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Twin Acres School of Riding Intermediate Riding Level Test Part 2

Demonstrate a rein back. Discuss aids for and then demonstrate a turn on the forehand. Demonstrate horses warm-up routine. Demonstrate 15-and 20-meter circles, figure-8s, serpentines and work on the center and quarter lines. Halt squarely on centerline and stand quietly for five seconds. Identify tack on own mount and discuss fit. Demonstrate proper adjustment of blanket/sheet and halter. Apply protective boots and bell boots. Demonstrate show clipping. Be able to load and unload an experienced horse. Longe own horse.

Ride mount without stirrups at all gaits. Demonstrate a leg yield at a walk and trot. Develop a hand gallop from a canter and return to canter smoothly. Discuss reasons for adjusting stirrups for different types of work. Perform simple gymnastic grid exercises set at appropriate distances for mounts stride at trot or canter. Describe how to treat minor wounds. Discuss regular worming control for own horse and why to deworm new horses in barn. Apply stable bandage under direct supervision.

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