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George Shepherd
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Gary Franchi
William Grigg
Andy Badolato
William Conde
Michael Badnarik
Steve Hempfing
G. L. Johnson
Glenn Josephson
Michael LeMieux
George Shepherd
Joseph Smythe
Dave Wellington
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From the Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
geORge ShePheRd
Divided We Stand, United We Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
geORge ShePheRd
Continental Congress Remembered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
MIChaeL BadnaRIk
The First Continental Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
MIChaeL LeMIeux
Setting the Stage for Continental Congress 2009 . . . 11
gLenn JOSePhSOn
Continental Congress Delegate Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Instructions to Congress and the States . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Civic Actions: What They Mean to You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
JOSePh SMythe
Illegitimate Mortgages... The Ultimate Irony
of The Real Estate Meltdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
dave WeLLIngtOn
The Tax Awareness Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
g. L. JOhnSOn
Can I Borrow $100,000? Tea Party Says, NO! . . . . . . . . 26
andy BadOLatO
Do We Need to Replace the Income Tax
with a Fair Tax?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Steve heMPFLIng
True Currency: Texas Takes the Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Classifeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
g e O R g e S h e P h e R d
We all look for the magic pill or silver bullet that would end our current predicament. Each day we continue to look and not to act,
we slip further into oblivion. The natural inclination to stand with our neighbors to defend our community has been replaced with
the desire for SELF preservation. This is the hour when we must stand together in solidarity and unite in our shared struggle to
remain free.
Few know what really happened at the Continental Congress in 2009. Experiencing the event frst-hand inspired me to believe
that liberty is still alive among the people. Our message is being heard. Our sacrifces are being recognized.
I present the solution that the Founders wove into the fabric of this nation, knowing that someday we would surely use it.
Exercising the right to petition is only a precursor to action. The dream of America was borne on the backs of a handful of men
dedicated to principles of freedom and self-governance. The time for petitioning is over; the time for action is again at hand.
George Shepherd
ts not often that an event can touch you deeply enough to change
the course of your life. In my own experience, such moments can be
counted on one hand.
As an inmate of the public school system, I was taught that rewards
came easily to those who blindly followed the rules. The voices of reason
and logic were suffocated beneath the low, dull hum of obedience.
Although I didnt realize it, my indoctrination had begun.
The easy road is to play follow the leader and simply slide into a
comfortable, uninspired life. But every so often an experience impacts
the soul in a way that awakens the sleeper forever.
Once the lie is discovered, the struggle between mind and heart can
rage to the point that the feeling of hopelessness becomes almost too
much to bear.
In the moment that we lose everything, we truly become free to do
anything. The world around us becomes a playground and we wake from
the reality programmed by those presuming to rule us. We suddenly
understand we are not products owned by the elite to be bought and
sold, bartered and traded, or extinguished as they see ft. We are free!
We are limitless beings with a purpose and experience that defnes each
of us.
Life cannot be defned solely by the destination at the end of your
road, but also by the journey one takes and the choices made to get
there. Experience binds us together -- not the color of our skin or the
clothes we wear, but rather the dreams and aspirations that guide us in
the toughest of times.
There are no words that can express my passion for liberty. It has
become part of the journey that defnes me. Contrary to the opinion of
the enslaved, who proudly proclaim that there is nothing anyone can do,
the forces that have manipulated and distorted the truth are destined
to fail.
Tyranny prevails when good men and women remain silent.
I would like to think that WE THE PEOPLE will not go down without
a fght; that liberty and the will of a free people are strong enough to last
the long night. The Founders of this nation entrusted us to protect the
liberty that they paid for in blood. This is not a choice, but a duty we all
The clich phrase United We Stand, Divided We Fall has been used
to describe the need to unite against a common oppressor. The battle
strategy of divide and conquermanipulating a targeted community
to dissolve into internecine confict while its enemy plunders their
storehousesis ancient, time-tested, and effective. Is that not what is
happening today?
Our common foe is patient and cunning, adept at subversion and
deception. The enemy lives for war and conquest and has become
exceedingly profcient at it over a millennium of trial and error. It is
known by the graveyards it has flled, the nations it has broken, and the
peoples it has consigned to slavery.
The time for talk is over!
We must move from discussion to action. The winds are about to
change again and we need to be ready to allow the forces of nature once
again to fll the sails of the pure of heart. Will we allow our common
enemy fnally to succeed in its conquest?
No longer can we wait for a brother or sister to fall before we stand
up to help. There will be no victory today until we all stand together in
unison and sing anew the praises of liberty and honor. Arm in arm we
must march to the doorstep of our oppressor and stop allowing ourselves
to be brutalized. We have been slapped, turned the other cheek and been
slapped again. How many cheeks must we turn?
Those who covet the power that We The People have given our
government are not hearing the people because they no longer speak
our language. If they have forgotten the language of the people, then we
must learn their new language and speak to them clearly, in a way that
they will never forget.
If we do not unite now and take this opportunity to strip the beast of
his power, we may not get another chance to engage the monster while
we still have the strength.
There is a task for each of us. Our purpose could be as subtle and
simplefor instance, offering the smile that changes the direction of
another persons walk, turning him away from the dangers of a speeding
bus. Maybe my purpose is to deliver this message to the one person who
needs to hear it. This sentence may be the straw that breaks the camels
back, or the summons that awakens a sleeping giant.
The narrow and winding road is not so lonely when one knows that
he is in good company. I will leave you with a twist on the clichd phrase
that defnes our next steps. Listen to your heart and have the courage
to stand with those who are kindred souls in defending liberty and the
future we leave to our progeny.
If Divided We Stand... United We Shall Surely Fall. Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
ighteenth century life in the British colonies was gooduntil King
George III started raising taxes and making onerous laws that chafed
almost everyones backside. Countless petitions were written, and
most of them were hand delivered to Londonto little or no avail. Every
attempt to negotiate with the King to establish better living conditions was
ignored or rebuffed. It was enough to make you want to throw tea into Bos-
ton Harbor.
What should civilized people do when the situation is spiraling out of con-
trol, and all previous efforts have proven ineffective? Why not gather the
wisest and most infuential members of society in Philadelphia so they can
analyze the situation, and recommend a course of action?
In the fall of 1774, delegates from all thirteen colonies gathered to share
ideas. In the spring of 1775, blood was shed at Lexington and Concord, which
made the situation even more disturbing. At long last, in the summer of 1776,
the delegates of the Continental Congress fnally found a solution - declaring
their independence from the Crown.
Fast forward to the twentieth century. Infation is given an aura of respect-
ability with the (unconstitutional) passage of the Federal Reserve Act. In the
same year, the Sixteenth Amendment and the Internal Revenue Service
legitimize government theft, while the Seventeenth Amendment changes
our republic into a democracy, previously recognized by our Founders as a
tyranny of the majority.
Eventually, socialist programs are instituted to distribute wealth from the
haves to the have-nots. (After several decades, the fow of wealth now
moves in the other direction.) Instead of being reviled as inconsistent with
individual rights and private property, these programs are hailed as The New
Deal. The Great Depression, made possible by the institutionalized counter-
feiting of our money less than twenty years before, is still not enough to wake
the general public from its political coma.
Along comes a simple, honest man named Bob Schulz who begins to
ask questions of his contemporary, three-branches-of-government king.
A gathering of intellectuals is scheduled to resolve a decades-long dispute
between the government and citizens who demand that the government
show us the law. That meeting is never held because of a violent tragedy
that strikes New York and the heart of every red-blooded American.
What should civilized people do when the situation is spiraling out of con-
trol, and all previous efforts have proven ineffective? Why not gather the
wisest and most infuential members of society in St. Charles, Illinois so they
can analyze the situation, and recommend a course (or courses) of action?
You have just described Continental Congress 2009 (a.k.a. CC2009).
In January of 2009 I received a dozen e-mail messages pleading with me to
nominate myself as a Texas Delegate to CC2009. All I knew at the time was
that people familiar with the Constitution were planning to share their ideas
about the mounting problems in this country. I immediately became one of
those attempting to locate and select three delegates from every state. The
criteria called for someone who might be considered a modern day founding
father or mother. Although many people were enthusiastic about the idea,
overall support was lackluster.
The delegate selection process of voting by affdavit was made more dif-
fcult by the creation of a hand-counted paper ballot procedure. Eventually
both methods were deemed acceptable, andmuch to my surprise120 del-
egates from 48 states accepted the responsibility for meeting at the Pheasant
Run resort, approximately 30 miles west of Chicago from November 11- 22.
Imagine what it might have been like to attend the frst Continental Con-
gress in Philadelphia. George Washington was universally loved and trusted,
and he gave the proceedings an aura of respectability. Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison, and Patrick Henry were joined by other less-recognized, but
equally passionate supporters of liberty. Many times since my childhood I had
wished that I could quietly eavesdrop during those heated debates that led to
the formation of a new nation.
Last year I got my wish. The Pheasant Run resort became the Indepen-
dence Hall of the twenty-frst century, as brilliant and passionate minds
from across the country gathered to fnd a solution to the Gordian Knot that
is our current political dilemma. Whats moreI was elected president of this
august body, and many have said I gave the proceedings an aura of respect-
ability. Could people really view me as a modern-day George Washington?! I
had hoped to be viewed as a modern-day Patrick Henry because of my fery
speeches, but, alas, that was not to be.
I am proud to report that my fellow delegates would have been able to hold
their own in debates with the founding fathers. Each delegate who approached
the microphone demonstrated more than a casual understanding of the prin-
ciples of liberty, and the discussions were just as passionate (and contentious)
as those that occurred prior to the Declaration of Independence.
So what do patriots of this caliber discuss when they enter a room with over
one hundred spirited peers? Answer: just about everything. Had it not been
for a predetermined adjournment, I have little doubt that some would still be
there arguing the fner points. Here are some of the issues they focused on.
Sovereignty: The indisputable (and no longer self-evident) fact that We
the People have rights, and that we give limited powers to the government. It
was formally documented that all political power is inherent in the people
and that any government that becomes destructive of these rights has for-
feited its authority. Consider this section a restatement of the truths out-
lined in the Declaration of Independence.
The First Amendment: This section highlights our right to petition the
government for a redress of grievances. Simply put, the government has no
authority to limit or violate our rights, and when it does, we have the right to

Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570

correct the situation, and to punish government offcials who have violated
their oath of offce.
The Second Amendment: I have publicly stated many times that twenty-
three thousand gun laws are unconstitutional. The delegates concurred by
stating a multitude of federal statutes constitute de facto infringement of
our right to keep and bear arms. The delegates continue by instructing Con-
gress to Repeal all federal statutes regulating the ownership, use and transfer
of frearms and ammunition as well as any federal statutes which provide
for the taxation or registration of frearms and ammunition.
I couldnt have said it better myselfwhich is fortunate, because as the
president of the body, I wasnt allowed to vote or express an opinion.
The Fourth Amendment: By this time, delegates had overcome their shy-
ness and were now if full tirade mode. This section demands that Congress:
repeal the Patriot Act; stop the collection, storing, and dissemination of pri-
vate information of a non-criminal nature; repeal the NAIS (National Animal
Identifcation System); cease the implementation of the REAL ID Act; make
no future attempts at implementing a national ID card; and repeal all laws
that collect fngerprints, blood, or DNA upon birth. Much like the original
founding fathers, delegates to this congress did not mince words when pro-
tecting their privacy.
Remaining topics included private property, citizen grand juries, common
law, the income tax, foreign policy, general welfare, money (and fat federal
reserve notes), the public debt, war powers, and illegal immigration.
How did the delegates discuss so many important topics in only eleven
days? Simple: Division of labor. By the second day of the convention it was
abundantly clear that there was too much work to accomplish if delegates
were given an opportunity to debate every subject.
Subcommittees were formed to address each topic, and I personally wit-
nessed these groups working until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. to fnish their work. They
also reconvened promptly at 8:00 a.m. to listen to presentations on the next
topic that required our attention. Eventually each subcommittee generated
a report to the congress for overall approval. Needless to say, these reports
were not rubber stamped without debate. Thats when my job as president
became less ceremonial.
Although every delegate was motivated to participate in the Congress
because they believe our government is out of control, there were widely
differing views on exactly what should be done about it. Some delegates
thought that aggressive language should be used to convey the depth of our
convictions. Others insisted that we be extremely cautious not to use infam-
matory language that would cause the government to view delegates as
radical extremists and the Congress itself as a terrorist organization.
This same argument caused of much of the discord experienced by the del-
egates to the frst Continental Congress. Samuel Adams was known for his
strong desire for independence even before the Declaration was signed. He
was one of the frst who advocated armed resistance to the British throne. In
stark contrast, Benjamin Franklin was a highly successful negotiator who per-
sisted in the belief that a peaceful resolution with the King could be brokered
through compromise. Eventually, even Franklin came to realize that more
forceful methods would be required.
The concern about radical extremism spawned a controversy over
whether or not the audio portion should be included in the daily webcast of
the Congress.
When delegates arrived, most were strangers to each other. Some wor-
ried that delegates could make comments that would refect negatively on
the entire Congress. Delegates voted to allow laptop computers in the room,
but only if delegates promised not to transmit the proceeding via the Inter-
net. Once again, a similar concern was discussed during the frst Continental
Congress. Delegates from the thirteen colonies understood that their deliber-
ations could be construed as treason to the King, placing everyone attending
at risk. The Founding Fathers met behind closed doors without air condition-
ing in order to keep their deliberations a secret. They wanted to be able to
express their true feelings without fear of government reprisal. Unlike the
Founders, delegates to this Congress changed their position, and voted to let
the entire world watch the proceedings as they happened.
Another issue that philosophically divided the Congress was whether or
not God should be referenced in the Articles of Freedom, and, if so, to what
degree. Not surprisingly, many of the delegates are devout Christians who
insisted that Divine Providence was the primary factor in the Constitution,
and therefore the Articles of Freedom would be incomplete without similar
references. Each morning the Congress would begin its work with a reading
of a prayer asking for guidance. There wasnt widespread opposition to the
prayer; however, delegates of other religions expressed a desire to keep these
expressions of faith non-denominational.
Parliamentary procedure isnt taught in schools, but I think that it should
be. Several delegates expressed frustration when I ruled them out of order.
They didnt understand that I wasnt preventing them from expressing their
opinion. I was simply informing them that it wasnt the appropriate time for
them to do so. Trying to learn parliamentary procedure on the fy made a dif-
fcult job even tougher for many of the delegates. Delegates were instructed
to make their motions available to the secretary in electronic format so the
motion could be enlarged and displayed at the front of the room. This may
have been one of the best suggestions made during the eleven days of delib-
As the days wore on, motions were made amendments were approved
questions were called and at long last, each subcommittee report was even-
tually given our collective stamp of approval. Fifteen reports were merged
together into a single document called The Articles of Freedom.
I am very proud to have been a part of this historic gathering, but I am
very conscious of the fact that the Continental Congress enjoys no legislative Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
or legal authority of its own. The truth is that a relatively small number of
liberty-minded patriots gathered together to document government abuses.
Unless the Articles of Freedom can generate widespread public support,
there will be no change in the political status-quo.
If you truly believe in liberty, and you are seeking peaceful changes in the
way our government treats the people living in the United States, then I
strongly recommend that you do your best to advertise the Articles of Free-
dom, and encourage everyone you know to support the ideals contained
in that document. Just like the Constitution itself, without your dedicated
support, it is just another piece of paper.
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Continental Congress Remembered
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cannot imagine anyone in America today who does not know about the
U.S. Constitution, and I am amazed every time I hear someone say he
has not read it. Some will admit to having read parts of it in a high school
or college textbookmostly the preamble and a few of the Bill of Rights
amendments. But how many of us know how and why this document was
written, and how it became what it is today?
This topic alone could fll entire chapters. Indeed, there have been many
books written on the history of this one document. I will not attempt to offer
a complete overview but merely to sketch the origins of the Constitution,
which has defned Americas journey down this road called freedom.
From the time the frst ships brought pilgrims from Britain and mainland
Europe, there was a struggle not only for survival but also for identity. Some
came seeking refuge from religious persecution; others hoped to fnd their
fortunes in this mysterious but richly blessed land. Whether they came fee-
ing oppression or pursuing opportunity, most of the colonists retained a feel-
ing of love for their homeland even as they sought to build a rich future in this
new world.
By the mid-1700s, Englands King George III had become acutely aware
that it cost a great deal to maintain both his American colonial possessions
and his imperial entanglements in Europe. As British parliamentarian Isaac
Barre observed, the American colonists had grown free and prosperous
because of the Crowns neglect. Now they saw their liberty and prosper-
ity threatened by the Kings attention. Tribute was demanded in the form
of taxes, often incorporated into the infated, government-dictated cost of
common and necessary commodities.
King George dispatched an increasing number of troops to enforce those
In 1773, amid increasingly intolerable royal encroachments, Benjamin Frank-
lin called for a meeting of the colonies to discuss what action, if any, should be
takenbut to no avail. In December of that year Americans disgusted with the
Tea Act, which granted a monopoly on the tea trade in the Americas, memo-
rably expressed their outrage via the famous Boston Tea Party.
A second convention of the colonies was assembled at Carpenters Hall
in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774. Twelve of the thirteen original colo-
nies sent representatives; only Georgia, which was roiled by internal strife
and whose government had grown dependent on British troops for protec-
tion, abstained. Debates at the convention were heated, and unity proved
to be elusive. Some delegates proposed an American Parliament that would
collaborate with the British Parliament. Others urged that the convention
present King George with a series of resolves expressing colonial grievances.
There was also discussion of boycotts and other tactics that could be used to
defy the Crowns excise taxes.
The convention eventually composed a letter of grievance to King George;
among the complaints listed in that missive was a protest that previous peti-
tions had not been answered. The assembly ended with an agreement that
the delegates would meet again in the spring should their complaints not be
properly addressed.
A few months after the First Continental Congress was adjourned, an
effort by British occupation forces to disarm the citizen militia led to the
April 19, 1775 skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. Those battles, in turn,
prompted the British government to deploy additional troops outside Bos-
ton. Taking this escalation against the rights of the colonies as King Georges
answer to their petition, the delegates decided to meet again in May of 1775
for the Second Continental Congress at the State House now Indepen-
dence Hallin Philadelphia
But even at the brink of war many delegates among them Pennsylvanias
John Dickinsonhoped for reconciliation with King George. To that end,
Dickinson composed the Olive Branch Petition. This was coupled with a
stronger statement entitled Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Tak-
ing up Arms, which laid out a moral and logical case for armed defense of the
rights of Americans, while pointing out that war could still be averted if those
rights were restored. The battle of position between delegates who remained
loyal to Britain and those favoring American independence was heated, but
it was clear to everyone on both sides that King Georges government had
become an affiction upon the people made all the worse by the monarchs
arrogant refusal to answer petitions earnestly seeking redress.
Though the Second Continental Congress convened in May of 1775, its
work was not competed in one meeting. In fact, between May 1775 and
March 1781 it met six different times in different places in Pennsylvania (and
in Baltimore, Maryland in December 1776).
The Congress had the sobering responsibility of organizing and directing a
war for American independence fnancing the effort, appointing its military
leadership, seeking support from friendly foreign powers, and provisioning the
Continental Army. Since the Congress didnt have the power of binding legis-
lation, its business was conducted by way of resolutions that delegates would
take back to the former colonieswhich had now declared themselves to be
free and independent statesto submit for ratifcation by local legislative
The frst meeting of the Second Continental Congress focused on an inde-
pendence resolution submitted by Virginias Richard Henry Lee. The subject
of independence prompted ferce disagreements, which led to the decision
to table Lees resolution for a few days until July 1
1776. During the time a
committee met to draft the declaration, and on July 2
the Congress voted
on acceptance of Jeffersons Declaration, which was modifed to ease the
occasional harshness of the original version. The document was offcially
adopted on July 4
, but the fnal signing of the document did not take place
until August 2
Another critical historic milestone came with the adoption by the Con-
gress of the Articles of Confederation in November 1777our frst federal
charter for a limited central government. Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
The Articles provided the charter that gave impetus to the opening line of our
current Constitution: WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a
more perfect Union A loose federal union already existed under the Articles of
Confederation. Trade disputes and other severe problems that emerged following
the War for Independence convinced many American leaders that it was neces-
sary to modify the Articles in order to create a stronger central government. The
