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“Sri Gurubhyo Namah”

Jyothishya Vishardha Paper VI (Part – 1)

B.Com, MBA-HR, MA-Astrology, Phd in Astrology, Samskritha Kovida

TOPIC 2 : MARRIAGE – Importance of Navamsha in Marriage

Marriage promised or not ? Combinations for denial of marriage,
combinations for early / normal / delayed marriage, Type of marriage:
Love / arranged / inter-case, Combinations for Marital Harmony /
disharmony, combinations for divorce / separation, Combinations of
remarriage, Combinations for Extra-Marital affairs, and Nature of spouse:
Good / bad, direction and distance of in-laws.
Timing of Marriage: Dasha / Antardasha method, transit method,
ashtakavarga method, naadi method, effect of Venus in the navamsha of
Mercury (Gemini or Virgo Navamsha)
Marriage promised or not ?
1. Important houses to be considered : 2,7,11
2. Signifactor : Jupiter for Husband & Children & Venus for Wife.
3. Planets : Saturn, Jupiter & Mars
Marriage and relationships are most important aspect of life. Having a co-
pilot in life is not only necessity but it does give purpose to our life to make
better aims. In BPHS, Sage Parasara has provided many combinations
and planetary dispositions to be considered for judging a horoscope in this
regards. Ref : BPHS chapter 20 (Marriage & Relationships)
Rules for marriage combinations :
Rule 1 : Lord of 7th placed in 6,8,12th house and not in its own sign or
exalted, it will result in sickly wife, suffering from diseases for the native.
Exceptions should be considered before applying the above rule. Eg

