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Out going scene 1:Opening scene INT.

COLLEGE LOCATION MS, MCU The scene starts off with Wayne talking/shouting at his friends. MS shows the expression and feeling of Wayne. Wayne: You know what, Ive had enough! Title shot Black screen comes up with the title text on it: 'Hung Lo film productions, presents The scene then goes back, Wayne who is still shouting at his friends. mS WAYNE: You guys never come out anymore! His friends then reply to his comment OVER THE SHOULDER: Friends: ah, its effort

The scene then goes back to Wayne who is angry because of his friends decision/ comment. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: WAYNE:

Well you know what... OVER THE SHOULDER: The camera then looks at the friends expressions MEDIUM CLOSE UP: WAYNE: Your all a bunch of cunts When Wayne says the first two letters of the word 'cunt' the scene the changes to the title shot. Scene 2: title shots INT. COLLEGE LOCATION Title shot Black screen comes up Starring Will Daniels Wayne then walks into the class room with a MC donalds WAYNE: alright Title shot Black screen comes up Starring Jon Cook Camera looks at Martin who is looking depressed Title shot

Black screen comes up Starring Jordan Gauntlett Camera looks at Peter who is starring into space Scene 3: INT. COLLEGE LOCATION Wayne's tutor/lecture start talking to him about how he's failing and how he should sort his life. Wayne wants to quit so his tutor has a go out him. MWS WAYNE: "I'm quitting the course" Tutor looks at Wayne with a puzzled face. Tutor: 'Why?' WAYNE: 'Its wank' TUTOR: 'Well what else are you going to do?' WAYNE: 'Play fifa' TUTOR: 'Are you serious' WAYNE:

'Yeah. Fifa is better than this course' TUTOR: 'Well what are you going to do the rest of the week?' WAYNE: 'Party' TUTOR: 'Well wayne, SORT YOU FUCKING LIFE OUT' Tutor stands up quickly and points at wayne whilst saying his dialog. The tutor then storms out of the room. Wayne looks around the room to stop the awkwardness. Title shot "coming soon"

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