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“Sri Gurubhyo Namah”

Jyothishya Vishardha Paper VI (Part – 1)

B.Com, MA, MBA-HR, MA-Astrology, Phd in Astrology, Samskritha Kovida

Topic 6: Wealth
Astrological combinations for wealth, classical Dhana yogas, ashtakavarga
method, role of 2nd and 11th house and their lords. Role of Jupiter / Venus, Indu
Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Tara Lagna, how to assess wealth from Hora Chart?
Timing of Good / Bad periods for wealth, Daridra Yogas

The Ascendant is of great importance in judging the final position of the native and also
the Dhana Yogas. The following must be taken into account in assessing finances:-

➢ Ascendant and its lord

➢ The 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses and their lords.
➢ Moon and Mercury.
➢ Jupiter and Venus.
➢ Running Dasa, Bhukti and Transits.

1. Dr. B.V.Raman gives the following Dhana Yogas in his 300 Important
2. The Sun must occupy the 5th identical with its own sign and Jupiter.
3. The 5th from the Ascendant happens to be the sign of Venus and Venus and
Saturn are situated in the 5th and 11th respectively.
4. The Sun in the 5th identical with own sign and Jupiter and the Moon in the 11th
and Saturn should occupy his own sign which should be the 5th from the
Ascendant while Mercury and Mars should be in the 11th.
5. The Sun in Leo aspected or joined by Mars and Jupiter.
6. The Moon in Cancer aspected by Mars and Jupiter.
7. Mars in Aries or Scorpio aspected by the Moon, Venus and Saturn.
8. Mercury in own sign aspected by Saturn and Venus.
9. Venus in own sign aspected by Saturn and Mercury.
10. Planets in the 2nd from the Moon give rise to Sunapha Yoga indicating self-
acquired wealth.
11. Vasi Yoga is caused if planets are in the 12th from the Sun which makes a person
rich and wealthy.
12. Durdhura Yoga gives much wealth when there are planets on either side of the
13. Vasumathi Yoga is caused by benefics in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th either from
the Ascendant or the Moon when the native commands plenty of wealth.
14. Combination of trinal and angular lords gives rise to Raja Yoga.
Financial Success :

Chart 1: Male: Born October 19, 1942 at 1h.38m. at 10 N 47, 79 E 39 (Ay: 22-10-4)

Good example for financial success shown by the 9th lord Jupiter exalted and Vargottama
in the Ascendant.

Powerful Mercury is in the 9th from the Moon.

The Ascendant lord Moon is aspected by benefic Jupiter causing Lakshmi Yoga and
Gajakesari Yoga.

The 2nd lord Sun is in a Kendra from the Moon. The sign-dispositor (Jupiter) of the
Ascendant, who is the lord in the 11th produces Pushkala Yoga. The 10th and the 11th
lords Mars and Venus in the 3rd are both aspecting the 9th. There is a Conjunction of the
5th and 11th lord Mars and Venus is in the 9th from the Moon. In Navamsa, the Ascendant
lord Sat is associated with the 5th and 8th lord Mer. Mars is vargottama. Mars, Mer and
Sat are all aspecting the 11th house, the house of gains.

For each and every house a minimum number of benefic dots have been determined &
they are as follows:
House No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Benefic dots 25 22 29 24 25 34 19 24 29 36 54 16 = 337
102 - II
92 - I
Meena to Mithuna – 1st stage
Kataka to Tula – 2nd stage
Vrischika to Kumba – 3rd stage

Ashtakavarga Rules in Vedic astrology: Wealth and Children

Where Jupiter is placed then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots in that
house the native gets children and wealth.

Ashtakavarga Rules in Vedic astrology: Self Earning

If the 10th house has 36 or more benefic dots and it does not have any malefic planet nor
is it aspected by malefic planet then the native will be self-made, will earn well and shall
lead a happy life.

Ashtakavarga Rules in Vedic astrology: Gains

If the 11th house has 54 benefic dots and it does not have any relation with malefic planet
then the natives earns a lot without hard work.

Ashtakavarga Rules in Vedic astrology: Sudden Monetary Gains

If the ascendant has more than 25 benefic dots & the 9th house has more than 29 benefic
dots and both these houses have no connection with malefic planet then such native gets
sudden monetary gains.