Ven Mer

Ketu Rule 1 Sun

SatR Mars
JupR Rahu

Lord of 7th – Sat is placed in 6th, but in own sign. 2nd Lord – Mer in own sign – Good.
Ketu in 7th, friendly sign under the aspect of Mars – Yogakaraka for Leo Asc. Venus in
own sign – 10th, Malavya Yoga. Wife of native is virtous, good looking and a great
support for the native.
Rule 2 : Venus placed in 7th – native will be lustful. Kalatra Dosha
Rule 3 : Venus placed in any house with malefic planet – may cause death of wife.
Rule 4 : 7th lord debilitated or placed in enemy sign, combust, weak – may result in
sickly wife or may have many wifes
Rule 5 : 7th Lord is in the signs of Saturn or Venus and having aspect of auspicious
planets or if the 7th lord is exalted, promises many wives.
Rule 6 : Malefics in 7th and 12th and weak Moon placed in 5th house, native will remain
under the control of his wife and oppose his own family for his wife’s sake.
Rule 7 : Mars & Saturn in 7th, 7th lord in sign of Mars or Saturn – wife of the native may
not be devoted and have illegal relationships.
Rule 8 : 7th lord exalted, in his own sign, benefic planets placed in 7th promises good,
virtuous partner and will have good children.
Rule 9 : 7th lord in conjunct with malefics – may cause loss of wife. Strength of 7th lord
to be examined.
Rule 10 : 7th lord in 12th, Moon in 7th, weak Venus – it will negatively influence the
marital happiness
Rule 11 : 7th lord debilitated or in sign of malefic planet, associated with malefics, 7th
house is having the zodiac sign of eunuch planet in navamsha, native will have two
Rule 12 : 7th lord strong, Venus placed in dual sign, and its dispositor is exalted, native
will have many wives.
Conclusion : depending upon the single planetary placement or yoga for concluding
the results of marriage and relationships does not give good results.
Role of Navamsa in Marriage Prediction by date of birth and Time
Navamsa is the Main divisional Chart which is checked for Marriage. It has very high
importance in Marriage date Prediction. If the navamsha is occupied by the lord of 7th,
is benefic, lord of 7th associated with benefics, then it promises a happy married life.
The Antardasha of Navamsa Lagna Lord. Since Navamsa primarily deals with Marital
matters, the rising Navamsa Lord Period has a Significant role to play in Marriage
Prediction. If the Navamsa Ascendant is Aries or Scorpio, Mars period can give
Marriage, if the Navamsa Lagna is Taurus or Libra, Venus Period can be predicted as
Marriage Time and So on.
The Lord of the 7th house of Navamsa promises marriage in its Period. As 7th house
deals with Marriage, Planets associated with 7th house of Navamsa will have a say in
Marriage Prediction. 7th lord of Navamsa Should be given due importance in Marriage
Timing in astrology.
The 6-8 position of Mahadasha Lord and Antardasha Lord in Navamsa can bring a
change in status- from Single to Married. Hence we also need to check the 6-8
relationship in Navamsa of Dasha and Bhukti Lord during Marriage Prediction.
12th – bed pleasures. 8th – sexual pleasures. Position in the Navamsha must be seen
for accurate results.
7th lord – if benefic, free from malefic influence, except Venus (karako bhava
nashaya), aspected by Jupiter, flawless Mercury, strong Moon, promises an arranged
marriage. 5th bhava and 5th lord should also be free from malefic afflictions.
7th lord in shuba kartari yoga – arranged marriage, except Venus
Strong Jupiter, in relation with lagna, 5th or 7th lord. Jupiter aspect on 5th and 7th house
or their lords, arranged marriage is promised
Venus positioned in 2nd 4th, 5th or 9th & 12th or occupies a shubha rasi, Navamsha,
Kendra or trikona, promises an arranged marriage.
Kalachakra – Kama Trikona i.e. Gemini, Libra, Kumba – if unafflicted, arranged
marriage. The same applies to Navamsha chart also.
 Venus + Mars or Ven + Moon – conjunction, aspect, parivarthana, placed in the
rasi of each other, with afflicted 5th or 9th bhava or lords – Love Marriage.
 Lord of 5th and lagna associated in same house or aspecting each other, in
parivarthana, then love marriage is indicated.
 5th house aspected or occupied by strong planet – Chandra, Kuja, Sukra
 Malefic planet situated in the 9th house – 9th Dharma sthana and denotes
custom usage and family tradition.
 Conjunction of Budha and Ketu in any house.
 Lord of 5th and 7th associated in lagna
 Lord of 5th and 7th aspecting each other,
 Lord of 5th and 7th in parivarthana
 Kuja connected with the lord of 5th house.

Successful Love marriage :

Kuja and Sukra in parivarthana or occupy each other navamsha in the charts of couple,
love marriage will be successful.

ASC Rahu Sani

Girl Chart 1 Boy Chart


5th house and Lagna Lord associated Conjunction – Mer & Ketu
Sat and Ven – Parivarthana – LL & 5th
Late Marriages :
Planets : Sun, Mars, Sat, Rahu & Ketu & retrograde planets.
Houses : 8th and 12th house. Any relation between 7,6, 8,12 – delays marriage.
Saturn – Karaka for delay – marriage can happen by 32 to 35 years.If vakri, marriage
after 35 years of age.
Sun – Signifactor of authority, discipline, power etc.
Mars – Mangalya Karaka. If Kuja Dosha, is present, it delays marriage.

1. Mars in 5th – delay in marriage. Love marriage indicated

2. Gemini, Virgo and Leo happen to be 7th house and occupied by Saturn
3. Lord of 7th is malefic and occupies Gemini, Cancer, Virgo or Pisces. Mars &
Saturn in opposition of 7th
4. Sun with Venus in Gemini, Leo and Virgo (late marriage for girl indicated)
5. Sat and Mars in 7th – marriage with elderly person (age gap)
6. Lord of 7th associated with Rah or Ketu, positioned in 6,8,12 houses.
7. Lord of 6th and 12th placed in 7th
8. Lagna and Moon aspected by Saturn and 7th house hemmed between malefic
planets or aspected by malefic planets.
Asc Sat Moon

Sample 1
Sample 2.
6th & 2nd
Lord in 7th Point # 8 Ketu

Mars Mars

Denial of Marriage :
Strong influence of malefics to the 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house and 2nd lord. 1,6,10
houses indicate denial of marriage
DOB : 28 Jun 1988
2,7,11 – delay and denial of marriage.

