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Sylvia Plath was born.


Her first poem got published in the Boston Herald's children's section. Her father died the 1936 same

Received The Scholasti c Art & Writing Awards for her painting 1942

Got marrie d to Ted Hughe

Shifted to Boston with Ted 1950

She complet ed her novel The Bell Jar. 1957

The Bell Jar got published under the pen name Victoria Lucas; the same year Sylvia Plath committed 1960

1932 1963 Shifted to Winthrop , Massach usetts

The family moved to 26 Elmwood Road, Wellesley, Massachuse tts

1947 Attended Smith College. Started teachin g at Smith College.

1956 Plaths collection of poetry, The Colossus got published. The same year her daughter



Son Nicholas was born. Also Ted and Plath got separated. Plath discovered the affair between Ted

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