purpose of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was to create a more perfect
unionwhich led to the replacement of the Articles altogether in favor of a new
This new Constitution would invest the central government with certain
delegated powers to deal with foreign nations, protect the general peace of the
nation, normalize commerce among the states, and so on. But every permissible
role to be carried out by that central government would be specifcally enumer-
ated in the document. It could do what it was given explicit permission to do, and
nothing else. This is the intent and purpose of our Constitution.
To understand the vision that took form in the United States Constitution, we
should consult the wisdom of two of the men who framed our founding docu-
mentsPatrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson.
As Patrick Henry stated: The Constitution is not an instrument for the government
to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
Offering a complimentary insight, Thomas Jefferson warned: In questions of
power, then, let no more be heard of confdence of man, but bind him down from
mischief by the Chains of the Constitution.
The Framers of our Constitution fashioned chains of law to bind the central
governmentthereby emancipating the sovereign people. As our enchained ser-
vant, the central government can do only what it is specifcally empowered to do;
all other powers reside with the states and the people. And when the government
goes beyond its enumerated powers it is the states and the people who must jerk
on the central governments chain and bring it to heel. This is our power; it is our
right; it is our duty.
This is the meaning behind the bold words contained in the Second Continen-
tal Congress Declaration of Independence: That whenever any Form of Govern-
ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Safety and Happiness.
Michael LeMieux is a retired U.S. Army intelligence and imagery analyst, with the
19th Special Forces. He is a Purple Heart recipient for injuries received in Afghani-
stan. Mr. LeMieux is the author of Unalienable Rights and the denial of the U.S.
Constitution, published by Publish America and a regular writer for Republic Maga-
zine and News With Views dot com. You can contact Mr. LeMieux via his website at
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
The First Continental Congress
nderstanding what it means to be a true patriot requires digging
deeply into our nations foundational principles. In doing so we fnd
that the core principle of American patriotism is a commitment to
individual liberty protected by the rule of law.
People in power seeking to sidestep and subvert the Constitution insist
that supporting the government is what makes one a loyal American. In fact,
nothing could be further from the truth. Blindly sustaining government off-
cials in whatever they do, irrespective of constitutional principles, isnt patrio-
tism; it is statism and servitude.
The United States of America is not just a landmass ruled by some sort of
central bank-dominated corporate elite. It is a republic governed by a written
Constitution guaranteeing the rights of the individual and severely limiting the
delegated authority of government. There are binding rules that politicians
have sworn an oath to followrules they have been ignoring for decades.
The First Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia in 1774 in
order for colonial delegates to discuss grievances with the British Empire and
collectively seek redress. A group of modern-day patriots concluded that in
light of the virtual abolition of the United States Constitution by the present
government, the time had come for a similar assemblage. This was the impe-
tus for Continental Congress 2009.
In order to understand the transgressions that provoked this group to take
action, and exactly how the stage was set for Continental Congress 2009,
we must to take a look at the introduction to The Articles of Freedom that
were drafted by the delegates of CC2009. Below we fnd the words of Rob-
ert L. Schultz, the Founder of the We The People Foundation and the cata-
lyst for this historic event:
Introduction to the Articles of Freedom
Think of the millions of folks, including members of the Armed Forces, who have
raised their right hand and said, I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affrm) that I
will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I
take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;
and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the offce on which I am
about to enter. So help me God.
Think of the millions who have placed their right hand over their heart and
said, I pledge Allegiance to the fag of the United States of America and to the
Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and
Justice for all.
How could anyone who has pledged allegiance to the United States of America
reconcile the following violations of the Constitution that are destroying America?
For decades, our Government has been meddling in the internal affairs of other
countries, without any Constitutional authority, causing foreign nationals to
direct their hostilities towards us, which has given us a War on Terror and a
growing Police State that is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment and
the General Welfare of a Free People
For decades, we have had undeclared wars in violation of the War Powers
clauses of Articles I and II.
We are now gifting and lending public money and credit to private corporations
for decidedly private purposes (corporate welfare), without any constitutional
authority, whatsoever.
We have a fat currency, in violation of the money clauses of Article I.
We have been emitting trillions of dollars worth of Bills of Credit through or
under the auspices of the Federal Reserve System in violation of Article I.
We have been incurring trillions of dollars worth of debt for the payment of
expenditures for programs and activities that are not enumerated in Article I,
and therefore not authorized.
We have a fraudulently ratifed 16th Amendment in violation of Article V, a
direct, un-apportioned tax on labor in violation of the tax clauses of Article
I, and a judicial system that refuses to consider the evidence, in violation of
Article III.
For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that
mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to faithfully
execute all the laws passed by Congress.
We have a President whose father was NOT a U.S. citizen, violating the "natu-
ral born"clause of Article II.
We are counting our votes in secret, as all machines do, in violation of our con-
stitutional right not only to vote but to know that our votes are being accurately
We have an absence of well-regulated state militias, and we have federal gun
control laws, all in violation of the Second Amendment.
For decades, in violation of the sovereignty clauses of the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, the United States has been entering into treaties, contracts and
relationships with foreign entities, and giving authority to international bodies
dissipating, destroying and undermining Americas sovereignty.
We have private land being taken for private purposes in violation of the Fifth
We have a Government about to become a provider of Health Care, and about
to order the People to purchase a product, powers that are not enumerated in
Article I, and therefore not authorized.
We have money bills originating in the Senate, in violation of Article I.
We have a Senate that is using a supermajority vote to decide whether to enact
a law, without an amendment to the Constitution, all in violation of Article I,
Sections 3 and 5, and Article 5.
These violations have challenged the constitutional republic of the United
States and her People to its core. Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
Above all, we have government offcials who, for fourteen years, and more, have refused to honor their fun-
damental obligation to respond to the Peoples First Amendment Petitions to Redress these violations. We call
this the capstone grievance.
It is well settled in American jurisprudence that if anyone has an obligation to respond and he fails to do so,
his silence amounts to admission. It is also well settled that any right that is not enforceable is not a rightthat
is, with every right there is a remedy. However, the Constitution cannot defend itself. It is the duty of the People
to defend it.
The We The People Foundation exists for the purpose of protecting and defending our federal and state Con-
stitutions and to ensure the day comes when the American People will have institutionalized citizen vigilance
for the purpose of routinely holding their elected offcials accountable to their Constitutions, regardless of their
political stripes and whether they voted for them.
The vision for Continental Congress 2009 came in December of 2008, while I was preparing to give a speech
at Faneuil Hall in Boston. The idea was well received. From January 1May 1, I traveled to 88 cities in all 50
states to meet with People to see if this was an idea they would support and help make a reality. They agreed.
On May 21, the Foundation sponsored a meeting of leaders of the Freedom movement at the Jekyll Island
Club in Georgia. This was the place where the Federal Reserve was frst conceived in 1910. We stood in the
Federal Reserve Room, as it is called, and asked our Creator to put a new and righteous record for America in
the place of what had gone before. We believe our prayers were answered. We discussed Continental Congress
2009 and if this was an idea they could support and help make a reality. They all agreed.
From June 1October 10, a national structure was established to accommodate Continental Congress 2009.
State coordinators in nearly every state volunteered their time and energy along with other citizens. A small
national management team formed to assist. Delegates were nominated in each state to attend the Congress.
A Constitutionallycorrect election was held on October 10. On November 11, 2009, the delegates attended
Continental Congress 2009 at the Pheasant Run Conference Center in St. Charles, Illinois, sponsored by the
Foundation. The Delegates of Continental Congress 2009 were not professional legislators or wordsmiths. They
were ordinary, non-aligned citizens from across America and all walks of life. They set aside their lives for this
Assembly. They represented You and Me, the Free People of America.
The conclusion of their efforts, their recommended Course of Action to restore and maintain Constitutional
obedience in America, is This Document called Articles of Freedom.
It is proposed that these Articles be distributed to All in the Land, with the intent to draw the attention and
courage of a goodly number of millions of People who, entitled to their Freedom and essential to Its mainte-
nance, Arise to Restore and maintain the Constitution for the United States of America.
Then and only then shall Americas Destiny be Fulflled.
Robert L. Schulz
Founder and Chairman, We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.
In one form or another, the truism you get the government you deserve has been expressed by count-
less pundits. That expression is very relevant to the work of Continental Congress 2009. For decades, the
American people have allowed the government to run amok in violation of the Constitution, and the 911
tragedy enabled an unprecedented seizure of power by the federal government.
In a real sense, the people content to get their news from centralized corporate propaganda outlets
like CNN, Fox, and CNBC, and form their opinions accordingly, deserve the government they get.
There is, however, a powerful and informed minority that chooses to dig deeper, educate itself, and to
take principled action on behalf of liberty, and our numbers are growing all the time.
Few things are easier than to nod along and repeat the talking points recited by the talking heads on
the tube who simply read from a script provided by their corporate masters. It takes strength of character
and a measure of courage to stand up to do what is within your power to reclaim a government worthy
of a genuine patriots support. This is what Bob Schulz and the delegates and attendees of Continental
Congress 2009 were able to achieve.
Republic Magazine is pleased to highlight this event for the beneft of our readers. Weve brought you the
next best thing to being there, our live DVD (available at providing comprehensive cover-
age of Continental Congress 2009. We trust that you will be as inspired as we were by the dedication and
commitment to freedom displayed during the proceedings, and we urge you to participate in civic actions
of your own to propagate the spark of authentic American patriotism that was kindled with Continental
Congress 2009.
Setting the Stage for Continental Congress 2009
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I believe that The Articles of Freedom are every
bit as important as the document that birthed the
Republic (The Declaration of Independence) and
the one that ordered it (The Constitution); this one
restores Supreme Law at all representational levels,
and awakens and appoints Guardians for its continued
maintenanceThe Peoplein whom are the powers
reserved that are not delegated to the United States, or to the States, by the
None of this would have ever been possible without the tireless dedication
of one of the greatest modern-day American Patriots, Robert Schulz of
New York, founder of the We the People Foundation for Constitutional
Education. America will forever be in his debt. God Bless you Bob!
Ed Vallejo - Arizona Delegate

