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6th grade

Unit 4
Grammar test (present and past passive, comparative adjectives/adverbs). REWRITE



10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Grade EVALUATION
18-20 16-17 14-15 12-13 11 10-9 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 Points TABLE

1. Write the sentences below in the passive voice.

1. They teach three languages at school.
2. I bought the potatoes yesterday.
3. They sell milk in this shop.
4. We received his letter after his departure.
5. Bees gather honey from flowers.
6. They broke the window last week.
7. We shall do the work in the evening.
8. Teachers usually do corrections in red ink.
9. The old man showed us the way out of the wood.
10.The storm drove the ship against the rock.
2. Complete with the comparative form.

1. The new TV programme is  __________ _____ the old one. (funny)

2. My office is __________ _____ Helen’s. (near)
3. The traffic is _______________ it was last year. (noisy)
4. You have a __________ life than I have. (busy)
5. Drivers in this country are _______________________ _____ drivers in my country.
6. They missed the bus because they walked _______ ________me.
7. She’s __________ _____ her sister. (smart)
8. Micheal is __________ _____ than Mathew. (Rich)
9. The students ask _______________ questions _____ they did before. (intelligent)
10.Susan plays tennis ______ ____Mark. (well)

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