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Damazo, Frances Grace P.


Anthropology 181 SQ-5

FILM DISCUSSION: Incredible Medical Mysteries: Transsexuality

The documentary featured the controversial world of being a transsexual and it explores the theme: Gender is an issue of personal identity. For so long, the world was dominated with conservative ideologies and stereotyping. Although we are living in a modern world, it cannot be denied that some of these ideals still persist. Today, we can see that the clamor of women for gender equity is seeing fruition. However, the world still holds some conservative views about people of the third sex or who we call lesbians, gays, homosexuals or transsexuals. Sexism, wherein it is the women who were subjected to, now focuses its lenses on the transsexuals. People had always had gender ideologies or the beliefs or concepts of society and culture on what a particular gender should and should not look and do. Because of this gender ideology, it forces people to be categorized inside a box. This is the reason why transsexuals have a hard time fitting in: they themselves do not feel at home with their own bodies, and there is added pressure and scrutiny from society. One example of it is Richard, a pastor in one of the most established parish in America. He was a well-respected preacher, father and husband. But nobody knew except himself that there was something different about him. He, like any other homosexual in the 60s, tried to ignore it and live a lifestyle that was expected of men. He thought that if he doesnt think about it, it would just die a natural death. Apparently, it didnt. Richard is not alone. Lots of homosexuals are hiding behind their closets for fear of being ridiculed. Especially for people like Richard who has started a family of his own, admitting that he is a homosexual poses a lot of social implications that are not very good. Another case is of Dhane Pierce, a born female who is now transforming into a male. She did a lot of things that are demanded from her as a woman. Like what they say, she went through the motions. But it did not feel right. So she started to acknowledge her feelings and began to realize that she was a homosexual. But doing so severed her social relationships. Both examples from the film point in to one thing: for other people, being a homosexual is one thing. But undergoing surgery to have the genitalia they prefer to feel more at home with their own bodies is bordering on the extreme. The documentary tried to shed some light on the issue and help people understand that Transsexuality is not a mental disease. It is a matter of preference. With the help of medical science, homosexuals are given a choice of having sex re-assignment. Through science, transsexuals are given a choice and a chance to finally feel right. To be honest, I was a bit shocked at first. I had no idea of the physical pain they had to endure just to look like the way they want to. But what is sadder is seeing their emotional pain. For Richard (now Rebecca), he

had to sacrifice the congregation he loves so much just because its leaders deemed her incapable. They judged him for just a single act: following his heart. People treated him like a pariah, overlooking all the good things hed done for them. Because of the film, I truly realized that transsexuals are not freaks. They are people who have the right to lead a normal life. Being educated through the film, I think there should be gender liberation. We have no right to judge them because we all have our own ways of coping with life. There are those like Mirha Soleil who got her familys support. And nobody ever got hurt by accepting them. The culture of the transsexuals is colorful and fascinating. It is one of the living testaments that our world is full of diversity. And if only we add a little kindness and acceptance, we could create a much nicer world for everyone.

Pick up lines: y y Crayola ka ba? Kasi ang mundoy nagiging mas makulay dahil sayo Alam mo para kang 2-in-1 coffee.. Nasa iyo na kasi ang lahat.

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