Per varios casus, por tot discrimina rerum, as
attributed to Virgil, means: Through various hazards
and events, We move.
This is my family motto and Id like to think that
it portrays the struggle for Liberty that We all seek.
I know not what course others may take, but as the
Maryland Delegate to the Continental Congress
2009, it is my honor to support Bob Schulz that through his leadership and
his vision we may all fnd it.
Any time one raises the subject of Freedom or Liberty it conjures up our
Founding Fathers, and anybody that grew up in a time when children were
actually educated rather than politicized, a vivid picture of those times in
1776 found a permanent home in our hearts and minds.
On that day in St. Charles, we began a new journey, The Next Step for
a Free People. Ante Omnia Libertatum. Above all, Liberty.
William T. Newton Maryland Delegate

In 1774 the Continental Congress convened to address the tyrannical
abuses of the King of England upon the American Colonists. This year,
some 235 years later, another Continental Congress convened to address
the tyrannical abuses of a federal government upon the people of the United
States. There are profound parallels between the two Congresses. The
original Continental Congress crafted the Declaration of Independence to
proclaim the principles of liberty and justify separation from a tyrant king. The
current Continental Congress crafted the Articles of Freedom to reestablish
the principles of liberty and justify mass civic action to encourage the federal
government to comply with the Constitution. The frst Congress resulted in
a violent separation from England; the second Congress is planning peaceful
civic action based on constitutional principles. The frst Congress met to
establish freedom; the second Congress met to restore that freedom.
Joseph Andrews - California Delegate

The Continental Congress 2009 was a life-changing
experience for me. Meeting people from everywhere
in the country who hold a myriad of views, and
yet all of whom support a return to Constitutional
government was exciting, frustrating and thought-
I think the most important of the Articles of
Freedom is the frst, the one that deals with sovereignty. Although that
Article and the Petition for Redress that it was based upon, both deal with
national sovereignty, the committee hearkened back to the Declaration of
Independence in their discussion, and the issue of personal sovereignty was
also addressed. In Article I it is clearly stated that the sovereignty of the
state arises from the inherent sovereignty of the individual. This concept
that the individual is the source of sovereignty is the basis for the philosophy
of liberty, giving the Articles of Freedom a principled foundation.
Elisheva Levin - New Mexico Delegate Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
I was amazed at the quality and age of the Delegates that attended the Continental
Congress 2009. Many of the delegates were under thirty years old and were highly
educated. I have never experienced anything quite like the Continental Congress
2009 in my 75 years. It was gratifying to see and work with so many young
people, which gives me hope that our United States of America can be saved
from the clutches of the One World government. I worked with the committees
on the 2nd Amendment, and on Article 1, Section 2 -- the eligibility clause. The
latter committee addressed this question: Why has Obama has never been asked by Congress to show
his long form birth certifcate, as was the case with Senator (and former presidential candidate) John
McCain? I believe this Continental Congress will go down in History much like the frst and second
Congresses did.
Lyle G. Daken - Minnesota Delegate

For CC2009 to achieve its goals, it is necessary to have a common bond of faith in God comparable to
that of the Founding Fathers. It is only on that foundation that success can be built.
Ron Teed - Illinois Delegate

The Continental Congress 2009 changed my life. Although I knew that our
country was in serious trouble with the election of Barack Obama, I had never
before understood the depth of corruption and extent of Constitutional violations
perpetrated on us by politicians who are devoted only to the special interest
groups that keep them in power. Never again will I simply hope or assume that
a particular party is actually making decisions on behalf of the people. It was
encouraging to see patriots from all across the country who are willing to stand
against a corrupt government, but also frightening to realize how close we are to losing everything we
hold dear in this great nation.
Karen Ruff - South Carolina Delegate

I can honestly say that representing Colorado at the Continental Congress 2009
was one of the most interesting and satisfying experiences of my life.
I truly believe that the Articles of Freedom (AoF) provide an affective platform,
in conjunction with a critical mass of associated signatories on the AoF, for the
restoration of Constitutional governance in our nation.
I urge all to read and sign the AoF. Join me and my fellow delegates in making
history and changing our country. Thank you We the People and Robert Schulz.
Kevin Tebedo - Colorado Delegate

The event at St. Charles was inspiring. Patriots from all walks of life gathering for
one purpose -- to help restore constitutional governance and the rule of law. The
blueprint we managed to present for the consideration of the American people is
unique in that the problem is suffciently defned with solution models that do not
rely primarily on partisan electoral politics. It is both an education and an activism
model that will be of intergenerational use. It is truth. The future will determine its
foundational value in promoting real change for the United States. The measure
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Civic Actions
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of fruit will be determined by the stirrings of the collective souls of We the People who have enabled
the problem, and now have one more powerful tool to mend it. Please consider joining us by pledge in
this most noble effort.
Ken Lucier - Minnesota Delegate

I was very proud to have helped write the Article on Property Rights. Too few in
the nation understand that the UNs Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable
Development are the threat behind nearly every issue we fght, from population
control, to energy, to health care, to gun control. The process under Sustainable
Development literally turns our communities into little soviets of unelected boards
and councils. Freedom cannot exist in such a process. Finally, with this issue
properly handled in the Articles of Freedom, America has a chance to kill this
threat to freedom and restore the Republic. Only the Continental Congress 2009 has addressed this
threat properly.
Tom DeWeese - Virginia Delegate

The eleven days spent at CC2009 in St. Charles, Illinois, were a great experience.
The knowledge, patriotism and dedication were unmatched in anything I have
ever experienced. It was all hard work with only four to six hours of sleep each
night, but defnitely worth it with the end result being the Articles Of Freedom.
The expert guest speakers gave us information they had acquired over many years
of study and experience.
All ffteen Articles are very important, but the one that I support as being
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the back-up to all others is the second amendment. It is the last chance to defend the Deceleration of
Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. The people of many countries lost their right to own guns
and experienced either increased crime or a violent government killing many of its own people. With the
second amendment it cant happen here.
Ronald Danforth - Georgia Delegate

Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Authority comes from being congruent
with natural/higher law. The federal government is all power and no authority.
The Continental Congress is all authority and no power. Lex is Latin for law, Rex
is Latin for king. The question is, is the king (government) the law? Or is the law
(principles of individual liberty/Constitution/Declaration of Independence) the
king? Do we have a Lex Rex society or a Rex Lex society? America is faced with
a situation that has occurred repeatedly throughout history. The Continental
Congress must now follow in the daring and noble tradition of the brave remnant who have carried the
seeds of liberty through the fames of many a crumbling empire to plant them in the ash, the fertile soil
of tyranny fallen. Now is the time that we must, and we will, secure a rebirth of liberty and law.
Schaeffer Cox - Alaska Delegate

Continental Congress 2009 was such a unique and wonderful opportunity. Nearly 150 citizen delegates
met to discuss, document and resolve violations of the Constitution for the United States. We had an
opportunity with the course of current events and the political climate to capitalize on a tremendous
opportunity that has been missed in the past and move the People to a better understanding of the
Civic Actions
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
troubles we face today. My fellow delegates and I are
honored to have been selected and are hopeful for
the future of this nation once more. This is just the
beginning of a long journey; we have left the safety of
the harbor and it is time to hit the sea.
Bradley Waslenko - Connecticut Delegate

Serving as the South Dakota Delegate to Continental
Congress 2009 is the most important thing I have ever
done. It was an amazing experience, and I was thrilled
to meet, and work with, over 100 other People in an
effort to restore Constitutional limits to Government.
Thomas Jefferson said, Enlighten the people
generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and
mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.
The American People must awaken to the fact that they are the Sovereigns
and that the government is their servant; only then will the Republic be
I hope that our humble efforts in St. Charles will help with that education,
and that the fres of Liberty will burn brightly again.
JD Shultis - South Dakota Delegate Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
s the organizers of Continental Congress 2009 were vividly aware,
it is very diffcult to get any two people to agree on anything.
Fortunately, all of the delegates to that event proceeded from a
mutual understanding of the underpinnings upon which the new Articles of
Freedom would be constructed.
Among the greatest blessings we Americans enjoy is the fact that we do
not have to put our heads together to come up with a group of rules to live
by. We already have a foundation in place -- a brilliantly conceived work that
still makes sense today, more than two hundred years after it was written.
The Constitution of the United States is an elegant, simple, and consistent
document providing us with a guide to follow back to the freedom that our
forefathers won on our behalf at such a terrible cost.
Below is a glimpse at the Articles of Freedom specifcally, the affrmation
of common ground and the instructions to Congress and the states, as
agreed upon by delegates from forty-eight states at Continental Congress
2009. The document provides instructions to the assemblage and elucidates
governmental actions antithetical to the law of the land as stated in the
United States Constitution.
When you read this material, a particular word comes to mind that
encapsulates the entire document: sovereignty.
Once an independent constitutional republic, the United States has
surrendered its sovereignty by intermingling its affairs with those of other
would-be sovereign nations. The other half of that tragic equation is found in
the surrender of sovereign control over of our currency. But the solution is
not a mystery. When people fed up with the wars, the unemployment rate,
stagnant or declining wages, socialized medicine, governmental handouts
and corporate bailouts look for answers, they need not wring their hands in
worry; all they have to do is embrace and, just as importantly, enforce -- the
That is exactly what Continental Congress 2009 was all about. As you
digest this information you will gain an understanding of the impeccable logic
at the root of this historic event, which has spawned an ever-growing legion
of like-minded citizens who believe in the power that We The People possess
to steer our country back onto the proper course.
The Articles of Freedom:

