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“Sri Gurubhyo Namah”

Jyothishya Vishardha Paper VI (Part – 1)

B.Com, MA, MBA-HR, MA-Astrology, Phd in Astrology, Samskritha Kovida

Progeny: promised or not? Progeny: early / late / denial? Concept of Beeja Sphuta
/ Kshetra sphuta, Santana tithi / Santana Guru / Santana yoga sphuta, putra
saham, Curses of Past birth, Nava Doshas related to progeny
• Combinations for adoption / dattu sphuta
• Determination of no. of children through : Parashara yoga, ashtakavarga,
• Male or female progeny, classical method, Saptamsha Method
• Happiness from progeny, child parent relationship
Timing of child birth : dasha / Antardasha method / transit analysis, Ashtakavarga
of Jupiter, Shodya Pinda Method.

Child Birth 5 2,11

Second child 7 2,11
Third Child 9 2,11
Caesarean 5 2,8

Significator house

2nd house (house of family and family member), 5th house (house of progeny, child,
feotus), 11th house (house of gain, fulfillment of desire, 5th house from 7th house).

Significator planet

Venus is significator of fertility and semen.

Sun is significator of vitality.
Jupiter is significator of child, progeny.
Moon and Mars indicates menstruation, Period cycle in female horoscope.

If 5th house and lord of the 5th house placed with benefic planet indicates favourable
chances for getting child.

Delay in childbirth.
Influence of malefic on 5th house (house of child) indicates delay in child birth.
If 5th house or lord of the 5th house are placed with malefic planet, which is not good or
there may be delay in childbirth.

If Jupiter (significator of child) is become week or is placed with malefic planet (like Rahu,
Ketu, Saturn) or placed in malefic house (6th house, 8th house, 12th house), which may
create problems for childbirth.

If Ketu is placed with 5th house or lord of the 5th house, it may create problems related
to conception, small size of uterus or childbirth. Sometimes, Ketu causes miscarriage.
Similarly, Rahu and Saturn are also creating problems if both or any one is placed with
5th house or lord of the 5th house.

For childbirth, Mercury and Saturn are perceived as frigid & barren planets. Mercury and
Saturn in 5th house or with lord of the 5th house, would not give good result for childbirth
or progeny.

If Venus is combust in the horoscope indicates low semen count in male because Venus
signifies fertility and semen.

If Moon and Mars are placed with Rahu or Ketu in female chart, this planetary combination
showing problems related to menstruation, problem related to ovary

Sun signifies vitality, father, energy. Placement of Sun with malefic planet also indicates
problems related to childbirth. Sun and Rahu are placed in same sign, it forms Pitru

Astrology sign, planet and child birth.

Generally, watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are considered as fruitful signs.
Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius signs are comparatively less fruitful sign. While
Virgo, Aries, Gemini and Leo are sometimes considered as barren sign.

However, it is generally perceived that person who has Gemini or Virgo sign in 5th house
or lord of the 5th house is placed in this sign, may have twins. Lord of the Gemini and
Virgo sign is Mercury and Mercury signifies dual nature.

If Sun or Mars is strongly placed in 5th house, this may give male child in first issue.

Male planets (Sun, Mars and Jupiter are the male planets) are placed in 5th house, would
give male child and female planets (Moon and Venus are female planets) are placed in
5th house would give female child.

Timing of event
5th house (house of child, progeny) indicates chances of having child. Jupiter is natural
Karaka (significator) of child and 5th house.
When transiting Jupiter passes through the 5th house or aspecting to the Lord of the 5th
house or passes through 1st house, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house, 11th house,
indicates conception and child birth.

During major period or sub period or lord of the 5th house or planet placed in 5th house
indicates chances of childbirth.

