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Role Of Media In Effective Parenting

Presented By
Ajeet Sahani Anil Jain Ankita Sen Ankita Kothari Chandni Thakker Chirag Rathod Durvi Khimasiya Kavita Bangera - 6 -13 -18 -19 -29 -31 -42 -59

1. Problems faced by today's children. 2. Why Nurturing is Important? 3. Nature of todays children.

Importance of PARENT-TEEN Relationship.

5. Present Parent Child Relationship 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Need of media Roles of Magazines Roles of websites Roles of TV Recommendations

Problems faced by today's children

y Depression and stress. y Generation gap. y Violence. y Unsatisfying demands. y Smoking, drinking, drug use and suicide


Why Nurturing is Important..

y Childhood life is formative stage. y Mould their personality. y Lay the foundation for future development. y Leave a lasting imprint on their emotional


Nature of todays children

y Teenagers today live far healthier, more

prosperous and promising lives than ever before. y Education levels have been improving across the board. y Getting matured before age. y Has the stress of competition and performance expectations. y Pressure to fulfill their parents dreams. y Sensitive.

Importance of PARENT-TEEN Relationship

y Learn moral values and discipline. y Ability to inspire. y Helping teens avoid unethics. y Earn their own living. y Help to face todays difficult decisions and

serious risks to their well-being.

Present Parent Child Relationship

y Anxiety is the hallmark of modern Relationship. y Parents dont have much time for their children. y Reducing respect for parents. y Its no more dominating type of relation but

more friendly approach.

Need of media
y Nuclear Families (Grandmothers and Aunts

are not available for advice and support). y Responsible for changing aspirations. y Solving Teenager Problems. y Source of Guidance.

Roles of Magazines
y Features stories and tips from parents plus

parenting advice from experts. y Childs growth and development. y Imparts knowledge on problem solving techniques to parents. y Nutritional and emotional development of children.


Preschoolers: I Can Do It Myself! Dr. Jamie Loehr Youre a New Mom...Now What? Kristin Maschka Parents Notes - A Practical Parenting Tip from a Mom or Dad A Little Help for the Socially Reluctant Child Katharine Beals Family Mealtime Bonding Eileen Behan

Roles of Websites
y Child care & Babies diet. y Helps to voice and built idea. y Pre schools, nurseries & nurturing. y Childs Healthcare. y Childs development. y Explore and learn.

Various Websites
y y y y etc.

Role of T.V
y Television plays important role in

socializing. y Television can be educational and beneficial. y Hold differing views. y Discover that people have "inner lives" y Power to question. y Sophisticated understanding.

Communicating Through T.V & Radio

y Help your child develop critical responses to what

he sees on TV. y Point out the elements that make up a show. y Learn about the strong link between T.V programming and advertising. y Inspire your child to do, not just watch. y Find out what child thinks is real. y Keep your child moving.

T.V Shows..

Solving childrens day to day problems - Nivedita Parents gift to a child - S.Devaraj Commonsense Parenting - Dr. Pradeep Kapoor. How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk - Adele Faber. Effective Parenting Surabhi Purohit.

Parenting Radio Shows..

y The Parents Journal Show. y Lets Talk Adoption show. y Childhood Matters. y Parent Report Online radio Show. y Mom Talk Radio.

y Take advantage of your child's openness and use

Web sites and TV shows to explore new ideas. y Minimize the competitive aspects and encourage teamwork. y Offer some games that are less about winning and more about participation. y Remind him not to give out personal information online to people he hasn't met. y Help your child find Web sites and TV shows that feature life histories and interesting stories written at his reading level.

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