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Missy Forgey Larry Neuburger ENG 102-101 24 February 2012 Response Essay A Case of Assisted Suicide In his article

A Case of Assisted Suicide, Dr. Jack Kevorkian presents the details of his first assisted suicide. Kevorkian presents a pointed argument toward terminal illness, quality of living, and the individual right to die. When considering his first patient Kevorkian states the consideration he took into not only terminal status, but also quality of living because ultimately, as he puts is, It is ones mental status that determines the essence of ones existence(318). While totally and completely dedicating his campaign to the overall understanding of assisted suicide, Kevorkian also disputes opinions on the emotional impact illness and ailment can have on a person. The depletion of a persons mental and physical ability can be terminal as well. Kevorkian writes that if a patient has the genuine desire to end her life(322) they should be allowed the privilege. At the end of the day, forcing someone to live can be just as painful as forcing them to die. Kevorkian presents a very controversial subject in a light that makes it understandable. Humans are given a life to do with what they choose. If that choice is death, no one should have the right to refuse them. Word Count: 197

Kevorkian, Jack. "A Case of Assisted Suicide." Power of Language- Language of Power. Vol. Second Customer Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-23. Print.

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