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Art 1

River Hill Art Department

Imaginary Environment

Using two facing pages in your sketchbook, draw your sculpture as it would appear in an imaginary environment.
Your environment could be realistic or made up. Be sure to include detailed surroundings. Closely observe your
sculpture and draw it using a minimum of five values (a white, a dark, and some middle grays) or as realistic as
possible with color.
Consider WHERE your sculpture would be best located…(it can be anywhere!) Also consider the ENTIRE
COMPOSITION and how the two pages in your sketchbook will work together as one uniform, interesting image.
In order to determine the most accurate angles of your sculpture, use SIGHTING (holding out your pencil to
compare the angle of the pencil to the angles on your sculpture).

Criteria- worth 20 points

_______ - Objective 5 pts

Both pages have been filled. You have included a detailed
environment for your sculpture. There are at least five values used.

_______- Design 5 pts

The entire space has been utilized. The viewer’s eye moves
easily around the composition. You considered the placement of your objects within both pages in an
attempt to move the viewer’s eye throughout your design.

_______-Studio Skills 5 pts

You have used at least three materials. Value has been used to
show the form of your sculpture AND some details of your surrounding.
(Studio Skills) You employed the technique of SIGHTING to determine accurate angles of your

_______- Presentation 5pts

Your work shows evidence of quality time, thought, and care.

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