How to analyse wealth from Hora Chart:

• Parashari or Cancer/Leo or Uma/Shambhu Hora –
• Each sign is divided into two parts of 15 degrees each.
• It is a magnified view of the second house.
• In this calculation only Cancer and Leo signs are considered.
• All planets occupy the signs of Sun and Moon who are the greatest
significators of wealth and and also father and mother
• The presiding diety of the hora belonging to Sun is Devtas and that of
the Moon is Pitries (forefathers, departed elders, etc.).
• Real wealth is indicated by happiness, good samskaras, good family,
good health, etc.
Mansagri gives the following general effects of hora placement:
Planet Moon Hora Sun Hora
Sun Native has comforts and wealth Native will be courageous,
acquired by his own efforts. At the hardworking, does victorious
same time he will be dignified with deeds.
feminine disposition
Moon Native will be creative, stable, good Native is troubled by females
looking, artistic in nature, person and enemies, does not have
will be affectionate and will enjoy many friends and has low
comforts and luxuries. intelligence
Mars Lacks sensitivity, harsh speech brave, wealthy and persevering
and is the beloved of all.
Mercury The person is famous and the Mercury is well placed in both
spouse is chaste. the horas.
Jupiter the person will be noble and with Pious, good natured
good character
Venus the spouse will be a good woman will like to co-habit with low
character women
Saturn will be a husband of a sterile will be a henpecked husband

Good results from Hora Lagna

The Hora lagnesh – either the Sun or the Moon – should be strong, making any one
of the following combinations:
• The Sun and the Moon should aspect each other.
• They should be posited in a trine or Kendra in the natal chart.
• Hora lagna lord should be posited in own hora.
• Hora lagna lord (the Sun or the Moon) should be associated or aspected by
benefic planets, then the native would be virtuous, intelligent, brave and well
behaved. He could be rich, happy and prosperous.
Bad results from Hora lagna
When hora lagna is posited in 6, 8, 12 houses in the natal chart.
When hora lagna is associated or aspected by malefic planets in the natal chart.
When hora lagna is debilitated or conjunct debilitated planets then such a
combination would make the native mean, selfish, deceitful, immoral and unhappy.
It is normally concluded that the Sun, Mars and Jupiter give good effects when they
occupy the hora of the Sun.
Moon, Venus and Saturn are good when they occupy the hora of the Moon.
Mercury is considered well-placed in both the horas.
If a malefic or cruel lagna lord occupies an odd sign in the natal chart and falls in
the Sun’s hora in the D/2 chart there will be a tendency of being cruel, strong and
A benefic planet placed in a even sign in the natal chart and falls in the Moon hora
in the natal chart, the native is brilliant, soft spoken and fortunate.
Mixed of planets gives mixed results.
The mahadasha lord and its placement in odd or even sign and different degrees
of divisions (as stated below) will indicate the native’s speech, attitude, speech and
Mr. Mukesh Ambani born on 19th April 1957 at 07-13 PM at Aden, Yemen with Ketu Dasa at
birth. Here is his Natal Chart along with Navamsa chart.

➢ The table below shows the strength as well as Nakshtra and Sub lords of the planets.
➢ The table below shows the strength as well as Nakshtra and Sub lords of the planets.

Planets Degree Nakshtra Lord Nakshatra Placement

Asc 21.10 Jupiter Punarvasu 1 Dhan

Sun 06.04 Ketu Ashwini 2 Exalted

Moon 10.26 Ketu Moola 4 Friendly sign

Mars 27.20 Mars Mrigasira 2 Old age

Mercury 24.41 Venus Bharani 4 Non-combust

Jupiter 29.51 Sun Uttara 1 Old age

Venus 07.24 Ketu Ashwini 3 Combust

Saturn 20.27 Mercury Jyeshta 2 Enemy Sign

Rahu 26.25 Jupiter Vishaka 2 Friendly Sign

Ketu 26.25 Venus Bharani 4 Friendly Sign

2ND HOUSE - The house of wealth is occupied by Yoga Kara Saturn (retrograde) and is
aspected by Mars (7th as well as 2nd lord) and is flanked by his friend Rahu (the planet
of opulence - great wealth or luxuriousness in 12th) and Moon (the lord of the 10th house
in the Nakshtra of Ketu and in the sub of Saturn) turning her to behave like a friend of
Saturn. Rahu is in the constellation of Jupiter moulding him to behave to a large extent
as friend). Thus, the occupant of 2nd house (Saturn) and the lord of the 2nd house (Mars)
are flanked in between friendly planets enhancing the significance of the 2nd house (the
house of accumulation of wealth and savings) to a sky rocketing level.