Jup, Ven, Sat

Mer Sun Moon Rahu Mars

Rahu Sun Ven

D1 Ketu Ju D9 Mer
Sat Moon Asc, Ketu

Multiple marriages :
When strong Moon and Venus are joined together, native marries more than once. If
Venus is strong, placed in 7th or aspects 7th, native will marry more than once
Early Marriage :
7th lord in Kendra or trikona in the star of benefic planet.
7th house should be aspected by benefics & no papakartari yoga should be present
Venus should be well placed in Kendra or trikona in the star of benefic planet. Venus
should not be conjoined with malefic planets.
Lagna lord should be strong or should aspect the 7th house.
Benefic planets placed in 7th house
2nd house should be free from affliction and should be occupied by benefics
4th – happiness, 5th – children and 12th – for bed comforts. So lords of these houses,
should be well placed and free from affliction.
Break in Wedlock :
Malefic influences sometimes override the benefic planets during their dasa, bhukti
and antara. This leads to divorce or death of partner. 4,7,8 & 12 houses. Venus if
afflicted, retro or debilitated. Rahu in Mars sign, placed in 7th, 8th & 12th house.

7th lord Mars placed in 5th house – Love Marriage. Mars is aspected by Sat and sat is aspecting Mars.
Rahu is aspecting Sat indicating Inter-caste marriage or unconventional marriage. Separation due to
Father-in-Law (Jup). 5th lord SatR with Moon in 8th - asp by Mars and Rahu. End of Relationship in
Rahu-Mars period. Marriage also during Rahu - Mars

Widowhood :
8th house denotes longevity. In case of female chart, if benefics occupy, aspect the 8th
house, it confers – Sowbhagyam. If it is reversed, then it confers widowhood.
Second Marriage :
Should be predicted only if the karaka is not strong & well placed in the horoscope
with benefics planets or aspect. 2,7,11 if afflicted, second marriage is indicated. Two
planets in 7,11 indicate 2nd marriage.
Second marriage takes place during the Mahadasha /Antardasha of lord of 3rd/9th
house or planet/s related to 3rd/9th house/lord.

After two marriages only the native will have a good life.

7th lord aspected by Rahu so inter-caste marriage in Rahu dasa Ven bhukti. 7th Bhava aspected by
Mars, Sat, Ketu, Sun, Combust Ven – separation.

2nd marriage : 9th house – strong affliction. Mental affliction. Moon sign lord Mer and Jup in 6/8 axis.

Longevity: Moon in Rahu Ketu axis, Mars aspecting Moon, Sat aspecting the Rasi lord Mer with Mars.
Suicide by hanging. Rahu – Sun period. Mars and Mer in 12th & asp. By Sat – no bed comforts. Marriage
after 28 years is recommended.

Saturn : if Saturn is connected with the Lagna, Lagna lord, 7th house, 7th house lord,
by association, aspect, placement, conjunction, then marriage is promised within 2.5
Jupiter : if Saturn is connected with the Lagna, Lagna lord, 7th house, 7th house lord,
by association, aspect, placement, conjunction, then marriage is promised within ONE
Gurubala : Guru is the karaka for husband and married life in a women’s chart. Jupiter
is favourable when placed in 2, 5, 7, 9, & 11th house from Chandra Rasi and promises
marriage to the native.
Jupiter’s influence or aspect on 5th, 9th, 11th house and their lords, on Venus promises
Mars : Kuja Dosha should be checked for marriage. He should be placed favourably
to ensure long and happy married life.
Mars conjoined with Ketu indicates marital problems. If placed in 7th, marriage should
be avoided unless there is a benefic aspect on 7th house.
Marriage will take place during the dasa, bhukti and antara of the planets placed in 7th,
planets aspecting the 7th house or the lord of the 7th house & lagna lord when in 7th
during transit.
Timing of Marriage : Ashtakavarga Method

Ashtakavarga point system may be applied to examine how many points Jupiter and
Saturn's points have both in the natal chart and in their transiting sign.

