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LG 1/31/12 Amos 3 If you had to give up a favorite food, which would be the most difficult to give up?

? What is one food youd never want to taste again? Housekeeping: Phone #s & email Group decide on vision what we want to accomplish this semester, something external Couple who is in need of money (not in the group) Try and have dinner/ spend time with another family in the group in the coming week or at least schedule it. Sermon Discussions AMOS 2 Read 1-11 Tone of Gods speech to his people tell us something about speaking to us? Week 1 we talked about how exile/enslavement was the result of sin in the OT. We may not face physical exile/enslavement (v11), but what threatens us? Will God leave them to perish or does he have a plan? 12-15 Do you know the significance of Bethel being punished? Its a holy citynothing is off limits. Israel created two temple cities when they split with Judah one in Bethel and one in Samaria. So what is the ultimate result/judgment pronounced on Israel? Do you think it came true? Is there any part of this that gives us hope today? What about verse 12? Some of the people made it south to Judah, others stayed and lived on as Samaria in NT times. God will provide a way for his people, even when he brings judgment there is a plan for rescue Jesus.

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