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"LOVE IS THE ANSWER" I would like to begin this post with a wonderful quote from Maya Angelou, While

I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone & everything else are also God's creation. I interpret this as love of self & humanity, love for animals, and for Earth that sustains all life on this planet.

Love. Some say, only Love matters & only Love is real. I really didn't get t his at first being that as humans we may also harbor feelings of jealousy, insec urity, fear, hatred, bigotry, etc. But now I get it. Finally, I have some clarit y! Feelings other than love that cause fear and anxiety are only for the human t o experience to understand right from wrong. There is a big difference between k nowing something is not right or wrong & experiencing it for yourself. It is the human soul NOT the physical self that understands that only Love really mat ters. Feelings of jealousy, insecurity, etc. do not matter to the soul. The soul is wise & knows that it only has love to give. It has no room to hate! Love has no boundaries and amplifies the true beauty of the human soul.

On the other hand, the physical self is bombarded with media & peer pressure , to look a certain way, feel a certain way, act a certain way. And the quick re medy is to get cosmetic surgery or feel bad about yourself & spend money on their products. Pop a pill & you'll feel better! It you are not strong, the physical self will become a slave to the massess. Dare to be different. There's nothing wrong with a little tweaking here and there, but if you really love your self, you will do everything in moderation...

And remember, that to be in a state of loving is to be in a state of gratitude. Be grateful for the little things as well as for the big ones! Be grateful for t he laughter and even for the tears. They help us grow. To be loving is to be con scious of others feelings, to sympathize as well as empathize. But remember some one else's feeling are not your own. Don't hold on to the negative ones. Learn t o filter them out.

To be loving is to choose your words carefully. Put yourself in the other person 's shoes so to speak. How would you feel if they said the same to you? Or did th at to you?And remember, that if you believe in God... When it comes time for you to shed this body or human vehicle & your soul returns to the Other Side, t here will be a judgement or life review. Those who claim to have been declared d ead by doctors and have returned to life because God said, It is not yet their t ime have been asked, "What have you done for others? Why did you do that?" It is at that time when the soul realizes the implications and the impact of what the y did or didn't do and how it affected those that were involved in the situation . They also have felt the pain of the other person or persons or the love that w as felt...

I believe that God is pure love. I don't put human traits or imperfections on hi m/her such as jealousy. Only humanity is imperfect. How can I humanize perfectio n? How cruel and unloving would it be to cast your children into a life of hell to burn for eternity because they misbehaved? We wouldn't do that to our own chi ldren! And by the way, the word sin simply means to miss the mark or to misunder stand in Aramaic. I don't believe in sin. But I do believe we are here to learn from our mistakes! Only love of self, respect for yourself & others, compass ion for God's creatures, & appreciation for Earth will get us there! Love is what connects us all. Don't be afraid to make a difference!

I also believe that when our spirits are down, God always sends someone to help us out. But as humans we have a choice to reach out to the hand or Love that is there to guide us along the right path. We can take the long road which is the m ore difficult one or the shorter road with less obstacles.

Love is also learning to let go if that is what is in the best interest for your child, romantic or business partner. There may come a time when you realize thi ngs have reached a point where there is nothing more to learn from each other or you may be smothering your children to a point where it's not healthy. Children need to learn and grow too! Love cannot be forced even with good intentions. Yo ur children can become bitter and resentful and may retaliate!

Love is also being really happy for someone who has what you want but do not yet have. That's called, empathy. Love is wanting something for someone else even m ore than you want it for yourself because they deserve it! And remember, the fac t you are even alive is a miracle. So be in awe of yourself, be in love with lif e. Make time for yourself. Make time for LOVE!

"I've learned that people will forget what you've said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

Love & Light,


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