We, the People, in order to maintain our independence from any oppressor, to
protect our Rights as Free Men and Women, to secure the blessings of liberty for
our posterity, and to document our Resolve to resist any external or internal force
which may seek to curtail those Rights make this affrmation:
All sovereignty originates with the Creator, and is gifted to the individual; from
where it is delegated to the family, the family to the State, the State to the
Nation. Any corruption of this order violates Natural Law and the God-given
Rights of the People.
WHEREAS, all political power is inherent in the People, and
WHEREAS, the Natural Rights of Persons are unalienable, and any violation of
these rights is cause for remuneration and/or punishment, and
WHEREAS, according to the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of
government is to secure these rights, and
WHEREAS, a government that has become destructive of these rights has abused
its authority, and
WHEREAS, history has shown that the further away governments are removed
from the People, the more corrupt and oppressive they become, and
WHEREAS, the Offcers of our governments have taken an Oath or Affrmation
to support and defend the Federal, and State Constitutions, and
WHEREAS, the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and
WHEREAS, certain unelected, supra-national bodies seek to usurp the authority
of the United States Constitution, and therefore the actions of these bodies are
incompatible with the Liberty of the People of the United States, and
WHEREAS, the Declaration of Independence declares Mans Right to establish
governments to secure his Liberty, and alter or abolish those which do not, and
WHEREAS, the Concept of exclusive Judicial Review of Constitutionality is not
to be found anywhere in the Federal Constitution, and
WHEREAS, the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Federal Constitution clearly
indicate that all powers not enumerated in the Federal Constitution are reserved
to the States or the People; and
WHEREAS, the States are not ruling on Constitutionality; it is the responsibility
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
of the People, as the fnal arbiters of the Constitution, to decide on what is or is
not Constitutional, and
WHEREAS, this Body, is a body made up of the People who are able to instruct
our servant government, and
WHEREAS, We, the People, do not consent to supra-national bodies which may
or may not seek to become a world, or even regional, governing body,
THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, that : We, the People do hereby declare ourselves
to be independent of all supra-national bodies; including but not limited to: The
United Nations (UN) and any subsidiary thereof, the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), any so-called
Free Trade agreements and organizations (such as WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA,
GATT); any association or group which seeks to subvert the Constitution (such
as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission); and
that we declare any treaties that these bodies create to be null and void.
And Be it Resolved, that: We the People do not consent to tyranny, and we will
actively resist any infringement upon our Liberty, as described in the Declaration
of Independence, and which has been secured by the Constitution for the United
States, and which springs from the stirring of our own hearts and souls.
Be it further Resolved, that: We, the People reaffrm our unalienable Rights as
they are enumerated in the Declaration of Independence which states, in part,
that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these rights, it
is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government,
laying its foundations once again on the principles of Liberty and Freedom. We
further affrm the Right of the People to organize government powers in such
a form that shall seem mostly likely to them to secure their unalienable rights,
including but not limited to: Life, Liberty, Property, the Pursuit of Happiness, and
Self-governance, through the utilization of any and all means available to them.
Be it further Resolved, that: this Body appeals to the People to secure their
sovereignty by any and all means necessary. This body recognizes that if or when
force is brought to bear on the People, it is the Right of the People to meet that
force with equal force; be it from a foreign body, or the misuse of domestic power.
Any infringement on the Liberty and Freedom of the People as enumerated in
the Constitution is an act of WAR against the people and the People and their
Militias have the Right and Duty to repel it.
Be it further Resolved, that: this Affrmation serves as notice to any and all
would-be oppressors that the Peoples resolve shall not be questioned, and no
person or group has the Right to exert their will upon another. The strength of our
convictions is deep and powerful; and these are tested at great risk to our would-
be oppressors. If this tyranny is brought to our doors, then the consequences will
be brought to theirs.

Congress and the Legislatures of each of the Several States shall reaffrm the
fundamental political and legal principles that:
The Declaration of Independence is the Original and Supreme Assertion of the
Independence and Sovereignty of We the People and as such, it constitutes the
Great and Indispensable Charter and Guarantee of our Freedom and Liberty.
The Declaration of Independence asserts that We the People have assume[d]
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them; and that the original
thirteen Colonies took upon themselves the status of Free and Independent
States with full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances,
establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent
States may of right do.
The purpose of the Constitution of the United States is to provide a Charter for
the Government of the People of the United States in their separate and equal
station that they have assumed among the powers of the earth through the
formation of a more perfect Union among the States. Through this Union,
the Sovereignty of the People is exercised through a federal government under
the control of the People and for their beneft. Therefore, the Constitution
cannot serve any international, supra-national, anti-national or merely private
function that would infringe upon the right of the People to that separate and
equal station that the Declaration of Independence guarantees them.
The Constitution of the United States, as the Supreme Law of the Land, is
based upon the Principles of Liberty stated in the Declaration of Independence.
Therefore, the Oath or Affrmation taken by all government offcials at every
level to protect and defend the Constitution also binds them to support those
principles in the Declaration of Independence.
Therefore, no public offcial may lawfully take any action whatsoever that:
1. Results in the surrender, alienation or delegation of the sovereignty of the
People of the United States
2. by entangling alliances, special relationships, or through political or economic
subservience, advances the interests of any other nation, international
organization, supranational entity or private organization at the expense of the
sovereignty of the United States.
Any such action by a public offcial is a violation of that individuals Oath or
Affrmation of Offce and is therefore treason against the Constitution for the
United States of America.

We hereby instruct Congress to repeal all legislation for which it cannot show
constitutional authority under the enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8.

We hereby instruct our State Legislatures to:

