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● To know the importance of validity in a research.
● To identify the three main types of evidence.
● To select an appropriate evidence of validity.

What is Validity?
● Is the process of collecting and analyzing evidence to support the meaningfulness and
usefulness of the test.
● Is the extent to which a test measures what it purports to measure or as referring to the
appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness of the specific decisions a
teacher makes based on the test results.

Notes: These two definitions of validity differ in the sense that the first definition refers to the
test itself while the second refers to the decisions made by the teacher based on the test.

Notes: A teacher who conducts test validation might want to gather different kinds of evidence,
there are essentially three main types of evidence.

Three main types of evidence:

1. Content-related evidence of validity- refers to the content and format of the instrument.
a. How appropriate is the content?
b. How comprehensive?
c. Does it logically get at the intended variable?
d. How adequately does the sample of items or questions represent the content to
be assessed?
2. Criterion-related evidence of validity- refers to the relationship between scores obtained
using the instrument and scored obtained using one or more other tests (often calls
a. How strong is the relationship?
b. How well do such scores estimate present or predict future performance of a
certain type?
3. Construct-related evidence of validity- refers to the nature of the psychological construct
or characteristics being measured by the test.
a. How well does a measure of the construct explain differences in the behavior of
the individuals or their performance on a certain task?

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