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Project Technical Paper Running head: Project Technical Paper

Project Technical Paper By Carol Tomarchio Instructor: Dr. Danielle Babb Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World CIS 510

Project Technical Paper

Entity-Relationship Diagram
Healthcare Organization Name Street Address City State Phone # Contact Person Order Date Start Time End Time Item Ordered Number Ordered PONumber Pharmacist Name License Number PhoneNumber Location CellPhone WorkDays

ClientUnit Name Address City/State Floor Wing Contact Person

Item Ordered PatientName RoomNumber ChemicalName Manufacturer UnitDosage Quantity

Drug Packaging UPC PackageType PackageQuantity NDC Number BrandName Price

Manufacturer Name Address DEA Number State PhoneNumber ContactPerson

Patient Number Name DateOfBirth Sex RoomNumber Wing

Prescription StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Quantity SpecialInstructions

DrugItem UnitType UnitDosage QuantityOnHand ReorderPoint ReorderQuantity Price

Drug ChemicalName BrandName GenericName NDC Number Strength PackageSize

Project Technical Paper

Domain Model Class Diagram

Healthcare Organization Name Street Address City State Phone # Contact Person Order Date Start Time End Time Item Ordered Number Ordered PONumber Pharmacist Name License Number PhoneNumber Location CellPhone WorkDays




ClientUnit Name Address City/State Floor Wing Contact Person 1 Item Ordered PatientName RoomNumber ChemicalName Manufacturer UnitDosage Quantity



Manufacturer Name Address DEA Number State PhoneNumber ContactPerson 0..*

Drug Packaging UPC PackageType PackageQuantity NDC Number BrandName Price 0..*

0..* Patient Number Name DateOfBirth Sex RoomNumber Wing Prescription StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Quantity SpecialInstructions 1..*




DrugItem UnitType UnitDosage QuantityOnHand ReorderPoint ReorderQuantity Price


Drug ChemicalName BrandName GenericName NDC Number Strength PackageSize

Project Technical Paper Activity Diagram for Enter New Order* (

Project Technical Paper Create Case Manifest

For each HC organization

Enter HCOrg name for this time period

Find and display all units Select all or individual units for case manifests

For each selected unit

Print case manifest

Project Technical Paper Fulfilling Orders

Print case manifest

Print case manifest For each completed order

Print case manifest

For each order item

Print case manifest

Print case manifest

Print case manifest

Print case manifest

Print case manifest end each order item

End each order

Sequence Diagram: Enter new order* 6

Project Technical Paper (

Sequence Diagram: Create Case Manifest

Project Technical Paper

Actor findHCOrg (name)


HCOrg info and units Selected Units (unit ID) findHCOrg (name
Case manifast

Sequence Diagram: Record Order Fulfillment 8

Project Technical Paper

System Actor
AuthenticateUser (ID)

User info findOrder (order number)

orderInfo, HCOrg, units findOrderItem (number)

orderItemInfo enterFulfillment (fulfillmentInfo for each order item For each order

State Machine Diagram 9

Project Technical Paper addOrderItems () printCaseManifest () enterFulfillmentInfo Open Ready for Fulfillment fulfillmentComplete ()

Fulfilled Archive ()

Three-Layer Architecture Customer Order Program View layer (Client workstation running Windows and Internet Explorer) Business Logic Layer (Java serverside components Data Layer (Oracle DBMS)

Menu Hierarchies 10

Project Technical Paper Menu hierarchy for Reliable employees is as follows: Order Fulfillment 1. Check order status 2. Record Fulfillment 3. Record Back Order 4. Create Return Menu hierarchy for nursing home employees is as follows: Order Entry 1. Check Availability 2. Create New Order 3. Update Order Steps of the Dialog For Use Case Place New Order 1. Use case name: Place Order Actors: nursing home employees 1. Nursing home employee connects to the RPS home page and then links to the order page. 2. Customer logs on. 3. The system starts a new order and patient names. 4. Customer searches for patient they are placing order for. 5. When correct patient is found, employee searches patients file for drug item to order. 11

Project Technical Paper 6. If new prescription, then the appropriate data must be entered to request a filling of this new drug prescription. 7. Employee requests refill or new prescription drug order and system displays a summary of the ordered items. 8. Changes can be made at this time. 9. Employee submits order and prints out a receipt for the order. Necessary Input Controls In order to ensure that there are no mistakes made when prescriptions are filled, certain input controls must be completed and not left blank. These inputs with require a response and the user will not be able to move forward in the system until all required fields are completed. These inputs would be the drug name, the strength, the form of the drug being ordered, the NDC number, the trade name, the quantity being ordered, dosage instructions, patients name and ID#. Other strategies to prevent mistakes would be to be sure that all drug orders are reviewed by the pharmacist for accuracy. Pharmacy techs can fill the orders, but each order should be verified by the actual pharmacist as to the proper strength, dosage, and any interactions that could occur in the patient due to other drugs being used. Work Breakdown Please see attachment of work breakdown completed in MS Project format.


Project Technical Paper

To: From: Date: Re:

Senior Executive Team Carol Tomarchio 2/3/2012 New Order system

We are ready to provide you with the necessary documentation of the new order and fulfillment system that we have designed for Reliable Pharmaceutical Services. This new system will consist of a data warehouse containing all nursing home information, along with patient data, all drugs stocked or ordered by your company, manufacturer data, inventory, and the accounting program. The system will cut down on time spent taking phone orders and manually entering them into an antiquated system for fulfilling such orders. We have designed the system to meet all of your companys requests and feel that there are a few other suggestions we would like to tell you about for future growth. As you expand into other areas of the country, you will want to move your data to a sequel server system for expansion of your databases. The drug database will be a huge undertaking and it will be something that you might want a knowledgeable pharmacist to work with the data analyst when inputting drug information into it. Accuracy is going to be a large undertaking and will require someone with a pharmacy background to verify that the database contains accurate information about each drug. You will also want to expand your security team in order to maintain control over patient information due to the HIPPA laws that are now in effect. As the business grows, you will also want to keep all information in one centralized


Project Technical Paper location and not on servers at each of your facilities. This will provide better control and maintenance of the databases as your client list increases. We would like to set up a meeting with your team at your convenience. Please contact our team for availability. Thank you


Project Technical Paper References Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., Burd, S. D. (2011). Systems analysis & design in a changing world. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Project planning, critical path analysis and risk management. Retrieved from: retrieved on December 2, 2011. Sample Use Case Example. Retrieved from: retrieved on 12/5/2011


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