• Rahu and Ketu are occupying their respective houses of exaltations thus shading
their malefiancé to a large extent.
• The planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in the navamsas of natural benefic
planets and are thus auspicious and capable of giving benefic result.
• Moon is in her own Mooltrikona sign in Cancer in a quadrant and is thus extra
beneficial conferring the native name, fame, prestige and high position. It is
advisable that the native should take the advice of her mother in a squabbling
• Mars, Mercury and Ketu are in Pushkar Navamsas making the native fortunate,
wealthy and splendorous. Moreover, there are exchange of houses between Mars
and Mercury taking the Mercury to his sign of exaltation in Virgo and Mars to his
own sign Scorpio significantly increasing the strength of Navamsa chart.




Moon Hora
Rahu and Ketu
Sun Hora

The deity of the Hora is Pitr / Manas, which is indicative of the fact that the soul of the
nativity is of someone from the ancestors. The presence of the natural benefic planets
like Jupiter and Mercury in the Moon Hora points towards the fact that the native is sober,
good-natured and serves his family.
Analysis of Hora chart.
The Hora Lagna belongs to Moon, which indicates that the native would earn wealth in
land far away from his place of birth. It may be mentioned here that the native took birth
at Aden (Yemen), which is far off from India. Since he has born in Moon Hora, he is
virtuous, religious, helpful to others, has name and fame in the society as well as
commands regards and affection of his subordinate staff.

The two natural benefic planets Venus and Moon while occupying odd signs in Natal
Chart are posited in Sun Hora in D-2 chart making the native soft, mild, sober,
intelligent and conferred the happiness of the continuity of wealth.

Three natural malefic planets viz. Mars and Saturn including Sun in Sun Hora turning
the native to be bold, courageous, determined, powerful and rich. But, since Saturn
and Mars are posited in even signs in the Natal Chart, their benefic results of the traits
represented by the Hora Chart would be capped to the maximum extent of 70%.

The natural significator of wealth Jupiter in Moon’s Hora who is also posited in an odd
sign in the Natal Chart helped the native to become fortunate besides brilliant,
religious, attractive and a devoted friend.

The natural malefic planets Rahu and Ketu are in Moon’s Hora and they have thus
become neutral losing their evil effects to a large extent.

The Hora chart is, therefore, supportive to the 2nd house signification of wealth in the
natal chart. The 2nd house of wealth in the Natal Chart is already fortified due to the
presence of Yoga Karaka Saturn in it and aspected by its lord Mars (lord of 2nd and
7th house/MT).

Duryogas – Phaladeepika 6th chapter slokas 58 - 70

When the LORDS the HOUSES from the ASCENDANT onwards occupy the 6th , 8th, or
12th or the SIGNS be associated with or aspected by malefics 12 TYPES of YOGAS are

Yoga for Placed

Punery Lord of in Remarks
Ava Yoga lagna 6,8,12
Nisswa 2nd 6,8,12
Mrithi 3rd 6,8,12
Kuhu 4th 6,8,12
Paamara 5th 6,8,12
Harsha 6th 6,8,12 VRY
Dushkriti 7th 6,8,12
Sarala 8th 6,8,12 VRY
Nirbhagya 9th 6,8,12
Duryogas 10th 6,8,12
Daridra 11th 6,8,12
Vimala 12th 6,8,12 VRY

(a) AVA YOGA :

The person born with AVA YOGA will be insignificant in the sense that he will be unknown
or of no importance as far as others are concerned, and there will be every
possibility. He/she will be short lived, will have deformity of limbs, will suffer from extreme
poverty, will be humiliated by all, will associate with wicked people and the person’s
behavior will be bad and will have an unsteady position.


