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A brief synopsis of the story

A story about a beautiful, attractive widow named Mariah who stayed in a small village town of Molo, Kelantan. Mariah was a nasi seller and was famous for her nasi berlauk. Many men of the village would go to have her nasi berlauk because they really love to watch Mariah instead of enjoying the cuisine.

The women in the village thought Mariah as being the source of the problem. One fine day, Imam went to have his first experience of Mariah s nasi berlauk. Imam was transported to his youth time when he first set his eyes to Mariah. Mariah reminded him to his long lost love. Cik Gu Nab reports what she sees and hears to Cik Yam. Cik Yam confronts his husband regarding the matter.

In the end, Imam asked her wife s permission to marry Mariah. Imam promised to still being a loving husband and that nothing would change that. Cik Yam was in silence for the whole night and in the morning she gave her permission of her husband marrying Mariah because she love him so much. Imam and Mariah get married.

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