1. Adopt State Sovereignty Resolutions that assert the power of the State to treat
as null and void all federal legislation that exceeds the enumerated powers
of Congress under the Constitution; and to enforce such resolutions by the
interposition of the State to protect its citizens from unconstitutional federal
2. Demonstrate principled leadership: Strengthen the States power to protect
its citizens; and completely and forever eliminate the most common means of
federal coercion by refusing all federal funds that are not specifcally authorized
by the Constitution.
3. Encourage the true and proper general welfare of the State by repealing
state welfare legislation. Thus, leave the citizens free to build strong families,
exercise true individual charity and rebuild actual community through voluntary
association rather than government coercion.
(Visit to read the document in its entirety.) Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
t is great to keep yourself informed and aware of what is going on around
you, and even better to get together with other people in the community
to discuss issue of importance to everyone. But once all of those assembled
have had a chance to voice their concerns, and general points of concurrence
have been reached, then what? There is no real value in continuing to meet
so that everyone can once again agree that there are problems that need to be
addressed in a round robin exercise in preaching to the choir.
After identifying the root causes of the challenges confronting us all, both
individually and as the collective citizenry of the United States, it is time to
take action. Convening the Continental Congress 2009 was an exercise in
seizing the day and making something positive happen, rather than sitting idly
by waiting for somebody else to do something. The Articles of Freedom born
of the Congress powerfully elucidate the Peoples grievances and outline the
means of redress legally available to us. They offer veritable treasure trove of
recommended civic actions, and we are sharing an overview of them here.
If we took the energy we expend complaining and lamenting about the
state of affairs in our country and divert that sincere passion and concern into
tangible civic actions, we would make a genuine difference. It was Gandhi
who said: Be the change you want to see in the world. It is incumbent
upon each of us to model the ideals we believe in on whatever scale we can.
Below are some calls to civic action culled from the Articles of Freedom
that arose out of Continental Congress 2009 (full text available at http://
General Civic Actions
Make informed choices regarding health insurance, vaccinations, mental
health screenings, dietary supplements, medications and other health
matters based on personal choice, and not merely in obedience to intrusive
and offensive federal laws, with a willingness to disobey such laws when
conscience or reason dictate.
Seek out information about companies that use federal and state
governments as their agents to rob us of our wealth and enrich themselves
through bailouts, grants, subsidies and other corporate welfare, and to
communicate to them our refusal to do business with them while they
persist in their thievery.
Refuse support to churches, religious organizations and charities that
denigrate our Constitution by availing themselves of unconstitutional
government programs rather than voluntary charity; and instead vigorously
and generously support churches and religious organizations that boldly
stand for the Principles of Liberty enshrined in our Constitution; and
rebuild strong community structures on the basis of voluntary association,
rather than government coercion.
Refuse to give the federal government absolute control over our children's
education while compelling us to pay for it; and exercise our parental rights
by providing our children education at home or through private institutions,
thereby protecting them from harmful, dishonest, and subversive
government indoctrination.
Second Amendment-Related Civic Actions
Lobby State Legislatures to introduce and/or pass a version of what is
commonly referred to as the Firearms Freedom Act."
Utilize existing Second Amendment Scorecards on each of their
Privacy and 4th Amendment-Related Civic Actions
Visit and click on the Privacy Reference List, study all
information provided in that list, and act in their best interest according to
the information provided.
Stay informed about the police and surveillance state that is being created in
America in direct violation of the 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th Amendments.
Lobby your state legislature to nullify the Patriot Act.
Be aware that no citizen is required to release his or her Social Security
number and should not release it if there is an alternative.
Conduct business only with companies that do not require a social security
Use open-source software solutions, encrypt computer hard drives, and use
proxy servers when connected to the Internet, for computer security and
privacy reasons.
Promote local and state legislation compelling local and state governments
to scrutinize carefully the process of accepting grants or other funding
concerning surveillance and the militarization and federalization of
local police departments by federal agencies such as the Department of
Homeland Security and the Department of Justice.
Lobby for a local resolution banning red-light cameras or other surveillance
equipment in public areas.
Furthermore, the public is advised to contact their state and local
representatives without delay to begin a dialogue urging that they repeal
all legislation violating the Privacy Clauses of the Constitution. Americans
should also contact their local respective sheriffs and demand they uphold
their sworn oath or affrmation to protect and defend the Privacy Clauses of
the Constitution.
Private Property-Related Civic Actions
Encourage self-education regarding the property rights protected by the
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
Conduct a petition drive throughout the state promoting the liberation of
energy generation and distribution from all government control.
Develop ballot initiatives to protect the individual right to a free market in
energy generation and distribution.
Contact your state senator, representative, and the Governor and demand
that they pass legislation that ends the federal government regulation of
energy generation and distribution within the state.
Go to city council meetings and listen to and participate in discussions.
In a public or private meeting with council members, inquire about the role
of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in
driving policy at the local level.
Actively oppose the creation of public/private partnerships (PPPs)
between local government and private industry.
Educate yourself about the consensus process, which seeks to manipulate
the public into pre-determined outcomes and learn how to defeat it.
Encourage and petition county offcials to notify all government agencies
state and federalto comply with the 10th Amendment and other
Constitutional provisions, and support those who assert that critical
delegated authority.
Counsel and lobby Congress to return ownership of public lands, parks,
preserves, recreation areas, and other so-called federal lands to the
states, as the Constitution requires.
Taxation-Related Civic Actions
Study and understand the research done by Bill Benson in his book, The
Law That Never Was; once you have a frm understanding of the argument,
educate your family, friends and fellow Americans about the truth about
the 16th Amendment.
Contact your local county government especially the sheriff -- and demand
cooperation in enforcement of State and federal laws prohibiting the illegal
fling of notices of federal tax liens and the fling of a federal tax lien or
levy without proper federal court orders attached. Remind the sheriff of his
duty to protect the citizens of the county from rogue federal agents acting
under a color of supposed law.
Put your banks and employers on notice that federal income tax levies
should not be honored without a federal court order attached and without
an affdavit from the sheriff that the levy is legal and proper.
Prepare to replace -- at the next election or sooner, through impeachment
or recall -- any sheriff, or county or state offcial, who refuses to cooperate
and honor his oath of offce to protect and defend the federal and State
Constitutions and the People.
Be prepared to withhold income tax from the government once the above
steps of self-defense are in place.
Furthermore, contact the county sheriff, state and federal representatives,
and senators to demand an immediate end to unconstitutional taxation and
withholding of earnings.
Currency Related Civic Actions
Encourage networks of like-minded individuals to buy hard money
coinage to use within their communities as a means of increasing fnancial
The aforementioned individuals, after establishing trade procedures in said
hard money, must prepare for the replacement of the unconstitutional
Federal Reserve upon its failure or abolition.
Public Debt-Related Civic Actions
If your State has engaged in irresponsible spending resulting in a large public
debt, we recommend that citizens instruct their government to cease
those practices.
Increase our power to produce by increasing our education level; keep our
eyes open for changing dynamics and look for new opportunities; learn and
develop new crafts/skills; and learn how to create more value for more
Learn how to be self-reliant rather than government-dependent. Any
supposed beneft that the government provides to one individual must be
taken from others.
Increase savings by selling fat currency and buying hard assets; eliminate all
forms of personal debt.
Introduce the principles of barter and alternative media of exchange, and
educate your local community.
Businesses should be encouraged to accept gold or silver as a viable payment
for commodity and service exchanges.
Work with local businesses to implement an alternative local bartering
system, or to establish a local private medium of exchange.
Vote only for candidates who are true constitutionalists committed to
reducing government spending and borrowing.
Encourage elected State offcials to return to the gold and silver standard;
pass sound/honest money legislation to provide a competing currency to
the existing fat currency.
Share the information contained in the Continental Congress 2009
documents with your State legislators, county and local offcials, and the
media. Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
Civic Actions Related To War Powers
Get to know your local sheriff and determine if he/she will hold public offcials accountable to their
oath of offce; let them know that you are there to help them and support all lawful efforts.
Work with fellow citizens within your county to convene a citizens Grand Jury impaneled and
conducted according to the state constitution.
Participating in an unconstitutional war is militarism, not patriotism. In the event of an undeclared
war, we urge all citizens to avoid supporting or participating in the war in any way, including military
service or weapons production. If just ten percent of the population refused to collaborate, such an
undeclared war would be unlikely to happen. We the People are the ultimate check on a tyrannical
Many of us have had the experience of reaching the tipping point after reading or hearing about yet
another outrageous governmental intrusion into the lives of the citizenry, and thinking that Somebody
has got to do something! That somebody is you.
Have you have seen enough of the routine usurpation of our Constitutional rights by the globalists?
Well, now you no longer have to scratch your head and wonder what to do. Thanks to the hard work
that was put in by the organizers, delegates, and attendees of Continental Congress 2009 we now
have a template offering a clear-cut plan of action.
Even if you cant engage in all of the recommended civic actions for one reason or another, identify
the actions that you feel comfortable with and let your voice be heard. When you look at an overview
of what is being demanded, it is not anything that should be hard for anyone to understand or accept.
Continental Congress 2009 simply insists that our government and its agents obey the laws of our land
as articulated in the United States Constitution. Its that simple -- and it is up to each of us to raise his
or her voice and join in a chorus of dissent echoing throughout the corridors of power and leaving those
who would impinge upon our liberty with a distinct buzzing in their ears that is impossible to ignore.
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
Civic Actions
real estate market that supposedly produced more wealth than
any previous one in human history is now in a serious meltdown.
According to the market research company RealtyTrac, 2.8 million
homeowners lost their properties to foreclosure in 2009, with millions more
facing the same prospect this year.
According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, one in four homeowners
is upside down -- owing more than the property is worth. This is leading
some people simply to walk away from their homes. In many areas, this
combination of factors is leading to further slumps in already-depressed real
estate prices. But there is an more fundamental problem that is just now
making its presence known one that will strike many people as deeply ironic,
once its implications are understood: Thanks to the institutional corruption of
the mortgage lending system, nobody can reliably say who legtimately owes
what to whom.
It has always amazed me how little attention people pay to mortgages,
even though they constitute the largest debt most people will ever see in their
lifetimes. Other than interest rates and monthly payment amounts, most
people dont even give them a second thought before they get on what I call
the mortgage treadmill. This is the proccess in which people continuously
get new 30-year mortgages, either by refnancing or getting into another
property. Everytime this happens, you start over at the frst month of 360
months of payments.
When you add it all up, instead of making 30 years of payments on an
original loan, you have 40, 50, or even 60 years of payments on consecutive
loans. This is on top of the fact that for the frst several years of repayment,