The person born with NISSWA YOGA in the Birth Chart will be devoid of good words his
wife will be barren, will move in bad company, will have deformed teeth and eyes, will be
poor in knowledge and education, will not have wealth (POOR), and his wealth will be
taken away by foes.


The person with MRITHI YOGA will be vanquished by the enemies; She/He will be devoid
of younger ones, his/her mind will never feel shame, will not have strength, or wealth will
perform unholy acts and will be having exited temperament.


The person with KUHU YOGA will be bereft of mother; will have no conveyance, or
friends. He/She will not be HAPPY in life and neither will have ornaments or
relatives. HeShe will not get employment and any place to live since he will lose the one
already owned by him/her . He/She will have association with ill-reputed women/men.


The person born with PAAMARA YOGA will have a miserable and indiscriminate living.
He will be a liar and a cheat. He will not have any children or his children will die and
associate with mean and wicked people and will lack in the belief of GOD and extremely


The person born with HARSHA YOGA will be blessed with happiness and good fortune,
and enjoyment . He will possess strong constitution and conquer his enemies and will
hesitate to perform sinful deeds, will be friendly with illustrious and prominent people. He
will be wealthy and splendorous and become very famous and will have good friends and


The person having this YOGA is destined to the death of wife and have multiple
relationship with women, will wander aimlessly and will be afflicted by venereal diseases,
will be troubled by the KING, will be moving in the midst of bad society, and will be hated
by relatives and remain unhappy in consequences.


A native having SARALA YOGA in his horoscope will live long, audacious ie. Will be
happy, brave, joyful. Indomitable and learned. He will be affluent, prosperous, renowned
and eminent during his life time. His enemies and foes will always will fear him


A person born in NIRBHAAGYA YOGAM will lose all parental property, such as lands
house etc. He will not command any regards from elders and good people, will be
irreligious. He will be dresses in old and worn-out clothes. He will be poor and miserable.


The person born with DURYOGAM will be of no importance, a traitor and highly
selfish. He will earn only to satisfy his hunger. He will be always away from his home
and living abroad.


The person born with DARIDRA YOGA will be constantly in debt which will be his way of
life , he will suffer from ear troubles, will not have good brothers, will be engaged in cruel
and sinful acts, will be speaking indecently and will get engaged in menial work to others.


The person born with VIMALA YOGA will be frugal in spending and clever in saving
money. This YOGA makes him virtuous and contented. The person will have good
behavior towards others and enjoy life with happiness; The person will not depend others
will have a good and respectable profession and his conduct and character will be equally

When the LORDS of the 8TH, 6TH and 12TH have strength and are posited in KENDRA or
TRINE and the LORDS of 1ST, 10TH, 4TH, and 9TH RAASIS are weak or combust and
occupy 6TH, 8TH, or 12TH HOUSES , the YOGA thus arising will be called as DURYOGA. If
the said disposition are in reverse order i.e. the LORDS of 6TH 8TH and 12TH are weak or
combust and occupy those houses and the LORDS of 1 ST, 10TH, 4TH and 9TH are strong
and are positioned in the KENDRA, or TRINE the person will become a KING, will be
fortunate, wealthy , and virtuous.

Yogas for wealth

Vasumathi Yoga : Dhana Yoga : is formed when benefics occupy the upa-
chayas houses (3,6,10,11) either from lagna or the Moon. It brings enormous wealth to
the native.
Mar, Ketu
Sun, Ven,

Sat Rahu Jup

Lakshmi Yoga - Yoga for Wealth

If the lord of 9th and Venus are positioned in their own (or) exalted signs identical with
Kendra (or) trine, this yoga is formed. Association of lagna lord and 9 th lord.


Ketu Asc


Lakshmi Yoga is present in the above horoscope by the association of lord of Lagna (the
Sun) and the lord of the 9th (Mars) both being posited in the 11th .

Gauri Yoga : if the lord of the 9th and the Moon be posited in their own or exaltation
signs identical with a trine or quadrant.




Role of Jupiter in the Yogas related to wealth

The significators of wealth are Sun and Jupiter. So the basic rule is that both Jupiter and
Sun should be well placed in the horoscope to be wealthy.

Moon and Jupiter together form a wealthy yoga known as Gajkesari Yoga, which makes
an individual rich and wealthy if he has it. Moon and Venus in 5th house also indicates
that the individual will be wealthy.

