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The Ways We Lie - Discussion Prompts 1. Dismissal is the worst lie of them all.

Overlooking lies whenever we should pay attention to the situation. 2. In groupthink most people accept the opinions of the person who talks the most because it s easier to accept some one else s opinions than to create your own. 3. Deflecting is a way of lying because by telling a partial truth or telling the person what they want to hear and not the whole truth the lie sounds better than telling all the bad things. 4. The White Lie is used to avoid an issue or to put off an issue. The Out and Out lie is a direct lie without avoidance of a subject. 5. Sam: Yes it is necessary, but it does not always mean it s right. Malachi: Yes, it s necessary, but not in all cases. Karissa: In today s society it is almost necessary to lie. Ashley: Yes it is because society accepts it so well, but it should not be acceptable. Luis: No, lying is not necessary. If you do not want the truth do not ask the question.

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