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MINI-TEST 8th form

Name: ________________________________ Class: _____ No. ___


Put the adjectives in the correct form COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE

The computer is the _____________________ (good) technology available.

This restaurant is _____________________ (cheap) the new restaurant in Soho.
Mary is _______________________(intelligent) her sister Caroline.
Are you the ______________________ (happy) person here?
We are not the _____________________ ( interested ) students in class.
She is ______________________ (satisfied) with her job than John.
I think he is the ____________________ (stupid) boy that I know!
Is Kate ______________________(healthy) her cousin?
I think the _____________________(easy) way to communicate is online.
Avon is _____________________(quiet) London.
Lara is ____________________(funny) Paula.
The fast food restaurant is ___________________(popular) the normal restaurant.

2- Use the adjectives in the box, put them in the correct form and fill in the blanks
bad / nice / hot / relaxing / dangerous / lazy

Tom is sleeping, he is the _____________________ boy at home.

Judy is ________________________ her cousin Jill. Jill never says hello.
That man is the _____________________ athlete I know, he never wins!
Oh ! I cant eat this soup, it is ______________________ the fish and chips.
The police says that man is _______________________ the other man who is in prison.
The _______________________ thing for me is listening to music.

3-Use the quantifiers SOME and ANY to fill the blanks.


Do you have ________ money with you?

Look, there is still ___________ chocolate in here!
I always have ____________ water in my bag.
I dont see ___________ people in the room.
Are there ___________ bananas?
Here, I have ___________ cookies for you.
There is still ____________ milk in the fridge.

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