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Cigarette smoke contains

Sulphur dioxide A colourless gas with a choking smell. The burning of coal and oil at factories and power stations emits sulphur dioxide. It irritates our air passages, causing coughs, breathing difficulties, bronchitis and lung cancer.



Made up of tiny particles Examples: Lead such as dust and smoke. compounds and oxides of nitrogen The exhaust fumes of vehicles, open burning and forest fires produce haze. It irritates the respiratory system and causes respiratory disorder such as asthma. Released into the air from cigarettes, the exhaust fumes of vehicles and the burning of fuels. Cause lead poisoning that kills our cells, damages our lungs and brain, make us cough and causes lung diseases such as emphysema.

Type of disease caused by an inflammation of the breathing channel. Caused by or and


The symptoms:

Inflammation of the epithelium (cell layer) of the bronchus. Caused by and The symptoms:


Cause of that The alveoli of the lungs are and . Caused by especially those in cigarette smoke. The symptoms:


Difference between healthy human lung and emphysema lung

Lung Cancer

Cancer cells are unusual cell growth in the lungs. is the major cause of lung cancer. Cigarette smoke contains more than 10 different types of carcinogens including tar which can cause lung cancer. The symptoms:

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