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Twin Acres School of Riding Intermediate Riding Level Test Part 1

Be able to identify leads. Trot cross rails. Preform a sitting trot with no stirrups. Ride mount on flat demonstrating 20-meter circles showing correct positioning in both directions at walk, at sitting and rising trot with correct diagonals and at the canter with correct leads. Demonstrate an increase and decrease of speed. Describe how to measure height of a horse. Demonstrate how to clean a sheath/teats. Demonstrate and discuss how to clean a dirty/soiled stall. Blanket a horse safely.

Canter cross rails. Ride a simple stadium course of four to five cross rails. Demonstrate a halt followed by a simple step back. Adjust stirrups and girth while mounted at the halt. Demonstrate a free walk. Describe proper adjustment of the snaffle bridle with cavesson noseband. Know vital signs of mount at rest. Demonstrate how to hang a haynet. Demonstrate correctly jogging a horse. Describe obvious signs of a foot needing shoeing or trimming.

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