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Today s lecture is about DENTAL MORPHOLOGICAL TERMS . Dental Morphology is the study of the shape of the tooth .

First of all , the doctor will show us a table about Dimensions of teeth . Then he will explain for us general dental terms. After that, he will talk about Terms related to anterior teeth and the division of teeth into thirds .

Here are some important points that the doctor said :

y The term DIPHYODONT means that we have 2 sets of dentition ( primary and secondary ) . y Tooth class - Incisor : incisal edge - Canine : one pointed cusp - Premolar (bicuspid): 2 cusps - Molar : 3 or more flattened cusps

y Each tooth have 4 surfaces :


y The difference between line angle and point angle : - Line angle ( Line between 2 surfaces ) - Point angle ( point between 3 surfaces
( in this illustration picture , imagine that this cubic is the tooth )

Point angle Line angle

y Each tooth is divided into thirds :

Now , after studying you can test your self :

1) Diphyodont means that primary dentition will be replaced with

permanent dentition
a) true b) false

2) Mixed dentition will terminates with a) the eruption of mandibular Second molar b) the eruption of maxillary Second molar c) losing of the last deciduous tooth d) None of the above

3) Which of the following is CORRECT ? a) Occlusal surface is the top surface of the premolars and molars b) mesial surface is the proximal surface that goes away from the midline c) facial surfaces include : labial surface and buccal surface d) two answers is correct ( a & c ) 4) the elevation on lingual surface of anterior tooth is a) Cingulum b) Momelon c) Lingual pits d) Marginal ridge 5) Which of the following is characteristic of molar s cusps ? a) They are 2 flattened cusps b) No cusps for molars c) Maximum it is three flattened cusps d) Three or more flattened cusps

Answers : 1 2 3 4 5 b c d a d

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