As per vedic astrology if Mars is in 4th, Sun is in 5th or Jupiter is in the 11th or 5th then
earnings will be through ancestral properties, crops, or building.

If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Cancer for a native of cancer rashi then he becomes
very rich through his work and divine grace.

If the quadrant or trinal houses are occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury or houses
3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars, Saturn the native will become exceedingly rich during dasas
of Rahu/mercury/Saturn /Venus.

Jupiter in Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and position of 5th lord in the 10th house
indicates that the person becomes rich through his son or daughter.

Role of Venus in the Wealth Yogas

Venus with Mercury and Saturn in any House indicates the person will earn lot of wealth
by business leadership.

If Benefic planets or 10th lord is in Taurus or Libra and Venus or lord of 7th house is in
10th then the native will become rich by marriage or through the wife's earnings.

Also, if Venus is in conjunction with the second house lord in the ascendant, and the 2nd
house is strong, then the person will be very focused on building up huge personal assets.

Houses to be considered
Financial Status 2 2,6,11
Obtaining Loans 2 11 (6)
Obtaining Jewellery 2 11
Insurance claims 2 8,11
Medical claims 2 6,8,11
Opening bank account 2 6,1
INDU LAGNA – Dhana Yoga

How to calculate and find out the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna (Wealth Ascendant):
Values assigned to the planets are mentioned below:

Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Value 30 16 6 8 10 12 1

**The planets Rahu and Ketu are not used in this calculation.
• 9th House from lagna and note down the value.
• 9th House from Moon and note down the value
• Add both values; & divide by 12 and note down the remainder, which will be
between 0 to 11.
• Count the Remainder from the position of the Moon; and the house identified will
be the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant.
• If the remainder is zero, the house/sign falling in the twelfth house from the Moon
Or the previous house from the natal Moon’s position will be considered as Indu
Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant.
• If the remainder is one, the house/sign occupied by the Moon will be considered
as Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant.

For your convenience and better understanding; let us do the calculation for one
example horoscope, which belongs to famous celebrity Shahrukh Khan.

Native is born in Simha Lagna, 9th house is ruled by Mars. The value assigned to Mars
is 6.
From Moon 9th house is ruled by Mercury; and, the value assigned to Mercury is 8.
8 + 6 = 14/12. Remainder is 2
Indu Lagna_Dhana Lagna_Wealth Ascendant is Kumba (2nd house from Moon)
Rahu JuR

Asc SaR Sharukh Khan

Moon Indu Lagna chart

Ven Sun
Mar, Mer

Counting two positions from the Moon gives Aquarius zodiac (Kumbha Rashi); which will
be the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant for Shahrukh Khan’s horoscope.

After ascertaining the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna; the next step is to analyze it. As the
name suggests, Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant is meant for analyzing the financial
prospects of a horoscope. The basic rules, in this regard, are as under:

• The planets placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, tenth and eleventh houses
of Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna are told to be the giver of wealth and financial gains
to the native.
• The planets having their aspect on the first house of Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna
are also considered to be supportive for generating financial gains for the native.
• Debilitated, weak or malefic planets, in the above situation, are considered to be
the destroyer of wealth. However, if such malefic planet is exalted or otherwise
strong and/or receiving auspicious planetary influences; it can also generate
financial gains.
• Planets disposed in third, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses from the Indu Lagna or
Dhana Lagna are considered to be inauspicious for wealth and financial prospects
of the horoscope.
• The results of these planets are experienced during their Dasa and/or Antardasa
and in accordance with their strength and disposition.
In the example horoscope Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Mercury, Ketu and Venus are considered
to be giver of wealth. Besides this, Jupiter should also be considered as such it is having
its aspect on the first house (Aquarius/Kumbha) of Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna.

Limitations : It does not consider Navamsha or other divisional charts; due to which it
can generate similar and/or wrong conclusions for more than one person.
Confusions may also be there in correlating the results of Lagna Chart with Indu Lagna
or Dhana Lagna.
During the Mahadasa of Jupiter (April 1992 to April 2008), the native enjoyed good
amount of wealth and money. As per the Lagna Chart, Jupiter in 11th house is auspicious
and supportive for financial gains and fame.

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