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8020828-Service-Marketing-Case-Study-Euro-Disney Three Types Of Service Marketing Internal Marketing External Marketing Interactive Marketing



Internal Marketing Enabling Promises

External Marketing Making Promises


Interactive Marketing Keeping Promises


External Marketing: Making Promises Company promises customer about what to expect and how it is delivered Advertising, sales promotions traditional activities Employees, dcor of the facility, price of service, service processes help the customer set expectations These promises should be consistent and realistic to ensure customer satisfaction Do not over-promise

Interactive Marketing: Keeping Promises Most critical from the customers point-of-view Occurs in the moment of truth when the customer interacts with the organisation and the service is produced and consumed The promises can be kept or broken by employees, third party service providers or even technology Reliability of the promises is tested with every interaction of the customer Internal Marketing: Enabling Promises To deliver on the promises made, the service provider and system needs to have necessary SKILLS, ABILITIES, TOOLS & MOTIVATION to deliver Promises are easy to make, more important to be kept Providers need to be RECRUITED, TRAINED, PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE TOOLS AND SYSTEMS & REWARDED keeping in mind the promises made Employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction are closely linked All the three marketing activities are critical to the success of the service Each side has significant challenges and requires strategies for success e.g: FEDEX CORPORATION External Marketing: extensive market research (2400 per quarter), award-winning advertising, consistent statements Interactive Marketing: goal of each employee is that every service encounter should be flawless from the customers point of view Internal Marketing: quality service through technology, rewards, empowerment, open communication, fair treatment of employees , increasing employee loyalty
To understand the complex role of marketing in service companies I would like to use a central model from Grnroos, which many other authors like Kotler60 and Zeithaml61 also refer to and which suits perfectly well to my study. This model is the service marketing triangle62.

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