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Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton Does absolute power corrupt?

I find that to be quite negative. If absolute power corrupts, then every individual on the planet is corrupted. Why? Because, they have absolute power over their own existence, which is required living. Unless you commit suicide and end your life. You must have absolute power and control over yourself. You must be able to consciously focus thoughts, just to function properly each and every day. Some are heavily medicated and some are not. Corruption is bad and/or considered evil. Any level of corruption will present a danger to someone else. To be corrupted? Completely? Would be unadulterated evil. Which presents a danger to the individual, but also to the survival of the human species and that would be a problem. Which would be dealt with by whatever means nece by whatever means necessary, so as to protect and ensure, the survival of the human species.

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