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Products DSC8000 - For an optimal protection of your endoscopes

Drying and Storage Cabinet
Optimize your working hours thanks to Soluscopes global solution for Drying and Storing your endosc opes.

An ideal dirty-to-clean circuit!

2 versions available: A single door A built-in double-door, allowing acc ess to clean endosc opes from the operating room Ready-to-use endoscopes in the morning and for emergenc ies.

Your endoscopes ultimately protected

Eac h endoscope has its own tray and lid, protec ting it from outside contact, impac ts and cross contamination. The endoscope keeps the same c onnec tics throughout reprocessing and storage in the cabinet, insuring that c onnec tics are at the same disinfection level; it avoids any additional treatment. Medic al air or HEPA filtered air flushed through all endoscope c hannels. External air is treated through UVC lamps in each tray.

Easy Handling
Just unplug the endosc ope from the Washer Disinfec tor. Just plug it into the tray. Just place the tray c ontaining the endoscope into the cabinet.

The Disinfection level obtained through reprocessing is maintained inside the Cabinet
Thanks to the following Prec ise and Autonomous controls, disinfection level is maintained. Storage time c ontrol. Connec tion and pressure c ontrol in the endosc ope channels. Air flushing in the endosc ope channels. Filter clogging detection.

Assoc iated to the Drying Cabinet, the Soluscope trolley allows a safe and easy way of transporting the endoscope in its individual storage tray from operating room to the disinfec tion room and from the disinfec tion room into the operating room.

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