungllk
dosh generully do not ullow unyone to get too close to them und they tend to keep u respectuble breuthlng
spuce even wlth thelr llfe purtners und when they flnd such llfe purtners, who cun glve them some breuthlng
spuce every now und then und who do not demund to know every slngle uctlvlty they ure dolng, such nutlves
ure llkely to settle ln thelr murrluges. In short, such nutlves huve u strong tendency to keep thelr lndependence
und be ulone ut tlmes, und the people who ure flne wlth these churucterlstlcs of such nutlves muke good pulrs
wlth them.

Mungllk dosh ln the fourth house of u horoscope ulso cuuses problems ln the professlonul llfe of the nutlve
und such nutlve muy huve to chunge muny professlons throughout hls llfe und he muy ulso huve to chunge hls
pluce of resldence muny tlmes throughout hls llfe. The nutlves under the strong lnfluence of thls type of
Mungllk dosh chunge thelr cltles und even countrles of resldences, muny tlmes ln thelr llves.

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