about 80 percent of each monthly payment on a fxed interest rate loan is
pure interest, with only about 20 percent being payment on the principal. So
if someone has a $1200 monthly payment on a $200,000 loan at a 6 percent
fxed rate, about $1000 of that amount is nothing but interest for the frst few
years of repayment. The lenders love this. Wouldnt you? But just who are
these lenders?
Most people are familiar with the consumer side of mortgages. You search
for a lender, make your application, supply reams of information if youre
application is accepted, then sign and initial a blizzard of papers at closing,
including a loan/repayment note. Though most people dont realize it, this
note is the most important document of any they may have signed. Whoever
owns this note is the party actually entitled to receive the payments on the
loan. So what happens on the other side of the transaction?
What many people dont know is that within hours, or a few days at most,
the mortgage you took out from the broker (and in many cases banks or other
institutional lenders) is sold to someone else. Thats right -- sold. And the
market for these is huge: Just enter the search term mortgage note into
any internet search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing) and see the results you get.
In most cases, the mortgage will change hands several times before it settles
down with a company that may want to keep it. For every mortgage sale that
occurs, the new mortgage owner is supposed to record a new/amended trust
deed (or lien) in the local property records. Also, although the new owner
is required by the federal Truth In Lending Act to notify the mortgagor (one
who owes the payments) of the change in mortgage ownership, they usually
dont. This makes determining an actual mortgage note owner complicated
But things get even more complicated when you add the mortgage service
companies into the mix. Most lenders use a mortgage servicing company to
collect payments and do other administrative tasks. Ever wonder why the
company you make your payments to changed a few times, especially during
the frst 18 months? (I have wondered why more people dont even question
this). Its usually because the mortgage was sold, and the new owner uses
a different servicing company. But over recent years, determining who
the mortgage owner is has become increasingly diffcult, and sometimes
The frst reason for this is a company called Mortgage Electronic
Registration Systems (MERS). This is a Florida based company established
by the major institutional lenders and banks. The main purpose of MERS
is to allow its members to use its name as a nominee mortgage owner in
local property records so any mortgage sales among the members wont
require any new recordings in those records to refect a change in mortgage
ownership. It saves a lot of recording hassles and fees. But, at the same time,
it also makes a mystery of an actual mortgage owner.
The second reason is that during the mid-2000s there was more going on
in the mortgage industry than allowing anyone who had a pulse and ability to
sign a name to get a mortgage. Mortgages were bundled by the hundreds or
thousands into blocks, which were then sold to investors around the world
as securities. Investors could then buy an interest in one or more of these
securitized mortgage bundles. But in the bundling process, an interesting
thing happened many of the mortgage notes were lost or destroyed!
For the few people who know about it, the fallout from this is just getting
Over the last 2-3 years some people have been successfully using this issue
to defend against the most dreaded lender hammer available foreclosure.
A news article describes the sentiments of Ray Garcia, a Florida attorney
representing Ana Fernandez in her foreclosure proceedings. Chevy Chase
Bank allegedly bought Fernandezs loan from another institution. Garcia
says, when he examined the copy, it showed ownership of the loan had never
been assigned or transferred to Chevy Chase. As we sit here today, they
havent produced a note, relates Fernandez. Theyve produced absolutely
no record evidence that Chevy Chase has a right to bring this action.
Lawyer April Charney, who works with Jacksonville Legal Services in
Florida, has become an expert on defending homeowners against foreclosures. Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
She says asking the bank to produce the paperwork is just the beginning. Lawyers who take the time
to study the mortgage notes and the securitization agreements will almost always fnd defciencies,
and sometimes fraud. These loans are so tricked up by the Ponzi scheme that became the world of
securitization and derivatives, that there is no owner to these loans. Charney has successfully stalled
or completely stopped over 300 foreclosures in the Florida area, and has been working to train more
lawyers through seminars across the country.
Talcott Franklin is an attorney in Dallas and an expert on securitized mortgages. Franklin doesnt
blame homeowners or their lawyers for bringing the challenges. Hes more critical of lenders and their
attorneys for not doing a better job understanding securitized mortgages and for not taking care of
important legal matters before going to court to foreclose on a home.
In some cases, its the judges who are beginning to ask probing questions of plaintiffs seeking
foreclosures. In California, federal bankruptcy judge Samuel Bufford has written about some of the
new issues courts must consider in foreclosure cases. One of the problems I see is I don't seem
to have the right parties before the court," he says. "I've taken testimony and found out that the
owner of the mortgage is somebody else who has not shown up in court at all."
The issue has even overfowed into disputes between major lending institutions themselves. In a
suit fled in the southern district of New York federal court in November 2009, Deutsche Bank (DB)
sued Bank of America (B of A). The 44 page complaint alleges B of A failed to safeguard and secure
over $1.25 billion worth of cash and mortgage loans that it was contractually obligated to secure on
behalf of DB. It goes on to state B of A failed to track and document properly the purchase and sale of
mortgages. Something must really be cooking when big institutions start suing each other over this.
What does all this mean to the average mortgage debtor? Without some identifable ownership of a
mortgage note, exactly who (if anyone) has the right even to receive your mortgage payments -- much
less bring a foreclosure action? If there is no owner for many of the mortgage notes, as attorney April
Charney has said, then you might as well be making your payments to your mail carrier, dog catcher,
or local street bum. (I would happily take them as well!) They have as much right to receive payments
as any other non-owner of a note!
These circumstances will undoubtedly have a serious impact not only on foreclosures, but also
with underwater properties, and mortgages in general. Isnt it ironic that the seeds for potentially
ending the current real estate calamity are in the very instruments that signifcantly contributed to
Dave Wellington is an author and paralegal of 20 years. To fnd out more on this issue, and learn how you
can investigate the legitimacy of your mortgage, go to
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
Illegitimate Mortgages
or Federal income tax purposes, are you an employee? Are you an
employer? Are you an individual who is citizen of the United States?
Are you even a person? What is employment? What are wages?
Are the earnings of a citizen of the United States subject to any withholding
tax? Do you live, work and earn your living within the United States? Are
you required to fle a U.S. Individual Income Tax Return?
These and other similar questions have become buzzwords in the tax
honesty industry, yet have never been answered defnitively. Legitimate,
defnitive answers to these questions are long overdue. The Tax Awareness
Effect takes you to the core of these issues.
Over the years, countless self-proclaimed tax gurus have come and
gone, promoting the general proposition that there is no Federal income tax
imposed on the earnings of an individual American citizen. This, in turn, has
led to a large and growing number of failed legal challenges in federal courts
that have produced a large body of bad case law. The Tax Awareness Effect
is intended to offer sensible, real-world solutions.
As one criminal defense trial lawyer observes, the volume of bad case
law on tax issues is staggering. There are many tax crime convictions
and blistering appellate court decisions aimed at litigants who, in good faith,
entered a courtroom to make the reasonable request that the government
Show us the law! In each of those cases the government refused to
honor that petition, another bad precedent was set, and bad case law has
continued to fourish. The goal of the Tax Awareness Effect is to reverse
that trend.
To reverse the bad case law trend, more than 10,000 hours of effective
legal research has been performed on Internal Revenue Code regulations
and the Federal Register. Whether you are an attorney, a legal researcher,
or someone who has never seen the Internal Revenue Code--this material
is for you! For a sneak preview into unprecedented research into the federal
income tax, go to Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
ould you provide a $100,000 loan to a company or an individual who:
Has personally guaranteed short and long term debt of $1,630,000;
Has $100,000 in questionable non-liquid balance sheet assets with
no savings; Has current income of $240,000 per year, but is currently spend-
ing $350,000 per year on his planned and budgeted bills and expenses -- and
5 years of budgets and fnancial projections show expenses and fxed bills
exceeding income by an average of 30% every single year.
What would your answer be? What would a bank say? The most likely
response would be found somewhere in the narrow range running from No!
to Oh, hell no!
Yet, the federal government displays exactly the same ratios of debt, assets,
income, monthly obligations and expenditures as our hypothetical loan appli-
cant above.
On Tax Day, April 15
2010, President Obama delivered a mocking speech
intended to mock and ridicule American citizens involved in Tea Party pro-
tests. Not bothering to conceal his smugness, Mr. Obama insisted that those
protests were ironic, since taxes did not go up for Americans. This refrain
was quickly taken up by other Democrats, talk show hosts, and fgures from
the celebrity left, who neglected no opportunity to denounce the Tea Party as
a redneck militia, domestic terrorists, or racists who disguise their supposed
prejudice by feigning concern over the economy, national debt, and taxes.
This was a memorable display of the arrogant cluelessness of the Demo-
cratic Party, the Obama administration, and much of the some mainstream
media regarding the concerns of a large section of the American people regard-
ing the role of government. How stupid they think the average American citi-
zen is even as those elitists are foolishly blinded by ideology and conceit to
look honestly at the facts or see the bigger picture.
Since the 2009 Presidential inauguration, our national debt has increased
more than $2.7 Trillion, to $12.8 Trillion. The federal government has purposely
prepared, budgeted and planned for an additional $7 Trillion of borrowed cash,
giving us a $20 Trillion national debt by 2015. If, as weve been taught, lines
of credit become ropes of bondage, this national debt is an economic noose
around our necks.
This $7 Trillion budget was introduced to the American public with big
happy smiles, a gloating giddy media, and lots of congratulatory applause. In
a purely Orwellian touch, the budget bears the title A New Era of Respon-
sibility, Renewing Americas Promiseand the frst chapter of the budget pre-
sentation is titled Inheriting a Legacy of Misplaced Priorities. This budget
is directly overseen by the Offce of Management and Budget (OMB), the
executive branchs largest department. The OMBs features a quote from the
Dear Leader himself, Barack Obama, in praise of the additional $10 Trillion in
planned debt: Lets invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of
debt. Lets meet our responsibility to the citizens who sent us here. Lets try
common sense.
It shouldnt be surprising that someone who can, with a straight face,
describe a $20 trillion national debt as something other than a mountain of
debt would treat the Tea Party movement as a target of ridicule.
The problem may be graver still, since some analysts believe the recently
passed heath care bill could increase debt another $10 trillion on top of the $108
trillion of unfunded social security and Medicare entitlements just starting to
become due.
Lets discuss your share as of today, before it increases. Are you sitting
down? Take a look at the chart below.
There some who, without exhibiting a hint of irony, refer to this as Recov-
ery Summer and insist that the economy is reviving due to federal stimulus
efforts. To such people, I pose this question: If you personally made $240,000
per year and were handed $270,000 of borrowed cash and told you had to
spend it all in one year, do you think your economy might appear to improve
slightly in the short term?
Fellow Americans, we are sitting on top of the biggest thermonuclear
economic bomb man has ever made. Defusing that bomb requires immediate
action, not denial or procrastination.
This national debt issue has just recently started to surface the past two
years, having been suppressed, ignored, and tossed from president to presi-
dent like a hot potato. Our political parties have become like the arguing new-
lyweds after getting the credit card bill from the extended honeymoon and the
new furniture bought using the 90 days same-as-cash promotion. Rather than
sensibly and logically attempting to deal with obvious problems, they fght over
whose fault it was to go on the trip, who signed for the expensive room ser-
vice and massage while the other wasnt around, and then complaining about
the other spouse to their friends. This type of behavior has come to defne
Some say its too late already, that its better to avoid all of the madness and
worry, buy gold, guns and canned goods, hunker down, buckle your chinstrap
and hold on tight. But its doubtful than anybody will be able to barricade him-

