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“Sri Gurubhyo Namah”

Jyothishya Vishardha Paper VI (Part – 1)

B.Com, MA, MBA-HR, MA-Astrology, Phd in Astrology, Samskritha Kovida

Astrological combinations for owning property, timing of property acquisition,
inherited property, nature of property – big or small etc. Property related litigations,
analysis of D4 (Turyamsha) chart.

Purchase of property, vehicle,

4 11,12
furniture through own money
Sale of property etc. 4 3,5,10
Taking possession of flat, quarters
4 9,11
Laying foundation of a house 4 11
Occupying a new house 4 11
Property / Vehicle through loan 4 6,11,12
legacy, dowry, inheritance, etc. 4 8,11,12

Mars : Signifactor of land and Saturn shows construction of property. No property can be
purchased without the involvement of Mars and Saturn. Venus for beautification.
MOON : It is the natural ruler of 4th house through the sign of cancer which denotes
home of the native. This planet denotes ‘home’ and not a ‘house’.

✓ 4th house, 4th house lord from Lagna/Ascendant and Mars needs to be analyzed
for property. Mars is the karaka for property.

✓ 4th House signifies comforts and a place to stay. The 4th lord in a strong position
in your horoscope will surely bring you luck and gains of property. Similarly if Mars
is also associated with 4th house, then this person will also have lots of land as
well, provided the Mars is strong.

✓ Similarly if Planets like Rahu in 4th house with an aspect of any Malefic planets
will deprive the person of all comforts in life.
✓ The fourth divisional chart or Chaturthamsa (D4) is seen for landed assets and
property. It operates at the physical level.

✓ The natural Karaka (significator) for properties are Mars and Ketu (built up). The
dispositor of fourth Lord in rashi becomes the temporal significator.

✓ 11th bhava – gain of land and fulfilment of desire

✓ 12th bhava – loss of money to purchase the property

✓ 8th house – acquire through dowry, legacy, insurance, PF etc.

✓ 6th house – purchase through loan or debt.

Timing of buying the property is, when you are running the Dasa/Antardasa ( ruling
periods) of planets that is associated with 4th house and during the ruling periods of Mars.
1. 4th House in the Horoscope represents Land, House & property related matters.
2. Mars (Bhumi Karaka) & Saturn are main significators (Karaka’s) for Real Estate,
House, Apartment, Building, Land Etc.
3. Venus Indicate finance or money required to buy or build the property.
4. Ketu represent Buildings.
5. 4th Divisional chart – Chaturthamsa(D-4) is also used for accessing the property
related matters.
6. In case of Makara Lagna with exalted mars in 1 st house aspecting 4th house I,e
mesha (own house) or mars in 4th house in mesha (own house) indicate the person will
own building or house very easily.

7. 4th lord debilitated in 3rd house aspected by Jupiter indicate the person will gain
property with difficulty & he will live in small house. Also he gets property by his own
8. For Karka Lagna, if Venus, Saturn & mercury are in 4 th house, & Venus is the lord
of 4th house, Venus has directional strength make it very strong & also aspect of Jupiter
on 4th house indicate success in Real Estate Business & person will own huge properties.
9. Lord of 4th house in its own sign like Jupiter in Dhanus or Meena or Saturn in Makara
or Kumbha or Mars in Mesha or Vrischika indicates success in owning building and lands.
10. Lord of 2nd house in 4th house or Lord of 4th house in 2nd house or 1st house indicate
that person will own Buildings or properties.
11. Aspect of Jupiter, Venus & sun on 4th house is a good Indication to own the property.
12. Lord of 4th house in 4th house & Lagna lord also joins 4th house & aspected by benefic
planet Indicate success in Real Estate.
13. Lord of 10th house with lord of 4th house in 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th or 5th or 9th indicate
success in real estate.
14. 4th lord in 10th house and 10th lord in 4th house with strong mars indicate success in
real estate.
15. If 4th lord is strong & placed in its own house or placed in 3 rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house
& receive aspect of benefic planet then the person will own property.
16. 4th lord conjunct with 7th lord in 7 th house then it indicates the person will reside in
foreign country & acquire lands & wealth.
17. 4th lord in 12th house aspected by benefic planet then person acquires old property.
18. Mars is considered to be a ruling factor in acquiring land and Saturn is considered
to be a ruling factor in construction on a land. When Saturn or Mars come in a relationship
with the lord of the fourth house during Dasha or Antardasha then a person is sure to
acquire land.

