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The following are a list of movies that are historically based. They centre around the life of one the individuals who shaped American groups of 2 MAX! Please choose one and present to the class the following: 1. How the film is historically accurate or inaccurate. 2. A Biography of the individual who shaped US History 3. A one page note that will serve as TEST/ Exam preparation This is project will allow you to explore two American personalities or those who have made an impact on American Society. You must research their life, work, beliefs, attitudes, politics Remember to clear the movie with Flosman first and then choose 2 clips ONLY! to illustrate your point. Your presentation should be between 7 - 10 minutes

Character Pocahontas John Smith John Adams Francis Marion Sacajawea Robert Gould Shaw Robert E Lee
Stonewall Jackson

Movie Pocahontas New World John Adams (mini-series) The Patriot Night at the Museum Glory Gettysburg Gods and Generals
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford


Jesse James
Teddy Roosevelt

Night at the Museum Howard Hughes Aviator Elliot Ness Untouchables Al Capone Untouchables Alice Paul Iron Jawed Angels John T Scopes Inherit the Wind Emilia (Earhart) Emilia Earhart George Patton Patton Dorie Miller Pearl Harbor FDR Pearl Harbor James Doolittle Pearl Harbor Adolf Hitler Downfall Stalin Stalin Ira Hayes Flags of our Fathers
Justice Robert Jackson Judgment at Nuremberg

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