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“Sri Gurubhyo Namah”

Jyothishya Vishardha Paper VI (Part – 1)

B.Com, MA, MBA-HR, MA-Astrology, Phd in Astrology, Samskritha Kovida

Astrological combinations for owning a vehicle, Timing of vehicle acquisition, type
of vehicle : 2 wheeler / 4 wheeler etc., combinations for vehicular accidents,
analysis of D-16 (shodashamsha) chart.

Type of Query/ Event Supporting Houses

Purchase of property, vehicle, furniture 4 11,12

Property, vehicle from inheritance 8 4,11

Occupying a new house 4 11

Promise of Loan 6 2,11

A group of houses and planets join together to fructify an event of life.

In Four Wheeler (Vehicle) purchase the houses involved are: 4th house being prime
house of vehicles, 11th house being gain of vehicle and 12th house being expenditure
thereon. 6th house signify loan from bank/ financial institutions and 8th house signify
arrangements/loan from own sources like LIC, PF, relatives, friends, legacy etc.
3rd House in a horoscope is prime house of short travel & leaving the home for various
reasons such as business, service, tourism etc. In case of vehicle purchase it is a
facilitator house.
Planet involved is Venus : Venus is the signification planet in both sale & purchase of
vehicles. Mercury and/or 7th house are (is) the signification of commercial vehicle.
Fourth house is called Vahana Sthana.
Venus is the planet of Pleasure, Luxury, so naturally Venus become the karaka for the
Mars represents the structural aspect of the Vehicle as Mars is for metal, engineering.
machine etc.
Mercury is associated with the transportation, travelling short distance and
communication as the function of the car or a Vehicle is to transport people, or
The Ascendant at the time of buying the car is also very important to consider. it should
be free from afflictions as well.
Combinations & Timing of Purchase of Vehicle :
When an astrologer has to predict the purchase of vehicle he has to pin point in Dasha
Bhukti Antar planets which signify 4,11,12 and/or 4,6,11,12 for bank loan and/or 4,8,11,12
for others loan. Care should be taken about the involvement of Venus in the DBA. Any of
the DBA planet should be Venus or conjunct or aspected by Venus. For commercial
vehicle DBA planets should signify 4,7,11,12, any of the DBA planet should also be
Mercury or conjunct or aspected by mercury and/or signify 7th house. Transits of planets
will exactly pin point purchase.
If 4,8,11 appears in the DBA with the combinations of marriage native gets car in dowry.
When 3,4,5,8,10,11 appears in the DBA with any with any of the DBA lord as Venus,
native gets vehicle as gift or by winning in the lottery.
Luxury vehicles are purchased when in the natal horoscope Venus is aspected by natural
benefics Moon or Jupiter depending upon the general standard of the horoscope.
Vehicle purchased will be old if natural malefics Rahu, Ketu and Saturn predominate the
DBA planets. On the other hand if natural benefics Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus signify DBA it motivates the native to purchase new vehicle.
If Saturn is placed in fourth house (not being exalted or moolatrikona), the individual may
own vehicles driven physically like cycle, bullock cart etc. It may take much time to secure
motorized vehicles in such combination. If Saturn is powerful in 4th house, the individual
may involve in mining activities.
If Sun is powerfully placed in 4th house, the Government provides vehicles and
accommodation by virtue of his employment in Government sector. If the native of the
horoscope happens to be a private sector employee, his boss will provide him with
vehicles to discharge his duties along with good accommodation on behalf of the
With regard to zodiac signs, if fourth house happens to be four legged sign (Aries, Taurus,
Leo), the individual can acquire a four-wheeler during the period of planet influencing the
said houses or during the planetary periods of the lords of those houses.
Planets and Yogas Related To Injuries and Accidents
• The 6,8,12 houses and their respective lords are considered to be inauspicious in
a horoscope.
• Eighth and the lord of the eighth house also causes injuries and accidents.
• Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars are also analyzed. Mars is the karak of injuries.
• Venus, fourth house and the lord of the fourth house are analyzed to determine
the chances of car accident.
• Two malefic planets situated in Shasta-ashtaka yoga are not considered
• The prediction for accidents are determined through the study of both birth chart
and varga kundli. If both horoscopes exhibit same results, then the native definitely
suffers from accidents, else the yogas are dissolved or reduced.
Yogas For Accidents
Afflicted lord of the eighth house, Mars and Rahu causes accidents.
According to Sarawali, the native falls from the vehicle when the Saturn, Moon and Mars
are situated in the second, fourth and tenth house respectively.
The yogas for accidents are also formed when the Moon and Mars are in the fourth house
and aspected by malefics.
When the Sun is in the tenth house and aspected by Mars from the fourth house.
Weakly placed lord of the ascendant and lord of the eighth house conjuncts in the fourth
When the lord of the ascendant is weak and situated with the lord of the sixth house, lord
of the eighth house and Mars, the native suffers from major accidents.
When the lord of the ascendant is weak and situated with the lord of the eighth house in
the sixth house with Rahu, Ketu or Saturn.
When the atmakaraka planets conjuncts malefic planets in the horoscope, the native
might have to face accidents.
Accident by vehicle is indicated when the lord of the eighth house is situated in the
When the Sun and Jupiter are afflicted and forming relation with the lords of the trik house.
The native suffers from serious injuries when the fourth and tenth house of the native are