Notes : BPHS – Chapter 16

Vedic astrology assists in judging the promise of happiness or sorrow from the
The karaka or significant of childbirth is Jupiter as per Parasa. In Jaimini system
the position of Putrakaraka is judged based on degrees of planet.
Venus is seen for the strength of sperms or vitality in men and Mars is seen for
eggs in women.
The reproductive organs is judge from Venus and 7th house in case of both men
and women’s horoscope.
Parameters for child birth :
If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th are in their own signs or in an angle or in
a trine, one will enjoy happiness through his children.
Early Child Birth :
1. The 5th house and its lord is studied in Rashi, Navamsha and Saptamsha
chart for the promise of early or delay childbirth.
2. The benefic planets are influencing the 5th house/lord gives early childbirth.
The strong Jupiter and 5th house from it also promise an early childbirth.
3. The timely dasha of Jupiter, 5th lord, 9th lord or lagna lord is helpful for early
4. The conjunction of the 5th lord with the ascendant lord in a good house will
ensure early obtainment of children.
Delay in child birth :
The natural malefic planets Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Sun gives delay in
child birth if associated with the 5th house/lord and Jupiter.
Surgery / Medical Intervention:
If the 5th house lord or 5th house is linked with 12th house/lord then it also
shows medical interventions in progeny.
Abortions :
1. If the 5th house/lord is linked with 8th house/lord and also receiving the
aspect of Mars it indicates death of child, miscarriages and abortions.
2. If 5th house and it lord is linked with 6th house/lord, Saturn and/or Mars
it indicates that harmony between parents and child is not good. It also
shows that enemies of previous birth might have taken birth as the
children of the native during this life to settle the karmic account.
Denial of Child Birth
If the 5th house is good but the lagna lord is weak and badly place, Jupiter is
also in weak position then it also indicates denial of childbirth.
Should the lord of the 5th be combust or be with malefics and be weak, there
will be no children; even if by chance issues are obtained they will only quit the
world soon.
Should the 5th lord be in the 6th, 8th or l2th, there will be no offspring


16.10.1981 Rahu

Ketu Mars

Asc, Sun,
Ven Mer R Jup, Sat

5th bhava lord, Sat is combust with Sun along with Jup in Virgo. Bhagyadipati
Venus is aspected in Mars, Sat and Rahu. Hence no children for the native.
Adoptions :
• The Saturn and Mercury associated with the 5th house/lord and the
connection of 6th house/lord shows astrological combinations of adoptions
in a native’s chart.
• The 5th house falls in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius and has association
or aspect of Saturn or Mandi.
• The 5th Lord is weak and has no connection with Ascendant Lord and 7 th
• The 9th House is afflicted by Saturn with Mandi and Ascendant Lord badly
disposed to 9th house and it’s Lord.
• Lord of the 5th house is in a sign of Saturn in Navamsha and is in conjunction
with Mercury and Saturn.
• The 5th house from Jupiter in the AshtakaVarga of Jupiter contains more benefics
points contributed by planets occupying the signs of Saturn either in Rashi or
• The Moon is placed in 5th house either in Rasi or Navamsha in a sign owned by
Saturn and is associated with planets other than Saturn.
• If the Lord of 5th house is in Saturn’s sign in Navamsha and Jupiter and Saturn
are in their own sign then a son is born after adoption.

Mer Sun Ven Rahu Moon Sat

Asc 5 May 46 Mars

Ketu Jup

5th bhava is occupies by Sat along with Moon and 5th bhava lord is debilitated
and aspected by Jupiter. Native had to adopt a Child.
The chanting of Santan Gopal Mantra is helpful for pacifying the bad effects of
malefic planets causing problem in progeny.
• The Vedic astrology also suggest spiritual remedies as per the Poorva
Janma Shrapa Adhaya of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra for the problem in
progeny. The Hindu astrology believe that problem in childbirth comes from
the bad Karma’s of past life.
• A strong lord of fifth house or putra bhava promises good progeny
• A strong karaka Jupiter would promise support to male child.
• Any malefic influence of 6/8/12 house entering into fifth house or affecting the
lord of fifth house from moon or ascendant could lead to problems with Progeny.
• Placement of lord of fifth in 6/8/12th house means delay or denial of progeny.
• The D-VII Divisional chart is also studied for kids,
Concept of Beeja Sphuta / Kshetra sphuta, Santana tithi / Santana Guru /
Santana yoga sphuta, putra saham


Sphuta = opening, blossoming. Calculations relating to the possibility of having an

offspring. Three important sphutas are considered in this regard:

(i) Beeja (seed) sphuta,

(ii) Kshetra (field) sphuta, and
(iii) Putra / Santana tithi (opportune date for impregnating) sphuta.

Calculation of Sphuta / Timing of having a child :

Beeja sphuta is obtained by adding the longitude of Sun, Venus and Jupiter in the
husband's chart. The sum indicates a sign and its Navamsa. If both of these are in odd
signs, virility is present and the chances of an offspring are good. If both are in even signs,
virility and the chance of progeny are both absent. If one is odd and the other is even, the
progeny may be delayed.

Calculation of Beeja Sphuta :

Ketu Moon Sun

Husband Mars,
30.06.1959 Mer, Ven

Sat Asc Jup R Rahu

Sun + Ven + Jup = 74.37 + 209.09 + 110.49 = 403.51 – 360 = 435’ i.e. 43.51

Rishaba Rasi navamsha, Rohini 2nd Pada, which falls in Vrishaba Navamsha only. Since
rasi and Navamsha both fall in Even houses – it is not good. Even signs are not
favourable. If 5th bhava and lord are strong, children can be predicted.

