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Role Play for D.I.D Presentation Maha, Banafsheh and Travis: Main speakers for the presentation.

Grace, Hieu and Angelina: Interviewees for the role play (DONT PANIC, READ ON PLEASE) Structure of the presentation: - The entire presentation will be performed as a talk show where Maha, Banafsheh and Travis are the interviewers asking questions from Angelina, a patient, Grace, a parent (whose child who had DID committed suicide), and Hieu, the psychologist - Travis is also responsible for technicalities of the PowerPoint, and the Youtube link to the video should be ready. B: Welcome to My World, My Psychology talk show! My name is Banafsheh Hosseini, and today, along with my colleagues Travis Haul and Maha Siddiqui, we will be discussing one of the most controversial disorders in our world of psychology. M: Thank you, Banafsheh. Our subject tonight is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (Travis clicks slide 2) and I would like to welcome our guests: Angelina, a victim suffering from DID, her doctor Hieu, a well-known renowned psychologist, and Grace, a parent whose child committed suicide (they nod as we introduce them). B: So lets get started with the roots of DID. Travis, can you tell us about the history? T: (Travis clicks and reads slide 3, 4) M: Thank you for explaining that Travis, so lets take a closer look at what the definition is. (Travis clicks slide 5,6 and Maha reads) FOR QUESTION: SO A QUESTION FOR THE AUDIENCE WHO ARE WITH US IN OUR STUDIO TONIGHT B: Lets now ask our guest, Angelina, about her experiences with switching. Angelina, can you tell me what switching is? (T clicks slide 7 and Angelina summarizes in her own words)

B: And Grace, how about your son? Can you tell us about his switching experiences before his suicide? (T still on slide 7 and Grace talks about switching and may also talk about her own findings-I know that she did research on diagnosis-so perhaps she can integrate something here) M: I would also like to turn to Hieu: As a professional, and the successful author of DID AND ME? (BOOK)..PAUSE..AND TRAVIS CLICKS ON SLIDE 8, tell us what the origins are? (Travis clicks slide 9 AND Hieu summarize... TRAVIS clicks slide 10 and Hieu summarizes it) B: Thanks, and here are the key signs and symptoms for DID (Travis clicks slide 11 and Banafsheh reads, TRAVIS clicks slide 12 and B reads) T: Clicks and reads slide 13, and reads it. M: Thank you Travis! We would like to turn our attention to the Diagnoses now( T clicks 14 and M Reads) T: Clicks and reads slide 15 and 16 M: Lets look at the main treatment is (T clicks 17 and M reads.T clicks slide 18 M reads) B: Dr.Heiu why dont you talk a little bit more in detail about the techniques involved in the treatment? ( T clicks slide 19 and H readsT clicks slide 20 and H reads) M: Now Angelina, I understand that you went through psychotherapy, can you tell us what that was like? A: Well (pauses)I remember that (Angelina GOES INTO THOUGHT).and AS SOON AS SHE DOES.. (T clicks slide 21 sound should play as well-set up automatically with PPT) ***while Banafsheh switches roles and becomes her past psychotherapist, sits with Angelina and they both pretend to be in an office and this is where we

ACT OUT THE TREATMENT Travis should still be on slide 21!!

(Banafsheh acts out the third phase of the phase-oriented treatment to demonstrate an attempt at integration of identities for Angelina) B: Hello Angelina dear, it is good to see you back! How are you feeling today? A: Im good thank you. B: Well as you know, today we are starting your final stage of therapy where our goal is to get Theresea and Tommy (Angelinas alters) to cooperate with us and see if we can all agree. You have been very good at attending all of your sessions weekly for 50 minutes each... and thats great. If you hadnt done that, we would not be where we are today. A: Yes Doctor...I feel that coming here has made me think about all the memories of my childhood (looks down as if slightly embarrassed by the memories)...things are coming back to me that I thought I had long forgotten. B: I know that... and this is why you are here. Angelina, can you describe to me how you feel when Theresea takes over? A: Well... Its really weird. Its sort of like Im here, but Im really not here and that I kind of stepped out of myself, like a ghost...I feel really light, you know. I feel kind of like empty and light, like Im going to float away...Its kind of a cold, eerie feeling, Im just totally numbed by it. B: Have you ever felt that you were two different people, one going through the motions of life, and the other part observing quietly? A: Definitely, it happens all the time. Its happening now. Theresea, is like an observer. A witness of me being outside of myself, taking global stock of what Ive done in my life. B: Now, may I speak to Theresea? A: She doesnt have the guts to come here... B: It sounds like you think Theresea should handle things differently. If Theresea feels anxious about coming to her appointments, what are some things she can do to feel more at ease?

A: Im not sure; Theresea likes to stay in her room. She doesnt like to speak with anyone after my father hurt her feelings. B: I know that and I dont want you to keep those memories a secret from Tommy (the other alter) and yourself, Angelina. We need Theresea to come here as well so that you can all be aware of what has happened to Theresea. Is there anything that I can do to help her feel more comfortable? A: Tell her to have more guts. She can get along without you if you leave her. B: I am not going to leave. I will be here. Travis clicks slide 22 while Banafsheh switches roles and gets back to the talk show. THEN. T: Clicks and reads slide 23, 24, 25, 26 Here is also a video that illustrates this ( T Clicks slide 27 and opens up the Youtube Link) B: Now Grace, can you tell us about your son and how he was impacted in a social context? (T clicks slide 28) (T clicks slide 29 while G summarises 29) B: Dr. Hieu, I know that you have a program at your centre. Can you tell us briefly about it? (T clicks slide 30 while Hieu explains) T: clicks and reads slide 31, after, turns to the guests and asks: Now can you each tell us about a unique symptom of alters? (Clicks slide 32 while Angelina talks about voices, Hieu talks about physical differences and Grace talks about handwriting Differences) B: Lets also turn our attention to malingering (T clicks and B reads slide 33) Grace, I know that you are aware of a case that involved the legal system, can you tell us about that? (T clicks slide 34, G explains, T clicks slide 35 and G or A explains) M: Well I would like to thank our guests for coming here. Thank you for watching: ALL SAY: MY WORLD, MY PSYCHOLOGY.

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