Yogas For Injuries

• The native may have to suffer from injuries on body when the Mars and the lord of
the sixth house are in the ascendant.
• When the Mars being a malefic is situated in the eighth or twelfth house.
• When the Mars, Saturn, And Rahu conjuncts each other in the horoscope.
• When the Moon is in the second house, Mars in the fourth house and Sun in the
tenth house.
• When the Sun is the fourth house, Saturn in the eighth house and Moon in the
tenth house.
• The native might suffer from injuries when Mars and Moon conjuncts in the sixth
• When Moon and Sun both are in the third house.
• When the lord of the ascendant and eighth house are situated in the eighth house
with Rahu, Saturn or Ketu.
• When the lord of the ascendant, lord of the fourth house and the lord of the eighth
house conjuncts in a birth chart.
• When the lord of the sixth house is situated in the ascendant with Rahu or Ketu.
• When Saturn and Mars conjuncts in the sixth or twelfth house of the birth chart.
• When the malefic is situated in the ascendant, or the lord of the ascendant
conjuncts a malefic planet and aspected by Mars.
D-16 chart: The Shodasamsa chart or D16 indicates vehicles, pleasures and
discomforts of a native.
**Accuracy of divisional charts depends entirely on accuracy of birth time .**

Varga charts can be exceptionally useful. However, if accurate birth time is not available,
divisional charts are misleading, and should be ignored.


• Gender: Male
• Date of Birth: 13 March 1977
• Time of Birth: 09:07
• Place of Birth: Auraiya, U.P., India
• Longitude: 79:31 E
• Latitude: 26:28 N


Aries ascendant and Sagittarius sign. Both are fire signs. Nakshatra - Moola, whose lord
Ketu is posited in Aries i.e. the sign of Mars. Ascendant lord and eighth house lord, ie.
Mars is posited in its own constellation (Nakshatra). Ascendant has influence of Rahu,
Ketu, Saturn and Venus. Therefore, demise of native is not natural.
11th house is badaka for Aries lagna. Saturn and Aquarius are major hindrances. Mars,
being the ascendant lord, is posited in the 11th house; Saturn's 10th aspect is on
ascendant. Saturn is also the Karak (significator) of age and demise; is positioned in 4th
house, the house of vehicle. Venus is known as the significator of vehicle and it is also
aspected by Saturn. Therefore, along with ascendant and ascendant lord & eighth house
lord (Mars), Venus is under the influence of Saturn, and Saturn is posited in the house of
vehicle (fourth house). Hence, due to all these planetary influences, possibilities of death
due to road accident are foreseen. If this fact gets confirmed by prevailing Dasha (periods)
too, it will be proved that native died in road accident. At the time of death, if Dasha
(periods) are associated with 4th house, the cause of the native's death was definitely
road accident.

YSR Reddy’s horoscope

Retro Jupiter proved to be the anchor for the death of a Chief Minister of India.

Jupiter is badly placed in his natal chart. It is the lord of the 8 th house and also the lord of
the 22nd Drekkana, being placed in a dusthana in the 6th where again it was badly afflicted
by occupying the Mrityu bhaga.

Rahu, Gul Mandi Mars Sun Mer

8 Jul 1949
8 pm Ven

Asc, JupR Pulivendla Sat

Moon Ketu

His life is midway of Madhyayu (madhyayu must give 70 plus years) – made so by the
lagna lord occupying the 8th with mutual aspect with the 11th lord Mars while the 8thlord is
in the 8th of 11th and in 6th from lagna.

Importantly moon is in 12th and the 8th from moon (itself) in 12th to lagna reduces a long
life. Jupiter’s aspect to the 8th from Moon has granted him this much longevity.
His death came in Rahu dasa (Rahu in the constellation of Mercury and mercury is the
maarak – death causing - from Moon) and Ketu Bhukti (Ketu in the constellation of Mars.
Mars is the 12th lord from Moon)

As per Prashna Marga : “If Saturn is in association with Mars or the Sun in Aries, Scorpio
or Leo, occupies agnibhuta with or aspected by Rahu or Gulika, the person will be burnt
to death. If Saturn is associated with watery planets, death will be due to falling in boiling
waters. If Saturn occupies jalabhuta or watery signs he will die by drowning.”

Saturn is in an inimical sign in the rasi which happens to be the sign of Leo lorded by Sun.
Mars aspects it from its own constellation.

At about 11:30 AM on 3rd September 2009 on the fateful day….

The immediate cause of accident was problem in chopper in the air. Air is the domain of
Jupiter. Moon’s presence in the 4th house gives an indication of the watery environment
caused by rainfall. Rahu in conjunction made the weather highly inclement.

The Capricorn rashi (representing earth element) rising in the 4th house indicates
accident becoming lethal after touching the ground when the chopper might have been
engulfed by fire. Here, special reference of Sun and Saturn conjunction in Leo rashi
(representing fire element) in the 7th house from the Moon is significant. The 7th house
represents maraca sthana and is generally seen for the cause of death. Mars placement
in 8th from lagna – Airy sign adds to the fuel.


3 Sep 09
Moon 11.30 AM Ketu Ven

Rahu Sun, Sat

Asc Mer


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