Vedic Astrology planetary combinations Indicating difficulties or problems for

acquiring Real Estate Properties.
1. A weak malefic in 4th house aspected by another malefic indicates the person will
not own any properties.
2. Sun or mars in debilitated in 4 th house without any benefic aspect indicate the
person don’t have any property.
3. 2nd, 4th or 12th lord in 8th House conjunct with a malefic indicate loss of properties.
4. 10th lord conjunct with a malefic in 4th or 8th house without aspect of benefic indicate
loss of property.
5. In case of Makara Lagna with debilitated Saturn in 4th house indicate property is
very important to such person but will not be happy related to property matters.
6. Lord of 4th house in 6th, 8th or 12th and afflicted by malefic indicate person will suffer
on account of property.
7. Saturn debilitated as the lord of 4th house in 6th house indicate expenses from real
estate or indicate debt to buy the property.
8. 4th lord debilitated in 4th house with sun indicate person will loose land by
government order.
Other factors contributing to purchase of property :
• To acquire land, fourth house of ones kundali should be strong.
• Mars and fourth house are considered to be important factors in acquiring land or
property in life. Therefore, the position of Mars should be strong and auspicious in
an individual’s kundali.
• When Mars comes in a relationship with the fourth house in a kundali then a person
is sure to buy land or property sometime in his life.
• Happiness in the house is predicted when auspicious planets exert their effects on
the lord of fourth house.
Legal Issues, litigation, problems
• If Mars is positioned alone in the fourth of a kundali then a person acquires land
but the property is always engulfed in legal tussles.
• An individual is unable to buy property or get happiness from his house when
inauspicious planets exert their effects on the lord of fourth house.
• When the fourth house is getting in a relationship with the 8th house then an
individual can face obstacles in getting property.
• If the 4th house, 4th lord and Mars are is connected with:-
(i)Weak Sun – Problems from government
(ii)With Rahu – Documentation problems and prone to get cheated
Buying multiple properties & source of Income
• When the lord of fourth house and first house form a relationship with each other,
then a person can acquire more than one property. When lord of first house is
situated in the fourth house then a person’s chances of acquiring more than one
piece of land increase.
• If the lord of fourth house is situated in the first house then acquired land can be
the source of a person’s livelihood.
• In determining how many houses, we have to see the dignity of lagna lord in D4
and how many planets are conjunct with the lagna lord and also count the number
of Rashi aspects to fourth house paying special attention to the Atma Karaka and
the fourth Lord of D4.
• If the fourth Lord aspects the fourth house of D4, then one will live in a very nice
house always. If the Atma Karaka is placed in the fourth, then one lives in a grand
palace. Similarly if the fourth and fifth house of D4 are connected, then also one
prefers to live in a large place.

Inheritance of Property
• Saturn is the key planet for inheritances. If it is placed in the eighth or aspecting it
by rashi aspect, or associated with the eighth Lord in a good house, it assures
inheritance. This is both for D4 and D12.
• In addition to the rules mentioned above for D4, we must examine Dwadashamsha
or D12. The eighth house in D12 is for inheritance from father and third for
inheritance from mother. Link between second and eighth will ensure inheritance
from father and the third and eighth from Mother. A strong association between the
lagna and eighth assures inheritance.
• When Jupiter is forming a relation with the 8th house in a kundali then a person
can attain ancestral property.
• When fourth house forms a relationship with the second house then an individual
can inherit property from his parents.
• When fourth house is forming a relationship with the ninth house then a person
can acquire land from his father.
Property abroad
• When fourth house forms a relation with twelfth house then a person can buy
property in foreign countries or in a place that is far away from his parental house.
• Yogas that are formed in the kundali should also be present in strong conditions in
the Navamsha kundali.
• Yogas related to land should also be present in Chaturyansh Kundali – D4.
• All Yogas for acquiring land should also be seen or assessed in birth kundali,
Navansh Kundali and Chaturyansh Kundali. If the Yogas for acquiring land are
strong in all the three kundalis then only a person can buy or get property in life. If
Yogas for buying house are not strong in all kundalis then a person may have to
face difficulties in buying or acquiring land.
Living in multiple houses & loans
• When inauspicious Saturn exerts its effect on the fourth house of a kundali then a
person is denied the happiness of a house. Such a person may acquire property
but he would not be able to stay or live in it. An individual may also have to change
many houses in a lifetime.
• When fourth house is forming a relationship with the sixth house in a kundali then
a person can get involved in a court case related to property or he may have to
take a property loan to buy a piece of land.

When are you most likely to lose your property?

The following astrological combinations shall result in property loss.

The 4th house ruler if found in the 3rd house with other favorable planetary positions shall
cause property loss.

If the ruler of the 4th house happens to be there in 6th, 8th or 12th houses affecting the
ruler of the lagna, then the candidate might lose property due to governmental action.

If the Lord of the 4th house sits in the 8th house in an afflicted condition, the subject shall
lose his property. If the ruler of the 4th house occurs with sun and is in a debilitated
condition, the subject shall lose his house due to the intervention of the government.