Kshetra sphuta is worked out by adding the longitudes of Jupiter, Moon and Mars in the
wife's natal chart. If the sign and Navamsa thus obtained are both in even signs, fertility
and chances of progeny are assured. In case both are in odd signs, the progeny will be
delayed or even denied. If one is odd and the other is even, there may be a delay but the
progeny can be expected.

Asc, Sat Moon

Rahu 25.08.1970

Jup Mer, Ven

Moon + Jup + Mars = 60.12 + 188.00 + 121.08 = 369.20 – 360 = 9.20. This comes in
Aries sign, Mithuna Navamsha – both are odd signs for the lady, it is not favourable.

Putra / Santana tithi sphuta is decisive in progeny prediction. It is determined as follows:

Multiply the longitudes of natal Moon and Sun separately by 5, subtract the result obtained
from Sun from that of Moon, and convert the result into degrees, minutes, etc. Divide it
by 12. The quotient plus 1 gives the tithi required.

Santana Tithi= ((Long of Moon-Long of Sun) ×5) /12.

• If Santana Tithi falls in the Brighter Half (SP) (when Moon is ahead of Sun in
Longitude) then progeny is indicated.
• Even if Santana Tithi falls in Brighter Half (SP) 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and 14th tithis
are not good for progeny and similarly Visti, Chatushpada, Naga and Kinstughna
(Shakuni) Karanas are not good for begetting children.
• If Santana Tithi falls in the Dark Half (1 to 5th lunar day) then children will be born.
• If Santana Tithi falls on 6th tithi then children will be born but with difficulty and
through the help of remedial measures.
• If Santana Tithi falls between 7th and 10th tithis children will be born from the
second marriage after performing remedial measures.
• If Santana Tithi falls on 11th tithi of New moon then the chances of having
children are remote.
General Conditions for birth of children
• If lord of 5th house from Ascendant, Moon and Jupiter are well placed in benefic
houses, 5th House is aspected by its Lord and benefic planets or 5 th Lord and
Ascendant Lord are conjoined in an auspicious house or aspect each other, birth
of children is assured.
• If a malefic planet owns the 5th house and is placed there, the person will have
• If Saturn is in 5th house in Cancer sign, then birth of children is assured.
• When Sun, Mars or Venus (for Cancer or Pisces Lagna) is similarly placed a son
will be born from second wife.
• If Moon and Jupiter are placed in 5th House (Cancer) for Pisces Lagna, then only
a female child is born.
• If Mercury is in 5th house identical to Cancer then there are very little chances of
birth of children.
• If Sun is placed in 11th house then one son is assured.
• Many issues are indicated if Jupiter as Lord of 8th house is strong and is aspected
by Lagna Lord.
• Powerful Lord of 2nd house posited in 5th house and aspected by Jupiter indicates
birth of children.
• When the Lord of Navamsha occupied by the lord of 5 th house is conjoined or
aspected by benefics or when the Lord of 5 th house is in benefic Saptavarga or
when the Lord of Navamsha occupied by Lord of 5 th house is in Ascendant, then
birth of children is assured.
• 1st child should be seen from 5th house, 2nd children from 7th house and 3rdchildren
from 9th
• In D-9 dispositor of the 5th lord and Jupiter need to be considered. Their position
in Rasi chart should be strong.
• In D-7 Lagna and Lagna Lord need to be considered.
Birth of children indicated in old age:
• Mars placed in Lagna, Moon in 8th house and Sun in a barren sign (any of the
barren signs).
• Jupiter placed in 8th House, Mars in 12th house, and Saturn in Lagna and a
barren sign in the 5th.
• Malefic planet placed in 5th house from Jupiter, Moon in 12th house and a number
of planets in Lagna.
• Malefic placed in the 5th house and 5th Lord conjoined Jupiter in Kendra (Angle).
• Mars occupying 5th house identical with Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces and being
aspected by Jupiter.
Absence of Progeny:
• Lord of Ascendant, Lord of Moon sign, Lord of 5th house, Lord of 7th house and
Jupiter are weak.
• Lord of Ascendant, Lord of Moon sign, Lord of 7th house, 5th House and Jupiter
are posited in 6th, 8th and 12th
• The 5th house is occupied or aspected by malefic planet.
• Sun is placed in odd Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) and Moon in even Navamsha
(Virgo/Capricorn) with mutual aspect in D-1 chart.
• Saturn is placed in even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn) and Mercury in odd
Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) with mutual aspect in D-1.
• Sun is placed in even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn) and Mars in odd Navamsha
(Gemini/Aquarius) with mutual aspect in D-1.
• Moon is placed in Ascendant in an odd Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) aspected
by Mars from an even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn).
• Moon is placed in even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn) and Mercury is placed in
odd Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) aspect by Mars.
• When Venus, Ascendant and Moon are all placed in odd Navamsha
(Gemini/Aquarius) indicate the possibility of birth of transgender or eunuch.
• The 5th house from Ascendant, Moon and Jupiter conjoined or aspected by
malefic planets, surrounded by malefic or their Lords are posited in the 6th, 8th or
12th houses then no children is indicated.
• The 12th house occupied by the lords of the 2nd, 4th, 8th houses and aspected by
• Mars occupying own Navamsha and in D-1 chart Mercury as Lord of 5th house is
conjoined with malefic planet.
• Saturn aspected by Moon in the 5th house and Lord of the 5th house conjoined
with Rahu.
• Sun posited in the 5th house in a barren sign, Saturn in 8th house and Mars in
• The 4th Lord in 8th house and Ascendant Lord and 5th Lord placed in 6th house
and 6th and 10th Lords occupy the Ascendant.
• Jupiter placed in Leo, 5th Lord conjoined with Sun and malefics occupying the
Ascendant and the 5th
• Sun placed in 8th house, Saturn in 5th house and 5th Lord conjoined with Rahu.

