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Marilyn Milani- Module 3/Exercise 3 Dr.

Lynn Dhanak- Research Methods

1.A)nominal B)ordinal C)ratio 2. Assesses the consistency of a measure from one time to another. An example of reliability testing : a test designed to measure a specific trait such as adaptability, each time the test is administered to a subject, the results should be approximately the same. Essentially the value is in the consistency over a period of time if the trait is not stable the results will be varied corrupting test value. 3. Parallel form reliability constructed using two forms and can be used independent of each other and are considered equivalent measures. Split-half reliability uses a single measurement instrument and only develop randomly split halves for purposes of estimating reliability. 4. Criterion-related validity looks at the relationship between a test score and an outcome. Study can be either predicative of later behavior or a concurrent measure of behavior or knowledge. An example is the college prep test SAT which results are said to be indicative of how well the tester will do in college. 5. Criterion testing focuses on the test subject and outcome of the test not the validity of the test. Construct validation requires the compilation of multiple sources of evidence. In order to demonstrate construct validity two components must be included, one being evidence that the test measures what it claims to measure the other showing evidence that the test does not measure irrelevant attributes . 6.Expectancy effects are when an experimenter develops preconceived ideas about participants capacities. Demand characteristics are when participants pick up on cues from the tester that may affect their behavior skewing test results. Both are tester related behaviors however the demand characteristic is exclusive to the subject as they are reacting to the tester or the context of the research and adjusting behavior based on their perceptions of tester desired results.

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