Planet and type of Accommodation

Planet Kind of Accommodation
Sun Palace or thatched hut of a great Sadhu
Moon Water front, swimming pool, luxurious house
Mars Kitchen, forts, secured structures, buildings vulnerable to fire
Library, home office, garden and recreation areas, aesthetically
Mercury beautiful house
Puja, treasury, meeting rooms, wooden floor and walls, strong
Jupiter and big house and house of timber
Venus Bedroom, entertainment malls, modern house
Saturn Old diplitated house, slum
Rahu Shared accomodation
Ketu Extremes – like very big or very small
Sun & Ketu Weak house
Saturn &
Rahu Old house
Moon &
Venus Multistoried buildings
Mars & ketu Brick house

If the planets in the fourth house are exalted, then also you shall enjoy a multistoried
Mercury, Mars, Saturn Retrogression needs to be analyzed, when it’s time to make any
deal. When these planets retrograde they can create lot of confusion in communication
and understanding. It could affect the paperwork, so make sure these planets should

One should not buy Home/Property on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. These days
represents conflicts, delays, frustration, and suffering related with property. Try to buy on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These days are good Auspicious and no
Sample Chart :

This is the chart of a woman who recently received quite a large inheritance in the form
of several homes of a family member who passed away, during Mercury-Mercury-Jupiter

Mercury is the 8th lord, and exalted in its own sign of Virgo. For Aquarius lagna, Jupiter
owns two houses of wealth, the 2nd and the 11th, and in this case aspects Mercury very
closely. This combination of the 5th and 8th lord Mercury, with Jupiter forms multiple dana
or wealth producing yogas. This became activated during her Mercury-Mercury-Jupiter

Natal Chart & D9

Mars Sat Jup Mars Asc Moon

Sun, Sat,
Asc, Ketu Ven D9


Ven Sun Mer Rahu Mer Jup

In the Navamsha chart Mercury is again exalted in Virgo, which further strengthens
Mercury by being vargottama. It again forms a close connection with Jupiter, the sub
dasha lord, who is the 9th lord of fortune. Lastly, Mercury is again connected to the 8th
house by virtue of being aspected by the 8th lord, Mars.
It's also interesting to note that Jupiter is located in the 4th house and it's aspect to
Mercury indicates that the inheritance was real estate related. This pattern repeats from
chandra lagna as Jupiter becomes the 4th lord aspecting Mercury. Lastly, in the
navamsha chart both Mercury and Jupiter are in the 4th house from the Moon.

Feb 24th, 1948, at 2:34PM in Mandya

Rahu MarR
Ven Asc Jup Asc Ketu Moon

MerR Sun Sat SatR D9

MarsR Sun, Ven

Jup Ketu Rahu MerR

Her Ascd or Lagna is Gemini with Lagna lord mercury and 3rd lord Sun in the 9th
house. It forms Budhaditya Yoga. Lagna lord mercury is retrograde and close
proximity to Sun (the 3rd lord – 8th from 8th), it receives Rasi aspect of Saturn the
8th and 9th lord and Sign aspect of Mars, 6th and 11th lord. You can see how the
Lagna receives so many aspects as well as occupies Sun and Mercury. That is the
reason she received so much fame and at the same time the Lagna is afflicted by
Saturn and Mars which gave her health related issues.

Now the 8th house lord of longevity is in the 2nd house which is a maraca house.
While Sun which signifies father is 8th from 8th lord due to which his father died
when she was only 2 year old.

Jupiter the 7th lord is in 7th being in Sagittarius. Even though Jupiter is fortified it
is also a maraka and having Kendradhipati Dosh. During Jupiter Dasha she started
having health issues. Jupiter signifies fat, and heart as the body part. She succumbed
to cardiac arrest. 7th house signifies public and public fame too; she has always been
in limelight as an actress and later as the top politician of the state.

Her 5th lord is extraordinarily fortified. Venus the 5th lord is in the 10th house of
career and fame due to career. Venus, a kingly planet in 10th house made her
successful as an actress and Politician. 5th house is creativity, cinema, authority,
power. She got everything that 5th house denotes while the aspect of 11th lord Mars
on 10th house and 5th lord venus was superb for gain as an actress and a politician
but the 8th aspect of Mars to Venus was never good for marriage, love and
relationship. Mars and Saturn are the first degree malefics to cause separation,
break-up, divorce etc, when any on it aspect or conjoin Venus, the planet of
relationship causes issues related to long-term relationship.
Saturn in the 2nd house also prevented her in having a family out of marriage.
“Having said all that I would like to say every person is destined to live a certain life
as per their past and present life karma and ultimately no one is forever”.

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