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Manglik Dosha : Manglik is important factor in horoscope matching. Manglik dosha also called Mangal, i.e.

Mars fault on the horoscope chart. Mars is a natural significant of courage, Aggression, violence, Property, coborns to name a few. In terms of Marriage it acquires supreme importance as here it signifies passion, the Husband, the marital knot, sex, etc. moreover, the role of Mars in the generation of progeny cannot be underestimated. Mars has a special place in vedic Astrology when it comes to marital affairs. Mars is one of the most fearsome dosha of vedic Astrology which is responsible for early death of partner if both the partners are not at the same level of dosha. Mars (Mangal) placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from ascendant (Lagna), Moon sign (Chandra Lagna), Lagna navmansa horoscope and Venus results in the Manglik Dosha. Manglik Dosha is considered from the Ascendant as it signifies everything about self. Manglik dosha is considered from the Moon as it signifies heart, emotions. Manglik dosha is considered from Venus as it signifies marriage, spouse and bed pleasures. Effects of Manglik dosha : Mars is a planet which is representative of fire, electricity, chemicals, weapons, aggression, high energy, blood, fight, accident etc Lets see what are the repercussions of mars located in their houses. Whichever house it is located or has its drushti, effects of Mangal are experienced in the aspects of life represented by that house. Manglik dosha formed by mars can cause following things :

1) Delay in getting married. 2) Difficulties in marital life. 3) Continuous fight between couple. 4) Divorce. 5) Death of Spouse.

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