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146. Advanced Windows Programming Using Visual C++


Rev. 2.0
This course teaches advanced programming techniques using the Win32 API and MFC. It is intended for experienced MFC developers who wish to better understand the fundamental architecture of Windows NT/2000 and Windows 95/98 and to utilize advanced programming techniques to create industrial strength applications. Module 1 begins with an overview of the Win32 architecture and the Win32 API. There is a discussion of the fundamentals of SDK Windows programming and MFC programming without the wizards. It then covers advanced MFC and Win32 programming topics including multi-threaded programming, DLLs, and interprocess communication. The fundamentals of COM are introduced, including the use of Visual C++ compiler support to create COM client programs. Module 2 covers database programming topics for C++ programmers. ODBC is covered, including a sample program showing ODBC programming at the API level. The MFC CDatabase, CRecordset and CRecordView classes are discussed in detail. There is coverage of parameterized queries and joins. Microsofts Universal Data Access architecture is introduced, including a discussion of OLE DB. ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) programming in C++ is covered. An appendix covers programming with DAO. Module 3 is devoted to various advanced aspects of MFC programming, pertaining primarily to the user interface. There is extended treatment of the Win32 common controls, including the tree view control and image lists. Advanced features of document/view are covered, including multiple document types, multiple views, and multiple panes. Advanced menu techniques are covered. Dynamic toolbars and dialog bars are discussed. Advanced features of GDI are covered, including bitmaps, metafiles and printing. Use of the Windows system registry is covered. Extensive programming examples and exercises are provided using Visual C++ 6.0. Besides doing standalone exercises, during the course the student will develop several cumulative Windows applications. Self-extracting files are provided containing all the examples and laboratory exercises in the course.

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Gain a firm foundation in Win32 architecture, including DLLs, processes and theads Learn interprocess communication techniques based on the Win32 API Learn the fundamentals of COM required for use of modern Win32 features

Learn how to implement database programs using the MFC database classes and ADO Acquire advanced user interface techniques that are used in professional applications

Course Duration: 5 days. Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of Windows programming using MFC and the Visual C++ development environment

Module 1. Win32 Windows Programming Using MFC

1. Win32 Architecture and Programming
Windows Operating Systems Dynamic Link Libraries Win32 API Kernel Objects Win32 Memory Management

2. Win32 Programming
Win32 Program Flow SDK Windows Programs Console Programs Windows Versions Error Information MFC Without the Wizards

3. Dynamic Link Libraries

Dynamic vs. Static Libraries DLLs to Manage Resources Explicit and Implicit Linking Linking to C Language DLLs from C++ Programs MFC Regular and Extension DLLs

4. Introduction to Threads Using MFC

Win32 Processes and Threads MFC Thread Encapsulation User Interface and Worker Threads MFC Thread Synchronization Thread Safety

5. Processes in Win32
Creating and Terminating Processes Process Data Structures Process Kernel Objects Synchronization

6. Interprocess Data Communication

Interprocess Communciation in Win32

Memory-Mapped Files WM_COPYDATA Mailslots Named Pipes

7. COM Fundamentals
Interfaces Classes and Objects Globally Unique Identifiers Servers Registration Instantiating an Object Object Lifetime and Interface Negotiation Initializing COM COM Client Programming Model

Appendix A. Visual C++ COM Support

Using Type Libraries with Import Directive Namespaces Smart Pointers Error Handling _bstr_t

Module 2. Database Programming Fundamentals Using Visual C++

1. Form Views and Data Entry
CFormView Class Converting a Dialog to a Form View Creating a Form View with AppWizard and ClassWizard Control Variables in Dialog Data Exchange Data Entry User Interface Paradigm

2. Introduction to ODBC
ODBC Architecture Connecting to a Data Source Executing SQL Statements Retrieving Result Data

3. MFC Database Classes

CDatabase and CRecordset Classes Record Field Exchange Scrolling in a Recordset Recordset Status Choosing a Data Source at Runtime MFC Specification of SELECT Statement Edits, Adds and Deletes CRecordView Class

4. More About ODBC

Using ODBC at the API Level

Parameterized Queries Joins

5. ActiveX Data Objects

Universal Data Access ODBC and OLE DB ADO Object Model Database Programming Using ADO

Appendix A. Data Access Objects

Microsoft Jet Database Engine DAO Object Model Creating Databases Using DAO MFC DAO Classes

Module 3. Advanced User Interface Programming Using MFC

1. Windows Common Controls
Win32 Common Controls MFC Common Control Classes Progress, Slider and Animation Controls Bitmaps and Image Lists Tree View Control List View Controls

2. Windows System Registry

System Registry Win32 Registry API Saving User Preferences in Registry

3. Advanced Document/View Architecture

Document Templates Multiple Document Classes Multiple View Classes Splitter Windows and Multiple Panes

4. Advanced Menus and Toolbars

Dynamic Menus Context Menus Dynamic Toolbars Dialog Bars

5. Advanced GDI
Coordinate Transformations Scrolling Printing Metafiles Bitmaps

System Requirements
Software: NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 Visual C++ 6

Hardware: Pentium 500MHz or equivalent CPU 128 Meg of RAM At least 500 megabytes of free disk space CDROM drive or networked to a server with a CDROM drive
Copyright 2004 Object Innovations, Inc.

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