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Google Sketchup Elevation Views Grading Sheet


Grading Criteria: The house is the required sizes, and has a ground underneath it (10 pts). __________ The house has: A roof Door handles Minimum of 4 windows Plants, trees, and or shrubs Each window has a window jam A driveway Minimum of 2 doors The man is not erased on your file Each door has a door jam (10 pts each, 90 pts possible) __________ The house has detail in the design (20 pts). __________ Total Points _________/ 120

Google Sketchup Elevation Views Grading Sheet


Grading Criteria: The house is the required sizes, and has a ground underneath it (10 pts). __________ The house has: A roof Door handles Minimum of 4 windows Plants, trees, and or shrubs Each window has a window jam A driveway Minimum of 2 doors The man is not erased on your file Each door has a door jam (10 pts each, 90 pts possible) __________ The house has detail in the design (20 pts). __________ Total Points _________/ 120

Google Sketchup Elevation Views Grading Sheet


Grading Criteria: The house is the required sizes, and has a ground underneath it (10 pts). __________ The house has: A roof Door handles Minimum of 4 windows Plants, trees, and or shrubs Each window has a window jam A driveway Minimum of 2 doors The man is not erased on your file Each door has a door jam (10 pts each, 90 pts possible) __________ The house has detail in the design (20 pts). __________ Total Points _________/ 120

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