PerCitizen PerTaxpayer

National Debt $12.8 Trillion $41,613.00 $117,035.00

Unfunded liabilities $108.3 Trillion $350,537.00 $985,710.00

Personal Debt $16.5 Trillion $53,510.00

State and Municipal $2.8 Trillion $9,446.00 $26,449.00

Totals $455,106.00 $1,129,194.00


Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
self from the catastrophe that will come unless the governments course of
action is reversed immediately.
We have been living in a fantasy dream world, a delusional economy and
sugar credit high, based on phantom money printed out of thin air backed by
nothing. Its as if we received a bunch of credit cards in the mail one day that
our parents said to only use for emergency. Rather than hiding those tempting
instruments of debt, working, saving, and earning wealth through industry and
discipline, we quit our day jobs to live lavishly -- taking vacations, buying new
clothes and cars, living off credit and equity line checkbooks to pay our bills.
When the monthly payments become due, we paid with credit cards and wrote
credit line checks. Sometimes, we transferred the entire balance to another
card to make things all look good, keep a good credit rating and pacify our ego.
At long last, the inevitable crisis arrived. We fnally experienced a serious
event indicating a potential problem, and our conservative friends suggest a
debt rehab clinic or an intervention. Instead, we decided to say the heck with
it, took a tequila shot and DOUBLED DOWN, going for broke. We gave our
friends a high fve, smiled widely, and called our travel agent for an exotic vaca-
tion. We needed a get away from all the emotional stress, ridicule and hassles
we suffered -- especially from the friends who nagged us to cancel our credit
cards. Its easier for us now to deny those friends exist and cut them out of our
lives, ignoring them completely. We ridicule and label them as nuts and kooks to
others. Besides, its easier to get more friends, especially when you have several
trillion dollars of money to spend and throw around. Just ask Mike Tyson.
Here are some key differences between the Tea Party citizens and current
elected government:
The American citizen knows the responsibilities and consequences of per-
sonal debts. Our elected elite politicians do know the consequences
of debt, but unfortunately don't really care but still
act like they do. They personally dont have to pay
it back. Besides, they get additional contributions,
ribbon-cutting invitations and other perks for the
favors they provide with our borrowed cash. If it ever
does become an issue, they have PR people that advise
them regarding who or what to blame, and to write the
proper scripts to scapegoat the proper hate target
in media interviews. Besides, if this mountain of
debt fnally one day causes the dollar to collapse
and hyper-infation to ensue, they have no wor-
ries. Congressional, senior government and cabinet
pensions automatically are indexed for infation and stan-
dard of living infation adjustments in laws they passed
The American citizen generally under-
stands the meaning of how much they
make each year and the importance of
not spending more. Elected politicians
understand, but don't really care and or
don't understand sound business princi-
pals. Our current President has never
run or operated a business as well as
many in congress. After all, we elect
the people who promise us the most and
can give great speeches. Foolish of us to
entertain the thought that government is a
business and to actually vote for those quali-
fed even if they are not great speakers or look
good on camera.
The American citizen understands the reality
of not being able to pay their debts. The con-
sequences include losing homes in foreclosure, lawsuits, liens against assets,
utility shut-offs, and repossessions. Our elected politicians understand this
too, but they don't really care. Theyre more concerned how they can ben-
eft politically now rather than later when the debt has to be repaid. Besides,
saying yes to bailouts, pork-barrel measures, and new laws that help big
corporations assures them of $400,000-a-year lobbying jobs or corporate
speaking gigs when they fnally leave offce.
This decision to double down was triggered at a time when the crisis was
limited to consumer mortgages. The total of these loans is now $14 trillion
after write-downs/write-offs and giving the banks enough money to cover the
loss. Many leading economists believe that much deeper write-downs will be
needed, and that a crisis of insolvent commercial mortgages twice the aggre-
gate size and magnitude of the residential market is waiting to explode.
Many blame the mortgage problem on our government as the enabler via
the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Under that Act liter-
ally anyone was able to obtain a government-backed mortgage loan, regardless
of traditional qualifcation approvals. This was the match that ignited the fuse
to the housing boom, which was fueled by low-interest cheap money made
available by the Federal Reserve. Government-sponsored Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac loans added to the explosive payload. Eventually all of this blew
up, sending shrapnel everywhere. The commercial real estate meltdown may
result in further trillions of dollars in bank bail-outs. Is it possible that we have
only addressed 30% of the total problem? Unfortunately, this is likely the case.
For decades, the Grim Reaper in the form of $108 trillion in unfunded
liabilities -- has been patiently sharpening and honing his scythe, ironing his
new black cloak. This year he landed in town as the frst of the baby boomers
reached retirement age earlier this year. This 65 year old Reaper is quite
angry at us. He knows we have already collected these monies and
made promises to set it aside, but instead we decided to spend it and
replace it with IOUs just like Harry and Lloyd did with the kidnap-
ping ransom in the movie Dumb and Dumber.
The terrifying reality is that every single United States citizen
(man, woman and child) has joint and several liability for $350,000
starting in 2010, ending in 2029. Since only one-third oftax
US citizens pay income taxes, this means each tax victim
would be responsible for $985,000 paid out over the next
19 years. This makes one really wonder about the emphatic,
and equally implausible, denials that the Obamacare system
would include death panels empowered to cut off expensive
treatment for those deemed a bad public investment. (P.S.: Dear
Granny, bring your shotgun and sleep with one eye open.)
Based upon our current national debt projections
of $20 Trillion by 2015, and assuming balanced
budgets thereafter, the interest payments alone
are $1 Trillion at 5% interest. This would be
41% of our governments total revenues if they
remained the same as they are today, and 83%
if interest rates were 10%. Remember, not
too long ago interest rates were 18%. The
money that is left over has to be used for
the unfunded liabilities of Medicare and
Social Security, as well as roughly $1 tril-
lion in military and homeland security
expenditures. The rest is allocated to the
government departments and services
overseen by the Czars at the Heath and
Human Services, Transportation, Veter-
ans Affairs, Housing, Education, Energy,
Agriculture, Justice, Commerce, Labor, Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
Treasury, Interior, EPA, Corps of Engineers, the Small Business Administration,
the EPA, HUD, and the rest of the polyglot menagerie of federal alphabet-soup
Oh, we shouldnt forget about fguring out how to pay for our personal debts of
mortgage, consumer and credit cards totaling $16 trillion averaging $53,000 per
citizen, and keeping our States, counties and cities operating smoothly that will
need $2.8 trillion to pay off their loans.
Any sensible American taxpaying citizen with even half a brain who can use
a calculator knows that additional tax increases are inevitable. This was the case
even before our national debt was increased by our elected leaders from $9 Trillion
to $20 Trillion in just 2 years. We have maxed out our credit cards already. Who is
going to give us this money? There is no more equity available, or assets to lever-
age. As of April 2010, our countrys combined personal, business and corporate
assets are valued at $72 Trillion dollars. This includes the stock market valuations
--and we all know what those would be worth if there was a serious or even a
rumored sovereign debt problem. The total of Federal, State, municipal, personal,
business and corporate debt is $71 Trillion. We have on paper a positive $1 Trillion
in assets. But the problem is we still have $20 Trillion in debt and still owe $108
Trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Does all of this make you understand the views of the Tea Party a little better?
It is sheer madness that our supposed leaders would laugh, joke and make fun of
Tea Party groups who have legitimate concerns about the national debt and are
genuinely terrifed about the future of our country. These principled patriots want
to know why their government continues to spend more money and discuss even
more programs.
It seems as if all of our elected politicians have either become like Nero play-
ing the lyre and sipping champagne while Rome burns, or crew members of the
Titanic arguing over how to reorganize the chairs on the deck. A more appropriate
analogy would cast our political leaders as crew members of the Titanic looting,
robbing and stealing from us before taking our life jackets and lifeboats all the
while smiling to us telling us things are OK and they are saving and protecting us.
The extreme polarization and brewing partisan rancor represent just the begin-
ning. Just wait until we cant borrow more, or the interest on government debt
increases enough to consume a majority or all of our current or projected revenues.
We cant keep printing money either, unless were willing to suffer Weimar-like lev-
els of hyperinfation. Any event of this will announce the arrival of the time when
the hard decisions and the real hardball politics and fnger pointing begin.
The questions will come down to a form of economic triage: Who to pay and
why, and who to cut and why. Like actual battlefeld triage, those decisions could
literally mean life and death for many. In the meantime, its still easy to maintain
status quo using credit cards and fghting over how to spend trillions of dollars in
borrowed money.
We are at an unprecedented crossroads. We are entering just the frst phase
of an historic economic crisis that will indelibly redefne our future.
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570
Can I Borrow $100,000?
he idea of replacing the income tax with some other form of tax has
been around for nearly as long as that tax has afficted our country.
While most of the people supporting that idea are well-meaning, I will
examine if a replacement is needed.
How will the Government Survive?
From speaking to groups coast to coast Ive learned that many people sincerely
believe the government would collapse if the income tax were repealed. This
common belief is based on the misconception that the income tax provides
most of the federal governments revenue. But each of us pays a lot of taxes
in addition to the income tax.
According to the US Government Accounting Offce, in 2009 the personal
income tax accounted for only 43% of federal tax revenues. This is a pretty
large share, but its obviously nowhere near 100% of the federal governments
tax haul.
If we were to limit the federal government to the functions authorized by
the US Constitution, it would be able to support itself on much less.
My organization, Free Enterprise Society, wants to eliminate the fraudulent
and deceptive income tax. We also want to restore strict adherence to the US
Constitutionpunishing, as necessary, government offcials who do not obey
their constitutional oaths. No elected offcial has been held accountable for
lying, cheating, or stealing for some time. But the publics mood is quickly chang-
ing, and its patience with corruption is at an end. Americans are in the mood to
impose some tough love on the federal government. This is why more than a
few elected offcials may fnd themselves behind bars in the near future.
Would a Sales Tax be Constitutional?
Proposed replacement taxes, such as a national sales tax, the Fair Tax,
or a value-added tax (VAT), do not appear to be constitutional. We should
also ponder this question: Hasnt Congressusedand abusedevery taxing
power it has been given?I believe so. Then it would follow that if any of these
alternative taxes were constitutional, Congress would have found some way
to infict it on us long ago.
Congress would need to the people to authorize additional taxing powers
in order to implement any of those alternative taxes. Granting such power
would be a serious mistake on our part.
I wouldnt object to a constitutionally sound tax, but I am against giving the
government a pass for lying to us for nearly 100 years in order to collect a tax
we do not owe. I am also against replacing one invalid tax with another uncon-
stitutional one. Also, the fact that the government has indulged in illegal budget
expenditures for decades long doesnt constitute an argument to permit those
crimes against the Constitution to continue. If we want the government to fol-
low the Constitution, then there is no room for exceptions. Today, the govern-
ment claims so many exceptions that we practically have no Constitution.
The government can survive with constitutionally appropriate taxespro-
viding that its expenditures are constitutionally sound as well. In studying fed-
eral expenditures from 2009 it appears that at least 60% of the money spent by
Congress does not conform to Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution.
Will the Income Tax go Away?
Anyone who believes the income tax will be replaced by some new tax, and
that we will never see the income tax again, is in denial. The governments
true intent is to devour as much of our wealth as it is permitted to, on what-
ever pretext it can devise something readily apparent to anybody willing to
learn from what has been done in the past. Perhaps the income tax will be
suspended for one or two years and then be reinstituted on a very limited
basis amid assurances the average American (you) will never know its there.
Soothing promises of that sort were offered in 1913, when the 16th amend-
ment was purportedly enacted.
Can this be done overnight?
The income tax would need to be phased out over a number of years per-
haps a decade. This would allow for the workforce to adjust from wealth-
consuming government jobs to wealth-creating private jobs. (There would be
tons of unflled jobs in the private sector.) There are millions of government
employees today who are not needed or are flling unconstitutional positions.
Elected offcials would really have to clean up the wasteor go to jail; mere
lip service wouldnt suffce.
More taxes would mean more irresponsible behavior
The government wants to double your taxes. This wouldnt reduce the pub-
lic debt: If we were suffciently foolish to allow this, the government would
just fnd ways to double the budget again and then take even more away from
usin new taxes.
Details from the US Government Accounting Offce show that in 2009, the
US collected 2.1 trillion dollars in taxes. But the same government spent 3.5 tril-
lion dollars in the same year. Arghhhhh! No matter what the American People
give, government will irresponsibly spend more and more. This stops now!
I believe we can get rid of the income tax and not replace it. The Federal Bud-
get will be much 60-90% smaller when limited to constitutional expenditures.
Simply by adhering to the US Constitution we can: Remove the Income
Tax! End the Fed! Bring About Economic Recovery! Restore Free-
dom! Have secure Borders! Maintain the Best Army in the World!
Steve Hempfing co-founded Free Enterprise Society in 1985. Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570 Issue 19 Republic Magazine
he increasing pressure from U.S. federal government on states and
individuals working to reclaim their rights guaranteed by the U.S.
Constitution has provoked a wide range of responses from lovers of
freedom from the subtle Tenth Amendment resolutions in some states,
to the re-awakening of state militias elsewhere.
But to the south, the de jure republic of Texas a nation re-born in 2005,
standing independently under one God and without the United Stateshas
taken a more pro-active, hands-on approach.
The rest of North Americas economic outlook is turning bleaker by
the day. But the republic of Texass elected constitutional government is
implementing precautionary measures to weather the storm and help Texians
ditch the imploding, debt-based U.S. paper dollar by restoring the republic of
Texass historic precious metal currency.
The Silver currency is being established in partnership with the American
Open Currency Standard (AOCS), a company chartered by the republic
of Texas Congress. The AOCS is best known for the design of a similar
economic system built for the Lakota Nation and the Free Lakota Bank.
We are delighted that the republic of Texas selected the Open Currency
standard for their new currency, says Rob Gray, AOCS Executive Director.
The rest of the world is invited to join us in this historic project by investing
in our Silver currency and in our frst depository, added a spokesman for the
republic of Texas. This is just the beginning.
Thos interested in learning more about this project are invited to send
an inquiry by e-mail to; by conventional mail
to 1105 Lawndale Avenue, Victoria, Republic of Texas; or by calling them
at 888-605-4528.
Republic Magazine Issue 19 Subscribe Online or Call 1-866-437-6570



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