Karko (significator) Bhavnashay

In general, a significator of a particular house if present in this house it spoils the
significations it represents
• The karaka (significator) for children (Jupiter) should be placed in the Lagna of
the particular divisional chart for the blemish to take effect. Example: Jupiter
placed in 5th house in D-1 and in Lagna of D-7 (Saptamsha).
Analysis though Astaka Varga: Jupiter BAV (Bhinna AshtakaVarga)
• Any planet with 4 points in BAV has average strength.
• Any planet that has above 5 points in BAV is very strong.
• In Jupiter BAV the 5th and 9th houses from him should be examined. Check how
many points are there in these two places, if there are more than 5 points the
native will definitely have children.
Number of Children through Binna Ashtakavarga
• Take the 5th and 9th houses from Jupiter in Jupiter’s BAV.
• Let’s say that 5th house has 4 points and 9th house has 4 points too.
The points contributed by the following planets must be excluded:
1. Jupiter’s enemy planets;
2. 5th Lord’s enemy planets;
3. Planets in debilitation;
4. Planets placed in enemy house;
5. Planets owning the debilitation sign of Jupiter and 5 th Lord;
6. Points contributed by Saturn (Since Saturn owns Capricorn, the debilitation sign
of Jupiter).
• The remaining count indicates the number of children.
Timing Child Birth
Transit – Both parents chart should be considered
• Jupiter and Saturn double transit aspect should be there.
• Saturn should aspect 5th House or its Lord; 9th house or its Lord either in direct or
retrograde motion2.
• Jupiter should aspect 5th house or its Lord; 9th house or its Lord either in direct or
retrograde motion2.
• Mars should aspect 5th house or its Lord; 9th house or its Lord either in direct or
retrograde motion within 75 days of the child birth.
• Sun should aspect one of the above four point within a month of the child birth.
• Moon should aspect one of the above points within 72 Hours of the child

Dasa and Antar dasa

• Dasha of the Lagna or Lagna Lord, 5th house or 5th Lord, 9th house or 9th
• Dasha/Antar dasha of 2nd, 5th or 11th
• Dasha/Antar dasha of Lagna Lord in the Saptamsha chart.
[1] As per Jaimini method though Sun and Rahu are natural malefic planets, but for the
purpose of children they are considered as Bahu Putra Karakas “Ravi Rahu Gurubhi
Bahuputraha” (Bahu means more than two, Putra denotes children (son) and Karaka is
{2} Aspects of retrograde planets should also be evaluated as if they are placed in the
previous house, provided the planet within 15 degrees.

Jupiter-Curse of brahmins

Ketu-Curse of sadhus

Moon-Curse of Mother

Sun-Curse of father

Mercury-Curse of Uncle

Venus-Curse of spouse

Mars-Curse of brother

Saturn-Curse of elders, forefathers

Rahu-Curse of snakes

1) Curse of a Brahmin (Jupiter):