If they are higher than 5 points then their results will be more beneficial.

If they are less than 2 points then their results will not be good.

Match Making :

1. Bride and Bridegroom should have more than 30 benefic points in the Moon
sign for happy and successful married life.
2. If one partner has more and one less than 30 points – mixed results.
3. Less than 25 – not good (unhappy or failure)


Effect of Venus in the navamsha of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo Navamsha)

Navamsa is the Main Divisional chart for checking Marriage prospect, spouse nature
and character etc. Our Main Birth chart shows or gives indication about all the aspect
of life-Education, Finance, Career, Marriage etc.
1. Mercury is karaka for friendship. He does not support relationships which
involves emotional and sexual attachment.
2. Mercury rules children frame of mind where the mind has not developed the
sense of sexuality
3. Venus gets debilitated in in Virgo & feels that it is trapped
 Venus and Mercury conjoined in the 7th bhava, Venus gets weakened due to
Mercury’s association, a state similar to debility. Mercury is also not supportive
or conducive to relationship matters being in the 7th bhava. It promotes
friendship more than relationship. Such native has many friends but no
committed relationships.
 However, if there is influence of other benefics, Jupiter or Moon who promote
marriage, the native will marry at an advanced age after much thinking.
Timing of Marriage : Naadi Method

Planets to be considered: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus

Saturn : Karma Karaka will decide the fate based on interaction with other karaka

Jupiter : Jeeva Karaka (life force) – is responsible for fructification of events based on
interaction with other karaka planets.

Mars : Karaka for marriage event i.e. marital knot. Marital know is different from marital

Venus : Karaka for marital life, which can be both bliss or suffering.

Timing of event :
 Transits of Saturn and Jupiter are considered the karakas for any event in the
birth chart for timing the event.
 Mars is the karaka planet for marriage event, the connection of Saturn and
Jupiter with Mars during their transit becomes the timing for the marriage event
to occur. 7th house should be activated by these three planets, either by
placement, aspect or conjunction. In case Mars comes in contact with Rahu,
then there could be some obstruction or delay in marriage.

Addl. Points
In Nadi astrology, a retro planet is considered in the previous sign also. When two
planets are in parivartana they are taken to be considered placed in their own signs.

Transit of major planets is also considered in the navamsa chart in the fructification of
the event. D9 represents marriage aspect. Transit of Saturn and Jupiter over the
navemsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord is considered as additional point for timing of

Timing of Marriage age :

- Jupiter during transit conjoins or aspects natal Mars or 7th sign from natal
- Saturn during transit conjoins or aspects natal Mars or 7th sign from natal
- Jupiter during transit conjoins or aspects navamsa lagna or navamsa lagna
- Saturn during transit conjoins or aspects navamsa lagna or navamsa lagna

Direction & distance of In-laws :
7th house lord, occupants of the 7th house & placement of Venus – strongest of the
three, indicate the direction and distance of the in-laws.
Summary :
Marriage – 2,7,11
Denial of Marriage & separation – 1,6,10 being 12th house from 2, 7 and 11th house
Love Marriage : 5, 2, 11, 7 + Rahu and Ketu
Widowhood : 2,7,8
Early Marriage : 2,3,7, & 11 without connection to 4, 10
Late Marriage : 2,5,7, 11 connected to 4 & 10
No Marriage : 7,6,12, 10 without connection to 2,3,7,11 or 5th.
More than one marriage : 7,5,9 mutually connected and 7th lord is mercury or Jupiter,
placed in their own sign, signifying 5,7,11 – native marries more than one time.
Grand Marriage : 11th if signifies, 2,5,7

Love Marriage 5 7,11

Marriage 7 2,11
Marriage-engagement 7 3,9,11
Second Marriage 9 7,11


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