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THE LONG OSCILLATORY CHURNING PROCESS Continents were never fitted in one another or joined like a jigsaw puzzle.

The idea of super continent PANGAEA by Alfred Wegner(1912) is completely wrong. There was no PANGAEA, Laurasia, Rodinia, Columbia or any type of super continent on earth. There does not exist such continental drift or such plate tectonic explained by geologists and reality of such movement in continents plates is different. The story of formation of continents and oceans is very different and is a result of a long oscillation process which is running in every celestial object. The celestial history of process of creation of continents and oceans is very long and not a result in only state of earth. It start from primordial condition of a black hole state and complete in earth. I am continuously explaining that every celestial object is actually twisting in both hemispheres in opposite direction in ESE geometry and at the same time it is squeezing on poles in a very oscillatory manner. The process of creation of continents and oceans take fast progress in state of Jupiter then Saturn, then Uranus and then Neptune. So this is result of a very long celestial process not merely in state of earth.Then continents and oceans are taking shape very slowely in state of JupiterSaturn-Uranus-Neptune and finally complete shape appear in state of earth. After conversion of Jupiter in Saturn, Uranus and then Neptune the formation of continents and oceans is very much clear form. It is very necessary to put all planets and moons of our solar system in a good sequence of geological similarity. What are commons and similarity in planets, moons, stars, galaxies, black holes and finally in universe that are as following : 1. Changing shape or variable oblateness 2. Differential rotation 3. Coronal mass ejection(CME) 4. Solar cycle 5. Ejection of matter, radiation and light 6. Length of day 7. Variable rotation period 8. Pole wandering 9. Magnetic field reversal 10. Coriolis force 11. Cyclone and counter-cyclone in both hemispheres 12. Chandler wobble 13. Source of volcano eruption 14. Source of earthquake 15. Continental drift 16. Plate tectonic 17. Variation in number of sun spots 18. Retrograde orbiting 19. Variation in orbital velocity 20. Structure of a galaxy

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