Affliction of Jupiter by Saturn and Mars or by Rahu indicates the curse of Brahmin
in the last birth. The condition of the ninth house and the placement of 9 th lord are
2) Curse of Serpents (Rahu):
Rahu indicates serpents. Its affliction of a house,its lords or its significance with
saturn or Mars either together or separately shows the curse of serpents. If the
Moon breaks the Sarpa dosha it is called Maha sanka Yoga and if Jupiter breaks
the yoga it is called as Maha padma Yoga. This curse originates due to killing of snakes
in past lives. The important house to be seen for this purpose is the 5th house.
2a) Curses of Evil spirits (Rahu & Ketu):
The effects may be childlessness, fear from unknown and fear of ghosts. The conditions
of Moon, Saturn, the 5th house and the 5th lord are important considerations.
3) Curse of Father (Sun) :
Afflication of Sun by malefics either jointly or separately would result in Pitru Shapa. If
related to 10th house and lagna, Pitru Runa. The relevant houses to be considered are
the 5th, 9th & 10th.
4) Curse of Mother (Moon)
If the Moon is heavily afflicated by Saturn or malefics or the 4th lord is also afflicted
or the 4th house lord is ill placed it results in Matru Shapa. Influences on the fourth
house and the fifth house in the horoscope need to be analyzed to understand this.
5) Curses of brother (Mars) :
Younger brother is Mars and elder brother is Jupiter. The results are childlessness,
difficult relationship of brother and sisters, problems from brothers and lack of cordial
relations with brother etc.
6) Curses of maternal relations (Mercury) :
Along with Mercury, Saturn is also to be considered. The placement of Mercury and
Saturn need to be analyzed. The result of this curse can be childlessness and difficult
relationship with maternal relations. The role of fifth house is important.
7) Curses of wife (Venus):
The effect can be childlessness, difficulty in getting married, problems from wife or
women, possibility of divorce, defamation from women etc. The most important house to
be considered is the 7th house.
8) Curses of forefathers / elders (Saturn)
Sun also needs to be considered. Problems in family, childlessness, not performing the
shradha karma of the departed souls will lead to this curse.
Curse from Karaka Planet Houses Other combinations
Nagas Rahu (Mars, Sat) 12 Sarpa shapa
Forefathers / Father Sun 10 Malefics in Artha trikona
Brothers Mars & Saturn 3,11 Parivarthana of Mars – 3rd or Sat
– 11th lord in Natural zodiac
Mother Moon 4 Lagna Lord and 4th afflicted
Maternal Uncle Mercury 6 Jup is Karaka for Paternal
Bramhanas Jupiter 9 Jup afflicted by Mars, Sat &
Wife Venus 7 For curse from Husband, Jup is
the karaka
Spirits Sat (Sun or Moon) 8 Saturn-Rahu or Sat-Ketu

Happiness from Children

JupR Ketu

9.10 Sat, Mars

Rahu Asc, Ven Sun

The native has 12 children. 7 Boys and now only 3 children are alive. He is very happy
from children. Even though 5th lord is retro, fifth bhava is aspected by lords of 9,10,11.
Sukha sthana from 5th bhava is Mithuna. Lord of Mithuna is exalted in his own house,
placed in 11th along with the lord of 9, 10. In the bhava kundali, Sun has moved to Libra
and Mars to Leo.

Sorrow from Children

JupR SatR,
Ketu Moon


Mer, Sun Ven Asc/Rahu

The native has 3 children but he is not happy with them. Only pain. 5 th bhava lord, Sat is
retro and debilitated. He is placed in 8 th house and aspects his own house. Jup is also
retro, placed in 8th and is aspected by 3rd and 8th lord – Mars. Fourth from 5th bhava is
troubled. Hence no happiness from children.
1 - Self

Ancestors 9 5 – Future generation

Santana Karaka : Guru Santana Maraka
Santana Poshaka : Guru, Moon, Venus & Mer Sat, Rahu, Ketu and Mars

Situation based karaka / maraka : Sun, Sat and Mer

Impotent Planets : Sun, Sat & Mer
Childbirth to be seen from Lagna, Moon and Jupiter : 5 th bhava

Sample Charts

The fifth and tenth lord Mars, being a yoga karaka for this chart is exalted in seventh
house. This placement caused another Maha Purusha Yoga called ‘Ruchaka Yoga’. This
yoga gives power in politics. This is the main planet for the success of Karunanidhi in
politics. But a natural malefic planet in seventh house is not considered as good
placement with respect to married life. This would cause separation from spouse.
Karunanidhi lost his wife at very young age. But since seventh lord is exalted, he married
twice after that.

Fifth house is occupied by another benefic planet and ninth lord Jupiter. But Jupiter is
retrograded here. Jupiter is the planet for spirituality and religious beliefs. Since Jupiter is
retrograded it made him an atheist. If Jupiter is in fifth house, native wouldn’t have male
heirs. But since Jupiter is retrograded and fifth lord Mars is exalted he has more number
of male children.


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